Karma Genetics

Apple B, 41 days.
It’s snowing in there.


SOWAH, 76 days


Anyone holding seeds of Karmas SD BX2?

Searched extensively online and have reached out to a few people - I did find a pack online for 500 USD. But hoping to snag some seeds with a trade or something a bit more manageable financially.


Did you try reaching out to the guy at old school genetics? Don’t remember if they ship US but that would be my first bet. Also couple people on strainly (if you can stomach the place) seem to have packs a bit cheaper than 500 up. Just seen one for 250.


Try Karma Genetics Seeds - Cannabis Seeds - Attitude Seedbank USA

When they restock it they’ll put it on the USA website also


@Soiltech - Karma said he’d be releasing more this month - he said this a few weeks ago on another forum. I believe it’ll be at some point after Spannabis which is this weekend.

Old School Genetics will send to you; Oldman Green is an awesome dude, he’s generally good at getting in touch and is an awesome breeder and friend of Karmas.

Pure Sativa is an approved stockist that Karma has a good relationship with. You can select ‘notify when in stock’ with them and you’ll get an email. They now send to the US.


You shoild ask on the European/ german thread here or on icmag.

The bx2 i seen a few times but the bx3/bx4 sowahh is more common an widespread.
( sadly i dont have them myself)


Hi man, they are being offered at Spannabis for normal prices. Maybe someone can pick up a pack there for you.


Was able to connect with Karmas guy, old man green. He was quick to get back - he said they are releasing original packs this Friday.
140€ + 25€ After the exchange rate that’s almost 300 bucks for me. Already put my spring seed orders in for this - otherwise my budget might have let this one workout. If it’s meant to be I’ll find a pack that I can afford. Seems there are more floating around than I originally suspected.


Apple B, 67 days. 2 of 3 left. Few days till chop. Nice frosty super dense nugs. Third pheno was shorter and not much yield and is drying.
Looking forward to smoking these.


If you order for 150€ so anything small fem from himself shipping is free.

I dont know but maybe someone from Europe can helo you with PayPal exchange so it would be rather 160-170$ (sadly the euro is week in the moment)

165 euros with todays exchange is around 180, not the cheapest but still cheaper then some others

Hello, you always have the repros as well. I bought this because I wanted a larger plant count to look through and the prices karma have on these are not made for hobby breeders. :face_with_peeking_eye:

These are F2s and Ape origin are reputable.

Pz :v:t2:


Ape origin is reputable for hermis.
I saw already a few times that much of his stuff Herms.
In at least one case this sour diesel.


Hehe, ever grown karma’s SD’s?

Pz :v:t2:


Canada*^ dollars for me

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No but an pack new Amsterdam diesel waiting for me

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@Villiager Oh, never heard of Amsterdam Diesel. What’s that?

Karma’s SD gear are quite herm prone over all. So I wouldn’t expect a F2 open pollination of his gear to be better in that regard.

Pz :v:t2:


Sorry my mistake new York Amsterdam sour.

Its J.J. Sour D Bx4 x Karma Sour D Bx2

That was my personal choice of an good sour diesel in seed form in europe without going bankrupt.

Hope for an keeper there.


Nice, that sounds like a good idea to look for SD type phenos :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2: