Landraces of India

What’s your latitude? That hail is big enough to hurt like hell. :joy:




East Manipur Burma border buds getting close to harvest…I think… @Heritagefarms did you grow some of these too? So far I am not seeing any sign the calyxes will swell up. Odd because the description says it has large calyxes. Also I am getting an absolutely delicious smell but nothing close to being fruity like the description says. And finally these have been flowering since mid April and they are supposed to be 14 to 16 week plants lol. I’m somewhere around week 20. I lost track. Plants are on 11-13 light cycle and have been for more than 6 weeks…(ooops. old post i forgot to hit send…


I want you to too😁


Beautiful! Should come in around 18 feet or so in the end. Maybe taller. I’ve heard of( saw a pic) a 22 footer! Do you have the weather for it to finish?
@royal she is starting to stretch nicely. Hope you get a good one!


That will be a sight to see!

34° N and yes I thought everything was going to get shredded but I wasn’t about to go out there to move plants! In the end there were only a few branches lost here and there. The Rasol did get super cropped by the hail but it bounced back nicely.

Well the original plan was to move any of the longer flowering ones into the greenhouse if it starts getting too cold so I will have to get creative if it comes to that. I’m anticipating end of Nov to early Dec for this one and although the weather here is beautiful at that time we do get several frosts here and there. The Rasol is described as cold hardy so we’ll see.


Mine took around twenty weeks to finish , there site says 16+ with some finishing sooner but it also says outdoor is not done till the end of January starting to flower in august so that would be more like 20. I got two plants that had large calyx with the blue looking striping shown in pictures , very fast growing plants with tremendous stretch during transition to flower. I grew them under a small light so hard to judge the quality of the bud formation but very airy , they would need full sun and a lot of food to put on any kind of yield. I got musky smells and typical landrace sativa herbal smells but nothing fruity. I still have more I need to run to repopulate my bean stash , the male turned hermi I so I killed it and bred the paki chitral kush to the EMB. When I get threw some other projects I’m going to find a good female from the cross and breed her to a high elevation 6 week indica creating a truly unique mix. North Indian cannabis is genetically very distant from modern lines and should be preserved as should many other landraces. I’m currently growing out some Mazar sharif then Will be Kona gold, Kandahar , either Mazar/og or Kandahar/og , red hair sensi aka red hair skunk, djs grape crush/ lavender x lavender/ice cream cake. I’ll be busy for awile before I explore the EMB x PCK. Wish I could have ten different isolated rooms going just for breeding,life goals lol


Here is my oaxacan in central Oklahoma


This is a Dancehall romulan grapefruit cross


You’ll be fine where you are no problem. Just about the same latitude its used to and they can flower fast. In 10 weeks for some quick ones up to 14 weeks. Keep us posted.


Nice Oaxaca! That quick one should finish for you with no or little help. What are you thinking with the rest? Shelter in place?


Lolab Valley Lemon Kashmir.
Surprisingly hungry for Nitrogen. Neat plants. Loving the structure of them. Smells are straight lemon, lemon pledge, lemony/floral.
Plants have survived 3 frosts so far no problem. I’m surprised they have issue with septoria on the leaves…just like the other Kashmir I tried. I’ll find some resistant plants next year.


Very cool. Will you be posting a report on the effects?


Im curious about this as well.


That is one of the most unique looking plants I have seen in a long LONG time. Please tell me you’re going to do a co-op seed run with that beautiful thing.


There are many different genotypes to be found in the Rasol due to it being, not only a pure North India/Himalayan mountain landrace genotype, but a hash plant as well, who’s charas have been cultivated for hundreds of years by locals.

It’s strange to think that a quick flowering highland landrace could take longer than 20 weeks to complete her flowering cycle. It’s a good thing she’s a cold resistant variety, as most highland varieties are.
A lowland variety, I could see going that long or even longer. I’ve grown a few long-winded ladies in my time.
Like the late Tom Petty used to say… the waiting is the hardest part!


We will have to see. Perhaps in the future. For now I’m going to work on making an ibl of it then maybe an open pollination of an earlier generation to spread around.
@Herrsquidward I’ll give a smoke report but from what I am told I’m not expecting anything super strong. Next summer I hope to find something strong out of a good large run of them. If there’s potent plants in the line I’ll find them. Otherwise it may just be a lemon flavored novelty and a unique breeding tool.
@deeez99 any Rasol updates?
@DesertGrown are you referring to the 20 +week manipur?


Keep up the great work @Upstate !!!


We do have some flowers forming finally! I was waiting to get a slightly bigger cluster of pistils before pollinating but I think I might just try a branch and see how it takes. It was hard to get some close ups as I had to stand on a bucket.


Plenty of flowers for seed. I’d hit it now for sure so there is plenty of time for seed to form.
Beautiful plant. Getting any mint smell?


Yes actually some pretty strong mint smells right now (really nice!) which is a little surprising as I’m not seeing much resin crystals yet.