Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Morning OG!


It does nothing for the plants in vegging cycle as far as I know, Also, straight cane molasses just doesn’t seem to break down as well as the Sugar Beet Blackstrap
In the bud cycle is when the plant will metabolize it as needed. Too much there even, is wasted and can cause issues.


Molasses actually does absolutely nothing for feeding the plants itself in any of the plant cycles. Molasses is added to feed the microbes. They have a feast on the sugars and in turn are able to multiply into abundant cultures and those cultures is what will actually feed your plants. Since I’m running AACT feedings bubbling cultures for 24hrs the molasses is very important all the way from start to finish to raise those cultures to make those added amendments actually soluable. From my understanding black strap is the go to and only one suggested because it’s unsulfured which is more microbe friendly. Any organic/living soil grower that thinks they are feeding their plants with their amendments aren’t fully understanding the soil biology. I don’t feed my plants EVER, I feed my microbes and they handle biz for me, keep the microbes happy and the plants will be luscious and healthy with a solid soil economy


OK, I wouldn’t know about the AACT or culture since I’ve never done that. i grow in living soil, and feed my plants regularly, the old school way lol
But, you seem to have this method down and if it works for you, well then, go for it cuz! Nothing but good growing vibes in the air for you!


If your running a living soil you are in a round about way babysitting microbes, AACT is just actively aerated compost teas. Only difference is your loading up your soil with everything it needs right out the gate with microbes and the food the microbes with be feeding on during the grow cycle whereas mine gets a general fertilizer for basic microbe feed( Dr earth lines which I like cuz it’s organic and covers most the “meal amendments” and has probiotics and wanted soil cultures added) and I do a compost tea every two weeks, that’s doing two things for my soil, it’s recharging my microbe populations to keep consuming my soil and amendments and giving the plant soluable nutrients that were broken down during the brew to be made available to the plant right away. When u say your feeding your plants regularly? I guess my next question would be what are u feeding them? Any guanos, meals, or organic amendments and ur really just giving the microbes something to consume which will ultimately feed your plants. The reason you are seeing such a wonderful result in flower adding molasses is your making your microbes go nuts which will always have good results :wink: but like anything too much can be a bad thing


I us organic nutrients that I mostly make myself, but yes, I do use guanos, and such. I’m aware of the microbes in there lol I just wasn’t going to go that hi-tech in the discussion.

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Sorry to be a lil long winded, I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on soil biology and I find it absolutely fascinating, it’s amazing how their is pretty much an active economy right under our feet of microbes and fungi that are basically the building blocks for plants to exist, without microbes it would be like trying to build a structure without a foundation

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Well I think it’s important we understand what’s actually going on in our soil and I guess wanted to bring that to other growers attention with the molasses not actually feeding the plants so the soilless/coir/liquid nutes guys don’t get ideas thinking it will help their grow


You guys are some awesome mad scientist . I have been reading and reading . Hope to be able to start a first plant soon. Will continue to be impressed with all of this knowledge being passed around for free. Thanks


Thnx lol and welcome to OG cuz.
have you dropped by the introduce yourself thread and told us a little about yourself?


Well, as of the 6th of December, it’s been 40 yrs now I’ve been married to this woman! We’re having a small gathering at the firepit for a ‘joke-n-toke’ session to celebrate, tonight. It’s also to celebrate her birthday…yeah, I know, I’m a stinker for marrying her on her birthday lol But hey, lol it makes it easier to remember!
She didn’t mind, actually she thought it was nice to have me for her birthday present 40 yrs ago lol Also she did make one small demand lol It means I CAN just get away with one present, but…(big ‘but’) it has to be two presents worth! lol :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:


Well Happy Anni-Birthday to you and the missus!


Thnx cuz, appreciate that.
my B-day is in January, but I’m not appreciating that!


on another note, the 3rd bundle of envelopes went out yesterday. The last batch of seeds will go out Monday or Tuesday for sure. It all depends on when we get into town the first part of the week.
Then I gotta figure out to do another giveaway of seeds lol


Well, I have a problem that I know all yas can help me with here…
I’m sitting on waaaay more seeds than I’ll ever use, like around 12-15k.
The seeds need to be grown, not sit in a seed vault! lol that’s the only way we’ll OverGrow the planet! :crazy_face: :+1:
But I know you good folks can give me a hand there!


My next grow will feature Frankenstein X DBHP (Bloody Monster). Guaranteed.


Ok JPS. Got these today. Wonder if you can help me out.Frankenstein x PPP = PM (Paralyzed Monster)
The other pack says Bloody Monster = Frankenstein x PPP.
Halp. Im so confuzzed.


That’s my bad cuz lol I was trying to hurry and mis-wrote It should read ‘Frankenstein x DBHP’
for ‘Bloody Monster’
Sorry for the mixup and ensuing confusion! :rofl: :wink: :+1: :pray:
I told ya I was gonna send you some of the seeds from using your DBHP pollen


I knew that brother Just wanted to get them marked correctly. Again many thanks.


lol I wrote FxPPP so many damn times that when my mind wasn’t on it, i wrote it down again for those :crazy_face: :crazy_face:
created ‘muscle memory’ lol