Landraces of India

This is an old variety that his friends family has been growing for Generations. New pictures


but probably contaminated? i just felt it looks bit modern, just in the middle.


My pleasure brother
So many of my friends are trying to grow them indoors and they are trying to keep them short and dense by topping them
Yet der are so many varieties which are growing good in indoors which are TRIMBAK, MATORI, bhadra, revadi, and GADCHI as well.


i ment contaminated with modern Indian lines. The 1800 Pictures look more oldschool.

Dis purple flowers are of UKHRUL MANIPUR


No contamination in these. This family has been growing the same thing for years. Many of the older people in India still value tradition. They prefer the old ways


Bro the bronze variety is known by the name " TAMBA"
ITS the local name of BRONZE COLOUR weed


how can you rule out contamination with the average modern Indian Streetweed?

Is this even possible?

I think the old bronze colored weed is what many would call Gold over here. Many people are searching for the old gold varieties, which largely seem to have disappeared. Do you think this color comes from girdling the plant of its bark? Or is this a natural color the plant has

Thank you for taking the time to answer outmr questions and sharing your knowledge with us.

Would you happen tl know of a very strong head high strain? I have been searching for a while now.

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She looks gorgeous :eyes:

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When you grow the same thing for many years, it’s very easy to tell if something new pops up. I’ve only been growing mine for 30 years, and if any other pollen were to hit my plants I could tell in an instant it was something else in the following generation. It’s what Farmers have been doing for years, roguing out the plants that don’t closely match to the phenotypes they desire.

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not shure. Og Kush , yeah you can spot it in your Landrace probably. but can you spot the difference between old and new indian? from same region.

Those are some awesome looking purple Ukrhul buds! Was that one grown by the Naga tribe? Or did someone else grow that one?

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What is the last photo? (Green and hairy) It looks intriguing.



That’s purple Ukrhul. Edit…( oops, thats the one above it) It is closely related with cannabis from manipur. Grown in eastern India near the Burma border. It is known to have a powerful high that some people consider too much. Related to cannabis from Thailand.
There are so many different phenotypes in a land race population that one person’s experience can be completely different from another person’s experience. Of course some of the plants would be just average, but when you find a stellar individual, it can be Kick-Ass , and something you would want to keep around.


Wow. That one looks like it has great potential for indoors.


@Upstate yeah it’s really beautiful brother UKHRUL variety I really liked it.
They are grown by some.local farmers from the village and they are very much focused on producing good quality flowers
But they don’t produce much seeds only limited number of females they pollinate


Yeah… something about that one ‘speaks to me’ … :thinking:
