InTheWoods Journal

I believe the Max AC are the only fems. All the rest should be regs.

It’s basically that, but cooked down to a thick liquid.

Words to live by :rofl::rofl:

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Gorilla cookie punch chopped and trimmed up.

Now time to work on the Purple Crunch.


The first and last pictures should be in a magazine. Looks really nice .


absolutly wonderful shots!


Good Morning OGs :coffee:

@m0sirys @ShiskaberrySavior Thanks brothas. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

They are very sweet smelling. I may take down the sweets today and leave the rest to go one more week.


Good morning ! Those nugs look tasty af! Nice

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@TopShelfTrees1 :coffee:
I’m stoked on the GCP, I have a branch with a couple seeds. Interested in seeing the what the choco diesel adds to it.

Also big news brotha, I took the full pack of Haze/sk1 and wanted to try my older style of germing.

  • Paper towel in a dvd case with tap water.
  • Put dvd case on top of my computer tower. 48 hrs later
    2 popped, 1 tail starting
    Guess what brotha @LonelyOC, :sunglasses:


Yassssssssss! Told you , even old beans pop ime. I almost always get at least 40/50% even like 17 year old stuff. Awesome news!


I’ll take what I can get after talking to LonelyOC. He unfortunately didn’t have luck with these older stock and with time not on my side. I wanted to try as soon as possible and run the gambit of germing tech until they pop. If I can get 40-50% to pop, I’ll be stoked and go thru with a seed increase run.


That sucks, I guess it all depends on storage. I used to buy from a company LOTS a few years back, after talking with the guy when my packs REAKED like cigarettes after opening he’s like “ ya dude I just keep them in a lockbox in my basement…. “ Huh? You keep 3-400$ packs in a lock box in your basement, some for years? “Yup, and that’s where we blaze/smoke so I guess they pick up the scent “ (ya no shit it smelled like a nasty ashtray x10) IVE NEVER BEEN BACK since that conversation :man_facepalming:t2:

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Oooof no bueno! Did they germ?

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Purple Crunch - No Do-si-do scent, but sweet smelling. Tiny nug pheno.
Taste might make up after cure.

GCP - Fat dense buds. Sweet lavender. Glad to have taken cuts of this one.


Ya most have been fine but I bought them not long after release. I have a couple older/rare packs I’m still holding though , 2 being VERY IMPORTANT TO ME.


Looks killer, both! Nicely done, will change/build for sure.


Morning stoners! :coffee:

Those plates look mighty sweet to me :heart_eyes:


Nice, Glad to hear that.

I bet you have some sweet rare packs. Would you grow those packs out eventually or just keep them in the collection?

:sunglasses: Love a nice twist.

Morning brotha :coffee: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
If only I had a cannatrol haha, The anticipation is killing me.


Oh man! You have no idea, it’s been bugging me lately tbh so That’s exactly why I built my repro/adage area. I fully intend on running at least one repro along side my regular grows from here on out

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God I want a cannatrol too but tbh idk if it’ll ever happen at that price point :pensive:


:mechanical_arm: Hell yea brotha! Stoke to see whats up your sleeve!

Same here, Maybe if I won the lottery haha

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Happy to see that you got success with the Sk1hz seeds! :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2: The ones I had was from seedbay.

Pz :v:t2: