Landraces of India

Interesting you pointed out the minty terps in strains from Colombia, Jamaica and Panama. It seems minty terps are more common in tropical NLD varieties. In fact, that’s the only place I’ve ever encountered it. I believe it’s a terpene called “eucalyptol.” Many NLD strains have piney terpenes and an “up” effect. This is no coincidence. The terpene called “pinene” is a mild stimulant by itself. Pinene, THC and THCV seem to have a stimulating entourage effect.


Yes, the action of a pinene is clear. I don’t know if alpha pinene or beta pinene. There could also be , eucalyptol and even linalool. depending on the condition of the substrate where it is grown. These terpenes are either potentiated or restricted, as part of the expression of the substrate chemotype. That smell of pine is quite common in sativas from South America.

Terpenes, terpenoids, falvonoids and even carotenoids are modulators of the effects of larger cannabinoids such as THC, CBD and other cannabinoids as well. the synergy of cannabinoids, scents and colors of the flowers dictate the type of effect and power.


I get the impression that mango biche is more of a Thai than mango mirceno


I ran Bodhi’s MangoBiche x G13HP - very up bright mango terps


Welcome to OG.
Generic seeds Kashmir had lots of minty plants.
Rasol has minty plants in abundance. Minty hash too. Big plants
Morrocan can be minty i hear.
Kerala is minty.

Really? Nice. I love that pine. Makes sense now we went thru that piney phase in the 90s


mango biche from cannabiogen tastes like immature mango and myrcene. very myrcenous


Interesting, I asked Shiv for his cashmere, although I understood that it was fruity lemon, I hope I get some mint. Cachinira comes from latitude 33, I am in Santiago de Chile, latitude 33 south, it is a good tool for the start of flowering to begin earlier. In some of the very tropical sativas, they begin to flower very late and tetminna and flower in poorly lit sun. and in cold weather.
Although the flowering is quite long, 12 weeks, I was thinking of shortening some sativas with Cachimira, hahahahahaha I think it would have to be with another variety

many thanks for the welcome bro


In places where hash is made, very short plants are considered to be of lower quality due to the type of effect and, in general, they prefer overr maturing plants that give a much higher quality product, although they sow it to achieve the heaviest effect, so That it is 12 weeks this cashmere would indicate quality of effect. I hope some pink pheno comes out, which is the most beautiful and exotic in the colors of cannabis flowers.

@Upstate this moment I have a clone of “Punto rojo(cryposo) x Original haze” from some seeds that bro Yaxu gave me. It has a very slightly fruity and pine eucalyptus odor, with a slight leathery . very spiritual effect. The only one of the three females that I got that knew and had that red dot effect. the two sisters domino haze, hopefully I don’t lose this clone.


Kashmir plants can be pretty variable depending on elevation, latitude and origin. The Lower elevation Kashmirs can go 12 weeks but the Generic seeds( Azad kashmir)Kashmir, the minty one, was fast. Maybe 8 weeks till the pistils fell off. @Barefrog Should know whether there were longer flowering plants originally before selections took place.

@G-paS is growing that one now. G-pas, can you upload some photos to here?
I don’t know too much about this Kashmir but I have seen pictures of pretty pink buds and I think it comes from the South of Srinagar, where plants are or can be a bit longer flowering at 10-12 weeks.
That treasure from Yaxu sounds great. I’m sure you’ll find a way to keep it around😁


Hola Gang

The Azad I have comes from
Kwiratta Asad region Kashmir
seeds were collected by a friend.

This plant grows 6-7 ft high
the right specimen will produce
a very high concentration of resin

Just removing old leaf could be
a problem .
The high is a lot like the kashmir
hash we had in the 70’s.



shiv cashmere is from 10 to 12 weeks, it doesn’t complicate me before a 12 week cashmere line, on the contrary I love the idea. Long flowering times for me are trafficked in better psychoactivity. so happy. I don’t know what proportion the pink pheno appears in the seeds of indian seed 97. I only know about the line that is from 10 to 12 weeks and that shiv showed the photo pink pheno and a green one.
Yaxu told me to send me the few seeds he has left of “Puntorojo x original haze”, even if he crossed the clone with a male (congo point noire/old timer haze) x (jamaica lamnsbread/ jamaica blue mountain) and 20 offspring. I stayed with the male that smelled more like the mother, for a bx2 and also a custom haze that I make for my personal pleasure


Hola @Upstate

Kashmir x Blue Dream
Goat & Monkey seeds
Did that cross with my Azad
Saddly Matt passed away
a few months ago.



are you shure? i would have guessed the opposite, that nld have often few of those heavy terpenes… fewer than indicas, no?

ok, columbian probably


A few years ago I grew out a Laos pheno that was electric - too jolting for some… which had strong pine terps…


nice i dint know anyone would find pine in those strains really. all good,
if you do give me a warning, i dislike pinene when its too strong.


Minty terpenes i find not rarely in Hemp strains that grow here.
Some phenos really strong, just spearmint smell.

Since Upstate mostly mentiones India as a Mint-smell source, it could be linked to higher levels of CBD ?


These are the 7 seedling I have at the moment.

How tall and what was they flower time of their Moms @Upstate

:green_heart: :seedling:


I haven’t grown them yet but reportedly 10 to 12 weeks flowering. Somewhere a ways back in the thread as a picture of a pink bud from this strain. Picture from @Shiv9545
@G-paS The seed come from native Indian plants


I didn’t think they were common myself But I haven’t gotten into South American landraces yet.


You just pass it over on my way my friend😁