InTheWoods Journal

Goodmorning @InTheWoods and crew!

Hope everyones week is going well!!


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @Movement13, @Cartwright, @Weednerd.Anthony and the rest of the early riser gang. Slept :sleeping_bed: in today. Now getting coffee :coffee: and a smoke :dash:! Hope all are starting out on a good note :musical_note:! :+1::facepunch::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is smooth and delicious . have a nice and relaxed friday :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @m0sirys @InTheWoods and gang :metal:
Hope everyone shall have a peaceful friday and lovely weekend :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Good morning @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @alwaysnoob anyone else that just passing through on this great morning. Getting stoned and enjoying coffee :coffee:! :facepunch::+1::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @InTheWoods and friends Hope you all have an awesome day today !


Morning OGs :coffee: it’s Friday at last :tada:

Y’all have any fun plans for the weekend?


Good morning @Cartwright @Weednerd.Anthony @OhNo555 @m0sirys @alwaysnoob @TopShelfTrees1 @HomegrownVABudz and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I’m so close to finishing the plants I chopped already, I will chop the remaining today and continue trimming. :joy:
I’ll do a big update once I finish. All the scissor hash is great so far.

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and has a great weekend!


Hang in there in the trim jail!!!

you can do it ! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


@HomegrownVABudz Nothing much planned. Weather shifted again so more rain. Looks like we got a good 2 inches last night, the backyard is a swamp lol. Anything fun planned for you?

@m0sirys So close but pretty far haha. Hope the weather is better in your neck of the woods brotha!


Goodmorning @InTheWoods and OG

I hope everyone has a good day!


trim work, can really drive you to despair sometimes. especially if the end i still away a couple trashbags !
the weather here is warm, but all grey and cloudy, maybe it will be better at later on.


Gotta clean up some stuff from the yard. Wind picked up like crazy last night and broke some tree branches.

Stopped and looked at the flowers which is nice. I can’t remember these things blooming before.

Waiting for this tray of sugar to dry so I can put it up for later. Went ahead and did that infusion and I think it turned out nicely.

Got a meet n swap on Sunday that’s gonna be fun, and I gotta get some CBD/CBG RSO for a salve.


What’s up growers​:woman_farmer:time for a second cup. Stay dry :closed_umbrella:


Good morning @InTheWoods and everyone that will be stopping by to make a journal :notebook: entry, the dog :dog: decided it was time to go for a walk. I am not up by choice, but it’s ok. Time to get the coffee :coffee: going, finding something good to smoke :dash: and getting Cooper Morgan a hot :hot_face: breakfast :fried_egg:. I am sure to be throwing a ball or playing tug very shortly! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :+1::facepunch::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Sounds like a great start to the day brotha. I’ll be joining you with early wake up calls and a nice morning/evening walks when I watch a familys dog next week. Good ol Luna, Shes awesome.
Lately i’ve been off my sleep schedule so trying to get back on in it.

Time to refill and start the update :coffee:


Bubblegum Chem F2 2 @JAWS
Funk, not sweet but nothing I can compare too. Possibly easier after some time curing.

SSDD F2 BX1 x OGC/CJ -Berry @VAkish
Berry scents from here, berry kush scents.

SSDD F2 BX1 x OGC/CJ - Coffee 1 @VAkish
Sweet Christmas on this plant. :grin:
Strong branching, easy to grow, not much coffee scents. Sweet kush scents.

SSDD F2 BX1 x OGC/CJ - Coffee 2 @VAkish
I’m not sure whats up with her, on the fence on running her again when 1 stole the show.

Deadzone x OGC/CJ 1 @VAkish
Funky kushy scent. Great branches. No staking needed.

Deadzone x OGC/CJ 2 @VAkish
This is a unique sweet smell, Cant described it. I will grow the clones out larger to get a better yield.

Sun Ra @syzygy
Thought was fuel but more a cedar incense now.
Easy to grow, Liked the vibrant hairs on her.

Triple Sunshine A x SSDD 1 @syzygy
Super dense on all. The densest buds I’ve ever grown to date.
Slight lemon, earthy. Little fickle but on me because I neglected most. Dry backs were fierce but all took it. Next run I want to keep her happy and see if she stacks more. 3x after flip

Triple Sunshine A x SSDD 2 @syzygy
Thick bich, lemony kush, slight funk undertone.
Easy to grow, maybe needs a little longer veg since she doesnt stretch much after flip. 1.5x-2x

Triple Sunshine A x SSDD 3 @syzygy
Similar scents, Great strong branches, Little stretch. 1.5x-2x

Chem 91 SK VA x SSDD 2 @syzygy
Kushy earth little funk
Strong branches.

The remaining two C91 x ssdd 1 and 3 are still up and will go until I finish trimming. They seem to lean more c91 based on bud structure, but what do I know lol.

Chem 91 SK VA x SSDD 1, 3 @syzygy

Contango Day43F

Little pollen hit one, So I sprayed the one cola down.
Looks like these are going to be interesting. So far the scents are hashy, no lemony. Very stretchy after flip, or squat.

Dream Drifter Day 43F

Majority look more Haze dom. the One mutant is squat.
Incenses is the main scents, One plant is stinky. Interesting to see how they turn out.

Sour Serenade Day 30F
Kinda messed up on these, Timing and schedule out of wack. Males are in rough shape. In limbo for a couple days until I decide what to do to get these to F2s. I may have to just let all females get hit by this male and call it a day, instead of selecting like I originally wanted too.

Lazy Lightning Day 26F
So nice to have some of her smoke back, deep robust lemon earth. :yum:

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


That is some frosty girls! Amazing :fire: right there!

Pz :v:t2:


Thanks brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

My frost is real, I had to put the heat on :grin:

I wish I had an extra set of arms lol


Good morning brotha! Everything looks stellar . Great reports👊🏻 much respect