InTheWoods Journal

Nice, feels great when a plan is coming together! I’m excited to see your plants in larger pots since I only have them in 2 gallons.

Lately I’ve been thinking about just start in a solo cup then only transplant once into final pot to veg more and then flower.

Mainly to lessen the workload of uppoting a bunch. With this run, I like the 2 gallons more than the 3 gallon fabric pots I have. They wick so fast, I end up watering every day, the 2gallon poly bags gives me a 2 day window before needing the next watering.

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I’m not a fan of the fabric pots either tbch, maybe in octo pots or auto pots but that’s it, I agree the dryback is insane especially with the air movement I use! (It’s like a damn hurricane in there no joke) :joy: I have about 40 of those polys in 3G my buddy gave me at the hydro shop last year to try as he said no one EVER buys em and he wanted to see someone use them, I keep meaning to, know what I’m gonna try a few this time, it’s settled. I’ll run some three nursery pots and some 3 polys side by side, just for research sake. On the boos since they are going into 3’s anyway. Gonna start spraying STS in 2/3 days too! Can’t wait!


(It’s Diatomaceous earth don’t worry :wink: )


Haha same here. After that one cola loss on the first run, No dead air in the tent :joy:

My guess is the Poly would be better of space but Nursery pots (if they are the black thick poly ones) provide more durability when you move your plants around to check on them outside of the tent. Everything has its pro n cons.

Beautiful Canopy shot!


I’ve been using 2 gallon poly bags for my last several grows. They do a great job and are super cheap. I’m usually running 4-6 different strains at a time, so the bags make it easy. Never had one bust and moving them around doesn’t hurt them at all. I take them in and out of the room all the time when dusting them with pollen. I try to end up with 8-12 girls flowering at a time. This is about perfect to fill my room.

I do cut extra holes in them before I fill them with soil though. Just my way of giving the roots a little more air.

Hope y’all have a wonderful day!


Awesome feedback, I think I’ll be using them for long haul. I was thinking of poking more holes in the bags but decided not to. I may poke more holes in them in the future.

Hope youre having a great week so far!


This is the easiest way I’ve found to put more holes in the bags. Fold them over and cut at an angle in the shape of a triangle all the way through the bag.


Used to use those bags 10-15 years ago and did the same thing but used a hole punch I believe. Love how little space those take up when not in use too, in my opinion those poly grow bags are pretty underrated.

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Great tip and visual. Ill do this on my next round since I dont have a hole puncher here.

Big plus in my book.


Good Morning OG :coffee:
I forgot to shut an air flap last night on my flower tent last night. I will have to watch closely for any nanners. I should be ok since as it wasn’t facing any direct lighting but indirect dim lighting.

Mother plants needs some attention too.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Good morning bud. I feel your pain about having to look for nanners. Every plant I’m flowering right now has shown some intersex even though conditions have been pretty good. I really wanna cut everything down but I’m 5 weeks into flower. Good thing I didn’t really have any breeding plans for this round. It sucks having healthy good looking plants that are throwing balls and nanners. No more Cookies strains or Fems seeds for me. They don’t like my room or growing style apparently.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Morning fellas :coffee:.

I had to swap vents cuz the heat got turned on and I didn’t know. I had hot air blowing directly in the vent on the plants :weary:


Good Morning :coffee:

Dang brotha, Thats a tough run. Finger crossed they don’t continue throwing into the later weeks. Since your close to the home stretch.

Maybe have to find the breeder that worked the line longer if they are newer crosses. I had problems with fems in my first and second runs that were crossed to cookies and purple punch. In frustration, I gave all my packs with those crosses to a buddy.

In my hunt of the Gorilla cookie punch I over planted. Culled 4 seedling that were weird. Left me with 6 plants if I remember right. 2 male, 4 female. 3 full on hermied in the first to second week of flower. The one true female was a real winner. Kept it around for smoke runs. I won’t intentionally cross with it as I can tell those traits are rampant in them.

At this point I prefer regs but the fems I still have around, I have hopes they will be fine since they dont have cookies or purple punch.

It’s unfortunate because I find cookie crosses to be an enjoyable all day smoke.

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Good morning :coffee:

Did they suffer from it or were you able to catch it in time?


I think I caught it early enough. They probably didn’t mind at night and how cold it got, but can’t have that during the daytime lol


Good catch, I think you should be fine. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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It sucks but not really that big of a deal this run since it’s just to smoke. I’ve grown over a hundred different strains and over a 1000 plants in my life time but this is a first time with everything herming. I don’t clone anything because I’m kinda addicted to hunting through seeds and love having 30+ different strains to choose to smoke. I’ve smoked a bunch of cookie stuff but wasn’t really impressed with any of it. Most of it wasn’t grown by me or my friends so I wanted to check it out for myself.

I built my room outside in my shed, so it has some variation in temp and humidity. It shows me what plants are stable and what’s not. All my plants now look really good but apparently aren’t happy about something. :laughing: I’m going to check for light leaks but I don’t think that’s the problem.

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I probably went overboard :joy:

I can relate my goal is to have a nice library of smoke. I look at my list of future runs and I realize can’t bring all the prior run winners along with me due to space. Grafting would be a solution but like you said, Tons of other winner in those seeds that I have yet to pop and discover.

The problem I have is that if I like something, I dig in deep. Like this Lazy Lightning I found. I don’t know if I could let her go lol. I’ll have to send a couple snips for you to try her once I get her healthy again. If you’re a fan of smoke with robust lemon earthy terps.

My guess would be the latest cold front that pushed thru. The temp change was sudden up here, Lows went from the 50s to the upper 20s. First frost this morning.


Time to make a mighty blend of bubble hash.:yum:

Bags I’m using are 220, 160, 90, 73, 25

Forgot to put a bottom layer of ice before putting the trim in, used my hand to scoop to the side and put some.

Topped off with more ice during the 30 min soak before giving it some elbow grease :mechanical_arm:


Very cool man! :sunglasses:

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