InTheWoods Journal

I suspect it has something to do with perspective. As a 10-year old, each day is 1/3,650th of your life. As a 50-year old, each day is 1/182,500th of your life. That’s why time flies faster and faster, the older we get. :astonished:


Contango - Day 59F
:yum: Mainly Hashy,slight skunk, Little lemon on a couple.


Yeah, that was what they were saying in the article. I understand haha.

Either way, whatever the reason, I really wish it would sllllooooowwwww dooooowwwwnnn haha…

Plants look good, @InTheWoods! Haha.


good morning @InTheWoods and everybody ! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is smooth and delicious :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

The Contango looks very tasty. The way you describe it, it will be too :smiley:


Good morning @m0sirys @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee:

Coffee brewed and hitting the spot. Sun Ra packed, with its little time curing. earthy/kushy scent slowly becoming more noticable. More time needed for the taste to become more robust. Great stoney effect, heavy eyes, relaxed body. More coffee needed after :grin:

I wish I could be on here more lately but we’re in that time of year with work where its pedal to the metal. :mechanical_arm:

I feel the opposite, it seems to drag on when its a repetitive thing to do. When its something new and enjoyable “Time flys by when youre having fun”

When you put it that way my brain hurts haha.

yea but them when I see the plants in mid flower, I say “lets go hurry up ladies” :grin:

Thanks brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Thanks brotha! I like them but the scent profiles aren’t as lemon/earthy as I hoped for. There is still time for them to develop more but seems locked into the hashy/earthy, little lemon.

It’s a nice first look into them. I learned a couple markers from the LL to look for going forward in them to see which out crosses have the best chances of the lemony earthy profile. Very slight offset on 5 bladed leaves only off the bud sights. Ill post a photo from the LL Mother with the trait and the Contangos with it in the off spring. Only seen on the taller phenos, not found on the more stout ladies.

Here are the Dream Drifters at Day 59F
Hard to describe the scent profiles on them with them still developing.

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and has a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Morning everyone, just checking out the plant pics. Don’t mind me lol


Sour Serenades
Day 48F / 44F ( I dont remember what ones that were staggered)


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @HomegrownVABudz & the rest of the gang. Just got home. Took my daughter to do something this morning. Hope all are enjoying another great day. Time to get some coffee :coffee: and a buzz :honeybee:! :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I should be more descriptive of my technique I’ve learned. You actually want to suck out 60% of the moisture in the first 24 hrs. This is best done with super low humidity and low temp. The lower the temperature the better so as not to volitize terpenes then dry them out as slow as possible with low temps and low humidity. You have to play with what you have to deal with to make it slow. The key is to let them dry out all the way with no humidity in them to make a grass smell bagged up too early. If they dry out crispy it’s no big deal. All you have to do is intolerance them humidity and the buds suck it back up:

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Drying as slowly as possible has always worked for me. Just hang the plants whole, keep humidity levels and air movement where they need to be and start trimming two weeks later.


There was an episode on KIS Organics where a scientist went into the perfect cure. That’s where I got my new regimine from. Terpenes will start burning off at about 68 degrees supposedly. The way I see it cannabis is no different than food. Drying bud is actually about the correct VPD which is humidity to temperature. The colder you can do it the better it would be I’d think. The purpose of getting the 60% out the first day is to get most of the moisture out so your out of the zone where you may get the grass smell from spring too slow. Then you slow dry it the rest of the way. Give it a shot. It works. I’ve tried the two week thing but there’s more to it than that to not fuck up. You have to have the temp and humidity dialed in, which is different for everyone depending on where we live.
It’s worked better than any other time I’ve tried. If you haven’t checked out those episodes they’re really good. It’s all based on actual science not bro science. I’ve listened to about every episode. Brandon Rust is really good too. Those are probably the top 2. I really like them for my commute which is about 2 hours each day.


I have my dhue running at the 40% RH for my ambient when drying for the first 36 hrs. then bump back up to 55% to finish drying before feeling them to see if dry enough to bags up. Still working out the kinks. I’m getting one of the hanging mesh dryer to put in a tent to get more environmental control for drying.

I have to check it out, Thanks for the heads up!

My first harvest I did that but after my second harvest I prefer to take most off the stem to take some days off of drying, put on paper plates with air moving. (Fan not on them ) Once I get a designated drying tent ill figure out what works best for an optimal cure.

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good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

“Wake up wake up wake up its the first of the month”

All vegged for 38 days under 18/6. Fed very sparingly mainly water. Using my composted soil mixed into old used soil 50/50 ratio in one gallon poly bags. I’m glad to see all of them happy and healthier going into flower. I haven’t looked to see if any shown sex yet. Ill check in a week or so on all.

Day one of flower under 11/13.
Will continue to live in the 3x3 for two/three weeks until all females found(maybe longer needed on three LBs, BOEL, SH P.C.O). Once found, they will go into the 5x5 to finish out flowering.

I still haven’t up potted the Maruf Red f2 and Hindu Kush x Maruf Red @SF0 yet and they are looking worse for the wear because of my neglect. I’ll show the horror after work today.

Malawi Gold @Tejas

74 Snowhigh Punta Cometa Oaxacan (purple pheno) @Tejas

68-70 BOEL Hawaiian @Tejas

Kilimanjaro @Kidete

F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread @Upstate

Maui Mango Haze F1 @Guitarzan

Pablos Two Times @Guitarzan

Acapulco Myst @Guitarzan

Willie’s Myst @Guitarzan
Missing one from update.

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy (Doc D) @boatbum325

Quicksilver @Elpolloloco

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!


holy update, that will give a lot of delicious buds. Looks green and juicy :slight_smile: yum yum :grin: :grin:

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Good morning brotha :coffee:

Thanks brotha, fingers crossed for at least one female from each. Are you harvesting today? If so, Happy harvest! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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I’ll definitely keep my fingers crossed.

As for harvesting, I’m torn. But I think I’ll head them tonight when the little one is asleep. He wants to bite into everything and be there…


Little bone thugs to start the day ! :wink: Good morning friends
Looking great in there, those contango are looking real good, well done. Hope your morning is off to a great start :coffee: :sun_with_face:

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The Kilimanjaro looks great


So cash your checks and come up!!!

Looking great, have a great day everyone!