InTheWoods Journal

I have used many moldy plugs, but mainly white from trichoderma. Gray and brown are the bad molds… Check this out:

### Blue mold on plant soil

– The mold that is visible in your soil may be a [saprophyte](, which is harmless. Soil with high levels of organic matter often contains this mold, though it is rarely seen. While it may not be damaging to your plants, it is still important to monitor it.

Black mold is also very no bueno


Thank you for the link. If I use plugs again in the future and happen to come across moldy plugs, I won’t be so quick to toss. Hope you have a great week brotha!

This one I know haha.
The others I was unsure about. Rather play it safe than be sorry for cutting a corner.


Good, that shit is actually a carcinogen, crazy! And it’s everywhere up here anyway

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Sounds like a horror movie.


It’s on trees, when I had my painting business I saw it all over and realized how abundant it truly is in and around homes. It kind of is :laughing: gonna have to start wearing a respirator 24/7 full face mask too :wink:

@TopShelfTrees1 Yea we get it down here too. It can get bad if you dont pressure wash the pollen off homes every couple years. If youre in the woods, Its basically every year.

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Good morning OG :coffee:

The final undecided plant was female. Its officially 6 females, 4 Males. :sunglasses:
I will take some photos of the females in a week when they express more flowers.

What week do you pull the males out? Or just let them go till they die?

Here are the Haze/Sk1 Males on day 8 under 11/13.





I will try to pick the best male out of the bunch to hit;
SSH fem, Coral Kush fem, BD6 fem (partially seed since one is flowering), Lazy Lightning, One R.P clone.


Did this plant stall on you after a defoliation?

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No, I only topped once and did little defoliation on them.

Curious if you’re asking about the size of the plants, or the potential intersex stressors that cause it?

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Sorry, it was a misunderstanding on my part. You plucked a few balls…I thought you plucked a few leaves (defol) and the plant stopped growing

Thought you meant no new growth/fattening.

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I was a bit vague. Yea unfortunately but since then nothing yet. If they throw any more, it’s off to the freezer to make hash with.

I like to let the males go just to look for a frosty one, but you can pull them after they have dispersed for a week or so also if you want.


And a good morning to all :facepunch:t2:


Thanks brotha :coffee:

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I’ll start with the good news. Thanks again @ReikoX :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Look how beautiful this Lazy Lightning clone is.

Bad news:
very little balls starting, Giving them another day or two fully express. I don’t want to be fooled.

Culled this one

Giving one more day, 99% sure its a ball.

I looked over those others in the tent again. BD6 is still 100% female, along with the Sugar beltz, Lazy lightning, GCP and Multiple RP clones are not showing any signs of balls.

It doesn’t seem to be an environment issue otherwise all the others would be showing balls too.

Bummer as I wanted to the smoke but due to the haze/sk1 project I will have to cull em. To be honest it discourages me from popping more fem seeds and stick to regular seeds. I’m not saying they won’t hermie either but just seem like less risk barring the genetics you’re growing.


Sucks about the balls. I’m not a big fan of fems either. Almost every one a grow throws a few balls in early flower. Everything I have now did it but after plucking them off I haven’t had any more come back. I don’t think fems can take the stress like regs can.

I bred a few fem girls, that threw balls, to regular solid males and the offspring has turned out to be solid. We ran a couple dozen of them and not one herm.

Hope you are having a great day! @InTheWoods


Unfortunate luck of the draw. The SSH fems had the caveat of potential herms since it was an unintentional rodelization. I’ll have to source some reg ssh seeds for a cross I want to make in the future.

This is what I’m hoping is the case with the Odins. Fingers crossed, So far so good after a couple days.

Sounds like it could be fine but rather avoid that trait entirely if possible.

Likewise brotha!


Nice healthy looking plants you’ve got there.Good luck with your seed making .


Good morning OG! :coffee:

Haze/Sk1 needed to be defoliated as the air flow in the tent was being stifled.
Fed them too. 7ml Tiger bloom, 7ml Liquid Plant Food in one gallon mixes. Very stinky hands after handling all those fan leaves. Stoked!



Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: