Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

Can’t see the flavors! Good stuff I’m happy for you some good selections I’m sure.


If you double click/enlarge you can then see em.

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I couldn’t but it’s cool. I see the list. It did it that time. Good stuff. I have never done the. I have tapped on the picture and spread it lager with my fingers. Know if feel old.

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Great deal must of almost got every strain you offer.


There’s fixing to be a lot more offered, very soon!




I doubt. I have just about all your stuff. ISS and Frosted cobra have popped. One each is lagging a bit but not worried. I can get the to pop fast. I lose track of time.

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So true. I need to see a doctor maybe.


The only cure for that is…more Frankie crosses!

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Actually, i was harvesting more beans of new crosses this morning, lol The seeds were just falling outta the buds as I cut em onto the plate. Then I cut a couple of tiny buds off the plants still hanging/drying to see, and they were loaded too! 3 new ones for yas, and still more to come! lol

Here is Frankenstein x Frosted Cobra regular
Frosted Cobra F2 regular
Island Sweet Skunk x Frosted Cobra regular

all them beans came from just the tiny buds on the plate with em!


here comes a fight with the wife…I can just smell it! :laughing:


Oh brother, ya ain’t seen nuttin yet! lol wait a few weeks then she WILL have a shit-fit! There’s some exotics coming down the pike! :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :scream: :+1:
Frankenstein x Blue Thai, for instance. lol

That’s just 1 of em, there’s more that are even rarer, crosses. Not long either, lol


Same here. I stay in trouble. That’s probably why I’m so goofy sometimes. When you got a woman that’s the boss it is hard. Especially when they like to keep a finger on you. Don’t get me wrong I get upset. But she’s still the boss.


She does think it’s a little ridiculous with how many I have, but she also smokes more than I do, so doesn’t complain too much.
And it’s way cheaper than the audio game…and I’m home more than when I played hockey.

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Cuz, lol I don’t find that hard to believe. It’s the same here, Rose is ‘THE BOSS’ … period! lol
I don’t mind, lol it frees me up to play with my girls!


I got that cross that she made named after her I thought about dropping. This run.
I said she’d but I’m not sure who did it

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And likewise with here same as with you also, lol Rose smokes way more than me! So she doesn’t complain, too much, about me playing with my girls! lol
Actually, now she doesn’t complain at all! She’s glad to see me get out to the barn. It’s exercise!


Yep my wife hits the bong like a freight train. I have to vacuum up around her every day. She makes such a mess over there. She hits the 18 gauge. Packs that bowl way too tight for me. I like to get a good hit. I don’t like for it just sit there and burn.

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Sounds like the 3 of us married clones!
Except, I don’t clean up


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It was her idea, I just did what she told me to, lol