InTheWoods Journal

Ah yeah I remember all those on seedbay. I picked up most before I knew any better and ended up trading them all out :sweat_smile:

I DO have a fat pack of those F2’s tho from Swe-can’s coop run of them. You want?

IDK about taste but there is definitely a carrot-y scent to some of the haze/nld varieties. It shows up in my c5sensistar line.


It tastes sweet and earthy. But it’s as @HolyAngel says. It smells just like sweet baby carrots. Everyone I’ve showed it to instantly identify it as carrot, so it’s up in you face. I found that female from a larger pheno hunt around 2014-15. I don’t think the regular Ace Malawi uses the same parents anymore because I have yet to find one again.

Drakensberg is a South African landrace. As I understood it, it has some environmental similarities with Nepal. Anywho, it was a cut I saved from a larger pheno hunt. Used it as a breeding tool for a long time. It blew up any cross to giant bushes, very stretchy, quite unique dominant trait for a lot of the buds on a stick sativa/sativa hybrids I usually see. Anyway this lady was very strong with some clear trichs in the mix and fresh milky trichs.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m about 2hrs away, but the second hour is very scenic mountains, jungle and rainforest, really beautiful. I often go down that way just for the drive/ride. The original “I’m a celebrity” show was filmed around there.

I had about 50 seeds but they would have been through many summers not in a fridge. I scattered them in some remote wetlands but couldn’t find anything growing a month later. My first grow here was a bagseed from Nimbin buti was told it was White Widow. It was runty with root rot from me doing everything I could wrong with my first try at coco. Smoke was nice though.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and all the rest of you guys. Getting the heat again today! :joy::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:

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Wow, nice. She’s slowly getting there. Looks like you have the purple pheno. Most likely it’s temperature dependent


Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Was a great morning until I lost three chickens to a hawk( i think it was since they left two and only one is missing)

Dang if we only knew then what we know now. Maybe someone with a deep vault has those Nugget shiners laying around. :grin:

Really? If you dont mind sparing a couple brotha.:sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I’m terrible scent profiles. I try but I’m not great at unraveling the layers some buds.

Thanks for the link. Looks like a monstrous plant when outdoors. What did you make with the Drakenburgs? I’ve been trying to get better at timing the trichs just before amber, sparce clear in there.

Nothing like a nice drive and day out in nature.

Probably animals eat them at sprouts. Would be cool to see those MM in the wild.

Thanks brotha, Another couple weeks and I think we finally enter the 6 week home stretch give or take.

Yea I try to keep the temps at night around 68ish


If it works out and you get those seeds, here’s the thread where they were made (I think?), if you’re curious: Sssdh project **CLOSED** - #2 by Northern_Loki

That was actually the very first thing I started following when I joined OG. I didn’t sign up for the seeds or anything, just wanted to see how it turned out. SSSDH is something that I’ve always been interested in, but not interested enough to actually plant any of my own haha.

I miss Swe-can…

I don’t mess with clones at all, way too paranoid about bringing some weirdness into my house haha, but, again, thank you.


Thanks brotha. Looks like @Banquo made SSSDH F3s
Banquos Basement - #246 by Banquo

The seeded ladies are a looker. I only see his grow of them of the F2s.

Maybe he will make an appearance if I get those seeds growing.


Wait! What have I missed?

Pz :v:t2:


He’s broke and can’t afford to grow anymore. Or that’s what he said in one of the last posts of his that I saw, like two years ago. I dunno. @ him and ask him haha.

He’s still around, I notice that he “likes” some of my posts here and there, but as far as I know he’s not growing right now and hasn’t been for a while.

I just like his screen name: Sweeeeeee-caaaaaaannnnn… That’s how I always read it in my head, anyway haha.


swe-can is definitely still around but like you said, hasn’t been growing and won’t be for the foreseeable future due to living situations. I don’t think it’s money related, but yeah ^^


There was some weirdness on somebody’s thread, can’t remember their name right now (although I did send them the rest of my Smart Move tester seeds, never heard about them after that…). Who’sever thread it was, they were pissed that Swe was selling some f2’s they’d made. Swe mentioned that he was just broke and had to do it, even for thirty bucks, which I totally get. I’m constantly like,”Fingers-crossed for the next grow! Hopefully everything works out and I don’t have to spend a bunch of money six weeks into flower!” haha.

Anyway… Whatever… haha. Should I tag him??? Just kidding.


Well he haven’t been answering any of my pm’s lately. Dunno if he’s gone for some reason or he’s not happy at me. Kinda snapped in his EU seedbuying group for CSI, when people started to trash CSI. I have low tolerance for disrespect…

Well :man_shrugging:

Pz :v:t2:

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I can only speak for myself, but if I couldn’t grow anymore, I don’t think I’d be a daily presence on OG like I am now. It’d KILL me to log on here every day and see what everybody’s doing and not be able to do it myself. I mean, shit, man, I’m taking a self-imposed break until August 15 and even THAT’s killing me haha.

He probably just doesn’t log on here a whole lot anymore. I wouldn’t take it personally.


Good idea…. cause I swear, every god damn time I’ve got a clone from someone it has come with extra gifts… the bad kinds.


That seems to be a recurring theme. Plus, clones just seem boring to me. You already know, pretty much, how the smoke from a clone is gonna turn out. It’s been grown before, somebody else has experienced it, they’ve written about it, you’ve read it, whatever.

The fun (for me) is popping seeds and not knowing what the fuck is gonna happen every grow haha…


Well, I hope his luck turns around and gets to grow in the future again.

I understand especially now a days. I’ve only sent cuts to two members on OG. The first member didn’t mention any extra unwanted gifts in those cuts, just unfortunate to not get a run in with them.

@HolyAngel Did the LCH cuts have any extra unwanted gifts? Did you start rooting them yet or storing still?

I bet there was one time there was a twinkle in your eye for some clones. :grin:


No extra ride alongs that I could see. I think I have most rooted :thinking:

Edit: confirmed! Looks like they all got roots :yum: will be up potting this weekend I think.


I can honestly say that I’ve never had a hard-on for any cut haha. Love reading about them, no desire to procure any of them. I just really like planting seeds.


Haha @minitiger Are we twins? :joy: I’ll pop a 1000 beans before I take in a clone. People always offer me stuff and I respectfully decline every one. I used my own clones when I was cash cropping in the late 90s through 2010 but never since