InTheWoods Journal

Never used a chemex, is it far superior to a v60? V60 is pretty much no work and pretty good. Don’t have the patience to wait for french press but those can be amazing as well.


I’ve been trying to have blends of sugar and stevia. Or, sugar alcohols. Have you tried those? Alot of these have very little effect on your glycemic index/insulin levels.


I think the french press is similar to the V60 if I looked up the right thing. instead of pour over, Its pour in then press down grounds. Any method that produces coffee is great in my book. :grin:


I think stevia/alcohol sugars are too sweet. I’d rather use reg sugar. I’m that person with a hypermetabolism. Eat and eat with no gain, My body just runs through everything I put in. High fat diet , low grain, and limit the sugar as much as I can.


Honestly I think they are somewhat similar, the chemex it’s ideal to use cold water/coffee and then warm up etc. ya not this guy that’s way too much work lol. Essentially it’s a big beaker for coffee lol :man_facepalming:t2: oh the amount of coin I’ve wasted on coffee stuff over the years is ridiculous! I’ve been using the sugar in the raw mostly over here, but I definitely use too much as I drink a TON OF COFFEE. Lol


I wish I had a metabolism like that! Lol
Erythritol isn’t a sweet one. I think its bitter.
But yeah, nothing beats real sugar.

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Round 2

Back in the tent and fully confident that they will give produce some seeds now. :grin:



Out of BK pollen. :mechanical_arm:
Let’s overgrow the world!

Royal Procession

On Tuesday I’ll give it a second dose of Chocolate Diesel Pollen to get them looking like the Lazy Lightnings

Gorilla Cookie Punch

LA Affie

Purple Cake


Is that a thing? Double dose of pollen?
Or are you just being extra sure that you get some seeds?


I do that all the time with my plants. I might even hit my AMG X Sour Bubble with more pollen for the 3rd time.


Good to know!:wink:


I wasn’t sure if it was a thing but I didn’t like how the first round turned out.

I probably wouldn’t have to do this second round if I kept the pollen on overnight but I can’t do that. I’d risk contaminate the whole tent. I don’t want to stay in the bathroom all day or night. :rofl:

How long do you let you pollen sit before wash? (I wash to keep the other ladies as pollen free as can be)

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Yeah, I understand that.
Ya know, both the washing it off, not having it in with the other ladies, and not wanting to hang out it the bathroom all day or night. :rofl:

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I do not wash my plants after applying pollen.


Ok thanks,
Hope you had a great weekend! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


I usually wait 30 minutes to spray down with water, 1 hour if I really want to be safe. With multiple applications of pollen I’d assume 30 minutes should be OK.

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First round was 2 hours, second round was 1 hour. Experimenting on which works best. Thanks for sharing brotha. :vulcan_salute:

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Yes, thank you for sharing this information indeed. I’m gonna be doing some selective pollination soon. But, I’d like to have mostly sensemillia left in the grow, lol. Jars are empty. Done gave it all away! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I thought I could trust the greenpoint fems in the tent and go on auto pilot, but nope. I’m done with them after finishing the others out. I still have 3 other GPS fems in the tent, two Purple crunch, The Sweets.
I will keep an eye on all three like a hawk now. Nothing on them after thoroughly checking them.
Purple Cake hermed (wedding cake x purple punch).

Shut all fans off and carefully removed from tent without too much disturbance.

I think I caught it in time, but it may have ruined the LL x BK project if these have already started to pollenate.

Let me know what you guys think.


Late to the party, but pulling up a chair! Looking good!

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That’s what my coffee crisps looked like when I got it, I’m thinking/hoping you pulled it in time.

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