InTheWoods Journal

Check Facebook marketplace, ebay, Craigslist,etc…
People are always upgrading their wheels and let the old ones go for a fair price.
Those truck sims are pretty crazy. I never played one, but they look interesting.


Nice, any of those would be crosses would be epic smoke.

I have chopped the males that shown. I only have one male in a baggy I cut down a couple days ago. I can send you clippings of. It was the first male to show. It was Odisha B

Message me so I can get you them before it’s too late.

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I drove from Amsterdam to Berlin, was it accurate probably not, but it was fun lol.some of the newer games might be better.


haha 200$ sounds like a start :grin:
I always used the controller and still had fun.

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My controller wouldn’t connect, so I used keyboard and mouse. It was pretty choppy with the steering, so I’ll find a wheel somewhere.

Someone has a wheel on craigslist, but they’re up in the DC area :sob:

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It is ok. I appreciate that but I havent started the others yet. Right now I only have my Moroccans which i’m doing an open pollination of and theyre already pretty much all sativa.

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Change the batteries :grin:. Tell them to meet you halfway.

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I worded that wrong lol. It will connect, but the game doesn’t recognize it. I’m using it to play some fallout new vegas for a bit

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No problem brotha, I wanted to at least offer them up before I toss them.

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lol oh maybe you have to update your controller in the settings.
Fallout new vegas was the one I didn’t play. I know people say it was the best one.
I played fallout 3 and 4. I really enjoyed both. They are games that I can still play today and still is fresh. Sadly, they don’t make games like they used too.
The newer fallout 76 was a joke. I guess fallout 5 is in the works but most likely will be a massive let down.

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I love new vegas, fallout 3 next, then 4. Fallout 76 was and still is hot garbage. :rofl:

I havent played any games in years. I enjoyed the elder scrolls series. Morrowwind, Oblivion, Skyrim. they are making a new one and might have to check it out.

Insane how they got away with that and literally took a hot steamy dump on their player base.
Its just as bad as Anthem :joy:

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I love Skyrim! I still play it often lol

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My favorite thing is when you put a bucket over their head, and steal everything they own :rofl:

Haha I forgot about that trickery. Cha Ching!

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Don’t forget to sell it back to them!

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Over encumbered across the whole map. Must…reach…the… fence :rofl:


Ahh, Skyrim. Now y’all are speaking my language.
I’ve played since Morrowind. And I’ve got some serious Legendary Skryim accounts collecting dust. Haven’t played in ages. Guess that’s what happens when you have kids, lol.

I used to be a great warrior, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


What’s the matter? Someone steal your sweetroll? :rofl::rofl: