InTheWoods Journal

Thanks bud. We are fortunate to have became great friends with the couple that owns this cool private beach that’s only 25 minutes from my house. Where we live I can be in the Atlantic Ocean or the Blue Ridge mountains in 2 hours. Have a wonderful day! @JAWS


Oh yeah lots of heat and history down there. I spent a summer living in Newport News and working in Yorktown. Wish I had been into history back then like I am now. All sorts of great Revolutionary War and Civil War sites down your way. Guessing you were slightly Downstream of Petersburg?
Back somewhere around 1988 the temperatures hit 125 with the humidity and I’m sorry to admit I used hairspray at the time​:rofl::joy::rofl:. 30 minutes weed whacking around a parking lot in that heat and my hair was as flat as it ever was in the late '80s​:joy::rofl:


Good morning afternoon brotha :coffee:

Doesn’t get any better than that.

Man, what a great spot!
Very cool Shark teeth find too. Glad to hear you and the family had a great time!

Hope you guys have a great day and you recover with a big brunch! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Makes sense but I’m just apprehensive and would prefer to only foliar spray in veg and never in flower.
Ill keep it in mind but will most likely top dress a little amount to see what happens.


Love seeing them family pictures of all having a GR8 time, enjoy them moments always for as long as possible! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


:rofl: yeah hairspray is not a good idea during the summer around here. I live right beside Petersburg in Hopewell. Building our new house in Prince George county about 20 minutes from where live now. Yesterday we were in Clairemont right across the river from where the Chickahominy and James meet

Thanks bud. Got my belly full of food now. Hopefully it won’t make me wanna take a nap. :joy:

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Day 82F
Dream Drifter
I’m addicted to this lady and I haven’t even smoked her yet :joy:

Royally Hazed
This is the standout lady in this first run.



Silverback Haze


Day 50F
Quicksilver @Elpolloloco
Lemony earth scents

Pablo Two Times @Guitarzan
Very lemony scents

Maruf Red F2 @SF0
Not much from her yet, mainly hashy slight sweet.

Hindu Kush x Maruf Red @SF0
Sweet scents

**Malawi Gold **
Move her under the light more.

Hope everyone stays cool and hydrated from this heat wave!


I can see why. Massive caps on those trichomes. No fake resin on that lady. She’s all business.

Any relationship to dream drifter? Same resin.

Hit 83 yesterday and briefly 86 today, now 83 again. They called for 90, but thankfully that didn’t happen here. Looks gross hot other places. Yuck!


Just wait until you do smoke her it’s going to be incredible!


Fingers crossed the very late reveg cut clones and reverts then I think I found my lady to bring to F2. As long as she has a sweet berry-like haze taste like her scent, she checks all my boxes.

Same male used is the only link. The mom is from @darkillusion 's Royal procession.

Currently 92 and app says it feels like 99. Waiting a couple more hours before I do some outdoor garden chores. Hopeful for some rain tomorrow to knock the temps down a bit.


Welcome to the woods brotha!
So far I’ve enjoyed the Dream Drifters more than the others. More hunting to do on the others. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Hey @InTheWoods Can you tell me more about the dream drifter where did it come from? I see that it was from a Royal procession mom from @darkillusion. Did you use it to develop a new cross?


Good morning brotha and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

Here is a quick rundown for both crosses;

Dream Drifter
dream drifter

Royally Hazed
Royally hazed

I used the same male each including the Silverback Haze and Contango. I need to do a smoke report and photo of each with descriptions.

I’m kind of behind but hopefully I’ll be caught up in a couple days. This morning, I noticed some more of the clones that are reverting and rooted and can be moved into the veg room soon and up potted. I’m still waiting on full pre flower reveals on the SWKs to take cuts from all females.


I think I got them :crossed_fingers:, I am going to try and look :eyes: through my seeds today. Now you got me very intrigued and curious :face_with_monocle:! I know for sure I got Royal Procession from @darkillusion, but not sure about the BD6 Fem from @Tracker or the Dream Drifter! Thanks for the information, nice work on the write up on the linage. :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods & the rest of you guys. I was just thinking about you earlier this week when I was changing the strings on my Les Paul with one set of the ones you sent me. Hope your day is off to a good start. I will again be hanging around the house :house: inside because of the heat :hot_face:, can’t take the heat and humidity in combination with the COPD I got. When I go out in the morning with Cooper Morgan the dog :dog: and it’s this bad. I am inside till the evening. Have a GR8 day buddy! :ok_hand::sun_with_face::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I see :eyes: you 🫵 @darkillusion are up and about, I remember yesterday when I was working on organizing my huge seed collection that is a mess, but getting better. I saw a large amount of flips :joy::joy::joy: from you. It’s too many to mention :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:. I must have did a good job stalking 🥷 you. :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


My notes say you do have them “Dream6 fem”. Dang, you won like 4 times from me. Lucky!


I have been very fortunate playing the @Tracker lottery :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover: :joy::joy::joy:, I do follow your thread 🪡 as it is always interesting and informative. The beans are always fire :fire: and nice to win :1st_place_medal:! Thanks so much for all the generous giveaways you have done for all and a big shout out for pulling my lucky :four_leaf_clover: number so many times! I am sure to see those soon as I finish organizing my seed collection! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


good morning @InTheWoods and OG ! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great day!