InTheWoods Journal

Very cool, looks like it did its thing. Great job.

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Thanks again brotha Im stoked. I hope you having a great vacation! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:

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Yeah, it’s been good so far, just fired up the BBQ to make some food.


Nice, I’m glad to hear it!
Enjoy brotha! :sunglasses:

Trapped in the bathroom, huh? :joy:

Lookin good bro. Best of luck to ya!

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You can get so much done in here :joy:

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“I prepared it while I bathed” :rofl:

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Good morning OG!
Late start but its going to be a lovely dayyyy. :sunglasses: :coffee:


Good morning brother :facepunch:t2:

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Good afternoon brotha, Hows you day going ?

Good morning OG or is it afternoon already :sunglasses:

I checked all the plant to see if other plants got pollenate. Nope all clear to go and with that said.

Woke up and hit the ground running with Useful’s Chocolate F3 pollen from @AzSeaindooin420 I
received yesterday. You rock brotha! It was perfect timing to meet the Royal Procession.

Since this round is my first selective chucking, I experimented in the time it takes for the pollen to take. I’ve read it ranges from 5min to 12 hrs. I choose to wait 2 hours for the BOG Blue Kush pollen to take on the Lazy Lightning. It worked great and I decided to cut more time off with the Useful’s Chocolate diesel f3 pollen.

This morning I repeated the same method but with a couple changes. I choose to only let the pollen sit for only 45mins and added a freezer Ziploc bag over the rest of the plant to try to keep those branch cola sites unpollinated.

Pollen accepted. :sunglasses:
@darkillusion 's Royal Procession x Useful’s Chocolate Diesel F3

I regret the freezer bag as I think It has a static charge which pulled pollen up to the colas I wanted to try to isolate. I don’t mind to much as I have cuts of this beautiful RP stored to re run to smoke. In a couple days I will have better idea as to how much was taken in on those branches.

My thoughts and process:
I think 45-1 hour is an enough time for pollen to take,
Followed by a good wash and I take end up showering to neutralize any pollen on me.
Once I wash off, I put the shower water on full hot to get the bathroom fully saturated with humidity to neutralize anything remaining.
Wait 10 mins with the bathroom nearly cloudy with all the humidity in there.
Finally, you can start to dry off the plants with a fan till fully dry.

After all that I found you can safely reintroduce them into flowering tent again.

I will not use the bag again since it didn’t help. :grin:
I’ll go back to just being as careful as one can be when trying to selectively pollenate branches.

LLs x BOG B.K; I pollenated on Tuesday.


Hope everyone has a great day! :coffee:


Right on @InTheWoods ! You are gonna have a boatload of seed. Awesome work man!:+1::+1:

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Oh THIS ONES GONNA BE GOOD! Awesome work brotha, you’ve been killing it for sure in all aspects, unlike myself. Keep up the amazing work. I have a feeling this is going to be a unique TAF strain with some serious power too!

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Thanks brotha! I’m stoked with how everything is shaping up.
As a first seed making project, I don’t have any clue as to how many seeds I will get or should expect haha.

If I can get at least 500 seeds from both LLs and at least 150 from the RP x CD. Ill be beyond content.

It is now smooth sailing for a couple weeks until I revived the Affie. It’s nice to be at this point because I was kind of stressed out figuring out how I can juggle all my ambitions. :joy:

Funny to think about those F1 hybrids later on. I will need a bigger boat. :grin:


You definitely did well, respect :facepunch:t2: even through the chaos and now look at ya ! Love it

Thanks brotha! I really appreciate the kind words. It’s not a competition just for fun and hope to give back more than I have received here in the short time on OG.

Oh yea, Credit to @Loggershands for helping me decide on what it was going to go on.



Could call it “Chocolate Royale.”

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I like it!
Later on down the road I’ll have a couple polls for everyone to vote on the potential names to get in on the fun.

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So…what you’re saying is…you’ve basically been in the bathroom all day? :rofl:
LIn all seriousness though, lookin good bro.
It’s cool that you’re doing a first chuck. I hope it turns out to be everything you hope for and more.
Best of luck my dude!:slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Only an one hr this time. :joy:

I’m excited for the seeds more than the smoke haha
That might change when we get to week 10 when the buds are more developed. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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