Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

That would be super cool especially since it’s the clones and you can compare side to side and see on the same legit cuts. I will try to find it, but there was some university that was work working towards expression, they found it can make the same terpene compound as skunk spray. Like identification but it was some wild percentage of like a 1% can to find at random but they were trying to make it express thought food and stress.

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Yeah they call it 321MBT

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That’s pretty cool man. I love watching science unlock more and more about this plant.

Also, when my whole system was eating shit and I couldn’t figure out why. I pulled Power Si out of the nute mix while I back pedalled everything. I was just looking at the bottle and was thinking about adding it back in to the mix to see if that was the problem or not. I noticed the bottle expired about 8 months ago.


Yeah it’s getting pretty deep. I also like the fact they picked skunk to go after lol hopefully they unlock the secret and learn the hard way about carbon filters. It would be hilarious to have a college just reek of skunk bud!


Shits way too pricy to expire smh, that’ll do it I think the stuff becomes anaerobic over time and will do more harm than good, I remember cap talking about this on THC farmer like ten years ago

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Yeah it’s crazy, the way I even noticed it was I bought a second bottle of the power si on sale for like $90. I saw that new bottle still in the plastic and was thinking I bet I could trade this to another hydro store for a bag of rooters or something. That brand new one was expired like may of last year. No wonder I got such a good deal on it.

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Which is bullshit in the first place man. That bottle would have to have been days away from expiring if not already expired when I bought it. You could never go through one of those bottles in a 30 day period even growing a 1000 plants.

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Ya that’s some bullshit! Pricks

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What adds insult to injury is that was one of my more favorite shops around here. Oh well. Guess I’ll just have to put them outta business too. :joy:

Also, it’s time to go check for more roots today




The one has nice furry roots!! Looking good for sure! You put anything in the rotors or just the snip?


Snips got dipped in clonex rooting hormone. They lived off the moisture in the cubes straight out the bag for a few days. Every couple days they got re moistened with Kroger spring water. After 10 days they got a small shot of nute water from the res and they went bananas McApeshit after that one.


Snip snip snip all day long! @Bobgrows :joy:


Have you flowered it out yet?

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No. These absolute beasts have been drinking their way through all of my res though. It’s time to fill it back up so the babies that have already rooted can drink. Waters not even hitting the bottom of the baskets anymore.

Look at these absolute hogs.


As soon as these next group of snips root they’ll join the others for a quick veg and then they’ll go into flower. I’m gonna segregate the male snips with a couple females in the tent and let them do a seed thing.


Also… Look at this damn cloner.

This thing still had the pump going. Nothing ever went stagnant.

Anyone wanna buy a cloner? :joy:

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That’s a ducking hog leg of a trunk, at this stage it’s a legit bush o kush lol!

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That’s what I’m saying. The vigor alone on these genetics is outrageous. I’ve definitely spent $100 before on a pack of beans that couldn’t hold a torch to these genetics in that respect.

I’ve beaten these plants down and then just sprinkle a little food in their water and they’re like “we’re back mother fucker! Who wants what?” :joy:


So I did good with these…? Lol
This is the Bubba Kush? Yes?