InTheWoods Journal

Thanks for the tip, always learning from you … beer3|nullxnull


I think I only fed them a couple times, Mainly water though. I probably could have been more consistent in my feeding. I will try to dial the clones in to avoid any deficiencies. I always thought it was nutrient burn. Thanks for info brotha!

This info is what I was after the other day :joy:. Nice to have a spectrum of what to expect for finishing.

haha sounds good brotha.

I bet Ill like them all but I hope to get at least one that shows some musky BO later on in flower.:crossed_fingers:


Good afternoon OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

In the tent this morning watering, #4 SWK was looking really nice. I took more photos :grin:

Saltwater Kush @hoss8455




Lambsbread @Upstate

Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel







Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325




Malawi Gold @Tejas

Kilimanjaro @Kidete

Finished trimming her up :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


That #1 SWK looks a lot like TK :face_with_monocle:

That #11 LCH tho

:partying_face: 99.9% sure it’s gonna be the same girl :heart_eyes:


SWK is TK x (GG#4 R.I.L x Karma Sowah).
Funny how its the one SWK I don’t have a clone of. Oh well. I have too many irons in the fire.
You’d know more than me haha. I’m just a rookie still in the farmers league.
She does look good and stacking on weight every day.


Good evening! @InTheWoods I currently have 2 Royally hazed in flower currently, it’s a weird strain lol it took weeks longer for them to sex compared to the strains I’m running. Out of the 6 I popped all are female! I wasn’t expecting that lol but I got 4 unique phenos it looks like, most of them are long and lanky and I got one bushy squat pheno. The 2 I have going now were the fastest and most vigorous out of the bunch. I am planning on flipping all of my veg plants this weekend. I don’t know what week they are on so I wish I could help out more on that front but here they are. Also no smells coming off of they yet as well.


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

They do take a little bit to get going and finish with the H/sk1 in them. Stoked to hear you got a bunch of females.
Very cool you went 6 for 6 on ladies, I dont blame ya for yanking 4 of the shorter ladies. I like the lanky ladies more. I was just going to through my past post with RH, Keep any eye out for any intersex issue around week 8-10. I noticed on D69F. Thanks for giving them a shot brotha.

They look like they are around week 4. The scents start to take shape in the later weeks around 6-7. I think you’ll think the scents off them will be weird too haha. I had a hard time to deciphering them.


Good afternoon OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hit a branch on the Kilimanjaro, Malawi Gold and Metal Haze x DE #1 and 2.
I’m not sure if this is still viable since I didn’t store it in the freezer if not no worries. Same male I used to make the DD and other crosses.

Dream Drifters 16 females, 7 males. Possibly could change if my eyes deceived me. Put the Females in the 5x5 along with the the DD #4 mother to start flowering tomorrow officially. Heavy defoliation to fit them in. Might have to cull some the LCHs clone duplicates to get some room back. We’ll see.

3x3 is the male only tent now.

I’ll take cuts of the males tomorrow before I flip them. Letting the ladies flower a little bit then take cuts due to space back. That will give me enough time to chop the SWKs, LCHs and then fully focus on the DDs.


Left 5 and 4 Right


Good Morning OG :coffee:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth this morning.

It’s been a busy week for me between work, sidejobs, the gardens. This week had the last hurray of heat before we start going into fall. It was in the 90s with wicked humidity yesterday. This morning is back into the low 60s and low humidity.

@Hotrods_and_hounds I harvested the first and only Dixie Queen Watermelon, I thought it was ready after watching a video on how to tell it was ready, but it was not. DOH!
The chickens loved it. I will try to get better with growing them over the years. Thanks again brotha!

Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel
Day 49F

Water only from here on out.

Has a sweet rubber scent.

Hard to describe this one, Sweet B.O. is the best I can do.

Sweet berry scents, Reminds me of the Sugar Belts x [PR/BV] from @Ottafish.

This lady looks like it will be a 9 weeker.

Sweet berryish, very suttle rubber undertone.

earthy sweetness

SWKS moved to the front corner so its easier to get them out to chop
#4,5 will get chopped after 10 weeks of flower, #1 will most likely see 11 weeks.

1 on the left, 4 in the middle, 5 on the right.

Looks like some pollen took on the Malawi Gold and Kilimanjaro. Not 100% but even if I could get a couple to look into, I’d be happy.

While putting the chickens away yesterday, I noticed the bluejays going wild like a hawk was nearby. Turns out it was a decent sized Owl that looks like an Ewok. Wild how the bluejays attack in packs. The Owl was hiding from them.

Time for a second cup of coffee, Hope everyone has a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Some days I wonder if that Franco’s Lemon Cheese used a reversed Blues cut instead of the actual Exodus like they say :thinking:

There’s some berry/fruit in the C5SS line though too.

I’d say:
#1 looks and sounds like mom(FLC)
#6 sounds more like dad but definitely looks more like mom
#9 is more like dad, C5SS leaning
#10 is again like mom
and #11 is the SSH/C5 pheno

See how they shake out come smoke time :yum:

Everything is looking great in here!


That owl looks massive, maybe it’s a Blakiston fish owl.


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I was beat from work and in food coma after making dinner yesterday.

Kept it simple, Salt, pepper, garlic and some Italian herb seasoning. Nice sear from the butter.

Big shoutout to @Neoangelo147 for the sweet seed pucks! They arrived yesterday and look forward to using them. Thanks again brotha!

Hmm that would interesting to find out if true. I’m not familiar with the Blues cut vs Exodus.

Does the Blues cut have more of a sweeter blue cheese funk to her?

These are the three mothers I decided to make a choice from. If those others make their claim in the smoke test late on. I should be able to pull a later flower cut off it as I staggered the LCH clones. I think I have 3x 11, 2x 10, 2x 6, 2x 9, 2x 1. flipped.

Thanks brotha, I think I could do better if I work wasn’t kickin my ass lately. grin:

I haven’t seen one this large before. Very cool. I believe it’s either a Borel or Barn owl. Leaning toward the formal than the latter. I looked up that Blakinston fish owl, that one looks badass but not in our neck of the woods.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Yeah, Blues is Exodus Cheese x DJ Short Blueberry :yum:


Steak and… rice? Really? Haha…


haha I was lazy, and it was faster than waiting for baked potatoes.

I’m going with pork chops and baked potatoes, and corn tonight. Maybe order some Mango Habanero Chicken Wings later on. So damn good.


Been away with work for a few weeks and just got all caught up, all still looking great! Hope you have a great weekend!!:v:

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Thanks brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope it flew by for ya!

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Saltwater Kush @hoss8455

Day 65F

Getting close to the end. Stoked to try them out. Will check the trichome on day 70 to see if they will need another week.


Day 58F

I took cuts from the Dream Drifter males today and the DD Keeper. Flipping them on wednesday. Just from the looks I think I already found the male I want to use (#1). I will see if he holds water when he flowers out. #4 is also another NLD male I’m watching. Also up potted the Kilimanjaro, Malawi Gold, Metal Haze x DE 1 mothers. LCH mothers are getting big and will have to chop them back soon.


What do you like about that male, you have pics or am i just stoned and missed it? Just curious cause im running a couple of those auction flips outside next year and DD is one of them.


Most NLD, Stinky when handling him, Vigorous, nice lateral branching, Knuckled node, Nice serrations, Double serration on him too (hard to tell in these photos). I find him similar to the DD mother I really enjoyed.
I decided to keep to compare and see if any of the other top her if not she will be the one to take us to F2.

Here is him before I topped em for cuts.

After ( I dont think those are his fan leaves composting under him, I think they are #4 for so reason)

All DD males

So far the DD have been my favorite out the four. I choose it to go to F2 first. I hope you find some great ladies. A couple of the RH and SBH test ladies had nanner issues late into flower. Contango and Dream Drifters were clear on all ladies.