Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Found a couple Males last nite, which is a great hurdle to pass.
Here the table still has a few plants, that changes this morning when a female AC/DC and the female Pine Tar Kush, get taken out into the County.

OG Row here we go.

Pole Dancer, LSD and Super Diesel could be trying to sneak into the Ladies event. I’ve separated them from the others till its sure.

Otherwise… the Ladies have arrived



Morning buddy. What size are those bigger transplant bags? Just yesterday I was wishing I had some options. I need to fix that. Got a few $ that I can stock up on some supplies. Got my MBferts order yesterday.


On Amazon is where I found them.

About a Gallon, and they can be rolled down.

I’ll forward the screen shot

Bought in the Peoples Republic of Ontario


When we found the Male Blue God plants… 4 in a Row, Wow it was hard to see.

The real bonus was when we Chopped the plant, de-Bagged the Soil and flipped it over.

The Root Structure that was established in these bags of soil was amazing. These bags have proven to be a good vehicle

Roots through the inner bag, through substrate, and out the sides of the outer bag; 1-WEEK after the transplant. No Fooling

FEM Acapulco Gold from #NukeHeads in Colorado


Bummer about all the males :confused:

Although… maybe I got all the females :upside_down_face:

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Those Blue Gods that failed, by being Males, were bag seed… and Yeah, 4 for 4 males is never good Odds.

In my Tent, there are two Doozy Blue God’s. Both are confirmed Females !!

I am Not missing this crop…

Right here @FieldEffect. One of them actually goes out Today!!!

And YES, I clip that extra Fabric OFF at planting. And I have been clipping the corners also, vertically.

Just makes it a no brainer, they are easy to plant and very forgiving. Or it slides off really easily with a Snip-down one-side, ( if no roots are protruding )


OH Man, we added more plants today

Shooting for 11 different strains on OG ROW. We hit 7 strains Today !
Consider a Fem Blue God as plant #8

100%, Shits Getting Exciting.

My Best Friend has informed me that the Sand-trap is no longer available, (yes he is Belgian, not Dutch; so I don’t argue; phukr lol) and he will be growing Produce due to local pricing. I have zero issue after 5 years of growing Monsters

I always have Loved Scotts Canna-support, and the access to this unique Lake Huron Sand-Trap that he provided to me. Bottom line… Vegetables are boring and he may be
Looking again… sometime.
Lol My Budd

*** Bonus IS,
my Friend’s neighbour said No Problem to growing an Apollo Ape @CADMAN and THE ACDC @Pigeonman !! @FieldEffect

I Love That Neighbourhood !!


Very nice garden :ok_hand:
Is that your farm field or just the field next door?
What ya going?


Farmers Field is West of a Friends property. Farmer gives Us “Thumbs-up” each time he cruises past

This year @CADMAN, we have taken steps to stay away from Wet Fields… and created a slim raised-bed; 36’ long

The goal is 11 (or 12) solid
Legendary OG strains in one
Flower bed… that’s the goal


May I suggest Jew Gold 1947… She grows big outside! @MissinBissin

What’s the Fertilizer you using? Or is that Perlite?

I like your raised bed, it’s very nice.


I possess Jew Gold, this batch shown had a 1 in 4 pheno!!! @Pigeonman
Its on the 2025 schedule Already.

I just could not deal with those Wild beans this year


Haha nice :+1:

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Lol brother
I may have just Stolen @Pigeonman’s thunder lol.
I sent him that photo last week; burgers were Delish…


Perfect North - South orientation of the flower bed. Un-impeded Light, every day!

“Illuminate, without mercy” @CADMAN

Its become a mental note and a goal now, because of @defharo


Nutrition that was added was limited, but it has some content @CADMAN

Big order of Soil/dirt bags ~ 60
3 bundles promix, bags of worm
Poop , Sand, some perlite etc.

Added to a Roto-tilled surface, we hope to access the real soil surface with the plants roots in the raised Bed approach.

Hoping to avoid any of the puddles or excess Moisture that we experienced
Last season. During extreme conditions. It wiped a few plants out

Nutrition, ~ a 70% dose of Veg Nutes for the relative size.
4 bags of Worm Castings. Handfuls of Kelp Meal, Dolomitic Lime
and Green Sand (azomite substitute)

Not a real aggressive substrate, but we plan to Refresh the goodies regularly with Amending


Great neighbor to have. My back hurt watching the two of you trimming. :rofl::joy:


I hold the camera @Tejas
Brad won’t mind. (Left)
Co-Co-Grower, Buddy 1st


Sounds like your all set. Let it rain :cloud_with_rain: everything will grow very well for you this year.

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I accept that, all the way @CADMAN

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@crownpoodle Hey I have to share this with you.

We found another Male plant yesterday. It was chopped, then we pulled the 2 fabric Bags apart to see the kind of Growth there was.

Here below is the small Germination bag from one of the 6-7 week old plants

Neeeext, plant #8; 1 of these 2, Blue God

Seven plants in so far… Sexing is the Dance that the remaining Plants are doing. 4 spots left.

Waiting on Hawaiian Snow, Chem Fuego, X-mas Krippy (sp), Super Diesel, Zamaldelica, Russian Tzar Bomba…

What can I say but “Thank You OG”