Glad to be here…actually, not a 1sttime member-- I just lost access to the email I originally signed-up with!!
We are re-starting/re-vamping our grows, making them much smaller and easier to handle (for now) so we can expand once all the family & medical issues are sorted out and handled.
Gladly help out whenever I can … or point you to someone who can!
Have a great Day!
Hey @George
Oh thx mate, i leave him a mp. And i try to not use the translator so much, i need to improve my english.
But i think i donwload that app hehe, really apreciates mate! thx you!!
Hey there! Thanks for all the warm Welcomes!!!
As I (hopefully) mentioned- I am a return member…just couldn’t access my old email or account here!
Yeah-- we have 3 staggered grows going…some mixed genetics (for Draig) and some Landrace strains that we plan to eventually breed with.
No more big rooms with 15 blooming plants at a time- I am kinda growing on my own with Draig as co-conspirator, advisor, and doing the grow posts. Trying to teach our son so I have a hand, and a back-up, as I have a disability that is making it harder for me to keep up. He (we) will keep everyone apprised weekly!!
Glad to be back!!!
Hey brothers , I enjoy partaking in cannabis. I’m old school and love the kind from yester year . Currently growing bodhi , and old school stuff from moto and loompas , I’m just having fun checking some of the forums . I had too join
Hello everyone, jumped over from the other OG. Not super active on the site, but serious about my growing and smoking all day everyday. FTP let’s overgrow the world. On the other OG, Shedmonster is who I am.