Karma Genetics

Pure Sativa have Sowahh, Sour Diesel BX2 and Headbanger back in stock. :eyes:


Went to Spannabis and got me some new Karma gear.

I love how my Sowahh came out. Very strong uplifting creative high. At first the smell was a bit mediocre but after a few weeks in the grovebags it came out really nice. Oldschool funk!


These are available now at Pure Sativa and Attitude UK :+1:

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I’ve grown a single plant of this one and it looked great, but yours looks even better.

Great work there!

Is this your first time growing it?


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Abyone know if the best options for a canadian to get some of their gear?

oldschoolgenetics is your safest bet.


As info - a pack of Karma Sowah is up for auction run by @hoss8455


if anyone happens to be looking :eyes:


Flipped a couple of Karmas to 12-12 today

Black Beard which is Biker Kush #081 * (Black Afghani IBK(SourD * Bubba) and

Pink Bananas which is Pink Runtz * Two Bananas which was a freebie on my last order.

I’ll post some pics when it gets interesting


Attitude USA has Sowahh in stock, I was able to order one. Had the sour BX2 in my cart as well but it sold out before I could enter my info. Im excited to see what I find in them, and possibly make my first cross with it and some top dawg sour F5s


Apologies for missing this. Thanks for that, yes first time, and first in coco. Went pretty smooth.
Yea the frost was over the top. Big ole hash ball rubbing fingers when I chopped. Ha
All very terpy, chem / sour /cleaner variants. One had great buzz but sadly that one I didn’t nail on the dry.

Black Beard #2
(Pirate Sweat x Biker 81)

#2 is the runt of 4 seeds popped. All 4 had a few weeks veg then straight to 12/12 then 2 weeks later 11/13. Flowering in 1ltr of dirt in a 2x3 under strip LEDs. #2 was not topped and has zero branching, the other 3 were topped. A lot of quality coming out if this cross, favourite nose is on #1 which has deep rich earthy hashy notes, there is quite a lot more going on in the other 3 plants. All plants are producing tight frosty buds with swollen bracts. Will be looking to re-veg all of them.


This thread doesn’t get as much action as it should for such a good seed maker. For any of you Karma fanciers (I am one) there’s a giveaway going on for a pack of Biker Kush here till 5 pm est tomorrow.



That’s not true, there is some in the 60/70€ others around 80/90€ and the most expensive are at 120/140€ on all his retailers in Europe, only 2 different packs of SD are over 100€. His seeds have decent prices compared to his competition
2 different Sowahh between day 40 to 48



it’s been awhile since I looked at any of his pricing. The post you replied to was from some months back. Last time I was shopping his gear there was not really much availlable below the 100 euro price point. Releases since then have been less for sure.
Don’t mistake my comments on pricing as bashing Karma… I am a huge fan of his work and have been growing his gear for many years now. As a Canadian, once I factor in exchange rates at EU and US seed banks… the costs add up quick hehehe and that includes a lot of breeders who’s stuff I’d like to try.
I buy Karma packs that I “really want” but when I do I usually place an order that includes a few friends also ordering what they want on the same order. So usually once a year if we can time a drop right. I’m not much about the fruity stuff and more about the gas and og stuff so I have passed on a lot of what has been dropped this year. I have all those bases covered in my seed collection anyways. For Karma gear… my collection of his releases from say 2008 to 2018 is fairly respectable. I’ve worked original Biker to F3 from packs I grabbed in 2016, same with an isolation of Old Grandpa Scratch Ltd… these remain my favorites of his work to date but like I say, I have passed on the recent releases though I did make sure to get more Headbanger and a couple other restocks. :wink:


Did you grown and maybe even have the karma og aka bear og f4?

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No problem, it’s just to give correct info to the readers because if they think there is nothing under 100€ many won’t even look his offerings. But there is only 2 seeds from Karma over 100€, the Sour D BX2 and SOWAHH(SD BX4) all the other seeds are under and you used the € symbol so original prices.

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If from europe, you can get packs 70-100 from his main retailer. They usually hook up with a free pack, so thats a killer deal! From the US gets a bit pricier…

Ive grown a few packs of headbanger, sd bx2, sd bx4, dominator biker kush, orange headstash, bon bon, lemon mochi, a5hz, all were top notch!

Been growing his sours for a few years and its awesome! Very stable, and almost every plant is a winner!

Gonna be growing some of his pink line soon, which uses a reverses pink runtz cut.


I’ve grown a few of his seeds as well and my favorite so far are the Haedbanger and Sowahh(SDbx4). I have grown the HB pure or outcrossed for years, it was about 75% of my grows for 5 years. I have some Sowahh going now and I want to get a pack of Biker Kush to make my own version of Headbanger for fun.


Here are some buds on Pink Bananas (Two Bananas * Pink Runtz) day 51 in flower. Nice artificial fruit candy smell, medium yielder looks like 60 days give or take. Pretty little thing which came along as a 3 seed freebie with my Biker081 order.


Anybody interested in running some sdbx4 x headbanger? Or killer a5 x sd bx4? In case ur willing to pop these right away… Hit the dm!