It's Reversal (STS) Time!

Works for me I don’t care or is that a smart ass remark

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‘There’s more than one way to skin a cat’, I always heard. so I figure whatever works for a person is the best way…
lets keep it friendly, please. I doubt it was intended as anything more than joking.


Good luck I’m out of this thread,

It was just a joke about the (in my opinion) weird advertising, not about you. I’m sure the product works well if you say so. Apologies if it came out as offensive, was not my intention. Did not expect one could read it that way or I would not have posted. :peace_symbol:


your decision bro

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I took it as that, but some people have thinner skin than others

edit… I personally also thought the ‘Laser Tested’ on the bottle was a bit much … I mean, how do you laser test a liquid? I dunno…


Ok, the curiosity was getting the better of me, so I googled it…you CAN test liquids with laser lol

apparently, the laser refracts in different ways according to the amounts of materials, coloids, emulsifiers etc


Yeah I was just about to post the same.
Still it was a humorous comment, not a slam.
Too bad.

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OK, this morning when I get out to the barn, I’m going to do a ‘double slam’ at the 4 girls. They’re trying to recover, poor things! Tops are nice, with good bit of fresh green growth on all. I ordered some syringes from Amazon, and I’m going to do the ‘reversal by injection’ method shown in the thread

Then I’m also going to spray them good with STS using Sebring’s recipe!
If this doesn’t do the trick, possible due to the girls just being ‘not in the mood’ anymore. I’ll just grab up 4 more clones of these 4 strains and go at them all over again! So hang onto yer seats folks, this ride is not over by a long shot! :rofl: :rofl: :sunglasses:


OK, I fuked up! In my haste to get them gals reversed, and not paying tighter attention. I didn’t see the thiosulfate crystals being pentahydrate, and not anhydrous. So even if I hadn’t used too ‘hot’ a solution it probably wouldn’t have worked anyway, since even Sebring’s recipe calls for almost 2 grams more if using the pentahydrate thiosulfate, You can use either one, it’s fine. I’ll be adjusting the amounts of the ingredients accordingly when I ship some off to the couple of OGers that wanted some for their own reversal efforts.
I’ve injected the 4 with the silver nitrate solution, as well as sprayed with the now correct mixture of STS…sorry no pics since there was no one to assist, too early, lol the wife is still asleep! If that doesn’t do it, I’ll just grab up 4 more and go at em again! :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:
If one of y’all wanna try to wake her, you’re welcome to it, lol just let me get out of the range of the ensuing firestorm… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


So I’ve watched someone successfully reverse a plant with one spray of elite x elite. I’ll update y’all if the pollen ends up being viable


I’ve done all I can with these 4 girls. It’s a ‘waiting game’ more than anything. I sprayed and also injected the other day, now we just wait and see if it took or what. If not then I just get 4 more clones out and try again. lol There will be seeds, damn it! There’s too many folks using the method of STS, it’s just which recipe gives the best result.

All 4 of them are tying to grow back, they’re burnt all to hell with a lot of dead leaves, but still trying to come back with a lot of fresh green growth on the tops. So I’m hoping there’s still a good shot with these.


Yeah mine too.
This experience has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt there’s no use for the plant once the pollen is obtained.
Sheeit can it.

see my last post

ive been messing with the sts as well, i found that using it fresh is best the liquid solution in the separate containrs last 4 months, when you mix the 2 for the spray its 30 days, i also found that when my spray was too hot i added more dit h20, last i also had better results when i re-vegged the plant the burned branch i cut off and started on the next branch, i was successful in getting female seed but i have a hard time collecting the female pollen. its there but not like you think. it is there in such a small amount. last time i tried to reverse a whole plant, it grew like a vine and weird and there were sacks they were small and didnt do much, there are several recipes on the sts i ve tried 3 and had the best success with the first recipe, the first gave me around 150 seeds, all female, while the others where only like 10 seeds if that. i also tried the col. silver but couldnt get past the ugly that came with spraying everyday. if you want send me a dm and we can compare notes, ive n=been messing with the sts for a while now so i know your frustration @JohnnyPotseed but there has to be a way to collect a lot of pollen from reversing


Ok, update… There appears to be some pollen sacks forming on all 4 of them. Even after the overly ‘hot’ mix. So, we’ll have to wait a bit longer and see if they do come on.
Pardon my shitty pics, not sure if they’re very visible on here, but to the naked eye they look like they’re there.


Looking good @JohnnyPotseed!!


yeah man your almost there


update as of this morning… there seems to be a good bit of pollen pods forming… so it’d seem that ‘hot’ mix in addition to the injection and another spray with a more proper recipe. are doing the job after all. Damn glad I didn’t just go ahead and toss em like I started to do! lol!


Them poor girls! They took a licking but kept on ticking! Better than a Timex watch!! I mean, just look at what ya can see of the damage they took on! Then to try and keep on growing, with fresh new growth on all the tops…unreal! lol The bottom parts of all are totally fried though… :sunglasses: :+1: