Landraces of India

25% chance cbd dominant, 50% chance mixedthc/ cbd, 25% thc dominant.

I’m afraid you’re not the only one.


Are you just running 12/12 in there? I see your Odisha are at least showing pistils. Never mind I see 13 hours of darkness.

Here’s one of my Odisha. Still waiting on pistils.


Even with Himalayan charas cultivars? TRSC has some seeds called “Dakshingkali” and “Nepalese Mountain Ganja”, which I’m guessing is Neplese that has been worked, selected to be THC-dominant.


Yea I’m on week 7 of 11/13 lighting. I’ll drop back to 10.5/13.5 at week 10 or 11.
They are getting angry with me by keeping them in the 1 gallon still. I have to up pot them in a day or two.


Your doing good to get them to start flowering. I may move her soon and try to get her more darkness.


Thanks brotha!
I asked Budderton when I first received them to put a gameplan together.
I’m not sure how long your outdoor season is, you may want to do that soon :grin:

Also, when I listened to Snowhigh potcast and he was very adamant about 10.5/13.5 lighting for long flowering sativas. Something about 12/12 isn’t naturally occurring in nature if I remember right.

Your plants are massive and happy. Keep up the great work!


Coco Genes has fallen off the radar too. I got dropped in the middle of a deal. They used to have an amazing selection of Indian seeds. It was good for a few years at least. Just goes to show that sometimes you can’t wait on stuff like that.


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Lol… they’re posing for the camera! :sunglasses:
Lovely pic!


Odishas in their final pots, They really needed it.
You can see all the contortions I have to do to keep them under the light.


What sort of light power/intensity do you have them under? Are those full spectrum LEDs?


Only 400w in the 5x5 tent, Short 200 wattage based on sq.ft but still enough to get the job done.

1x 200w and 2x 100w.

Yes, the King LED 200w has veg and bloom switches but the Phlizon 100w’s are constant full spectrum but have a dimmer. Running at max power.

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Yes, with charas strains too. My guess is that domesticated patches of weed are slightly higher in thc than undomesticated patches.

It’s supposed that Indian ganja from the base of the mountains( Terrai region)has been mixed with Nepalese since the 30’s


Hey! You’re doing it! What week of flowering?


Haha I was really pushing it with them in those 1-gallon pots. It’s in week 7. About to start week 8 on Wednesday.


Here’s a closer look.


Malana Village 43N update from this morning: she’s big! And doesn’t seem to care about anything, rain, sun, wind, she just keeps going. I did notice in doing supercropping on my potted sister plant that this strain is exceptionally good for bending/crimping tops down, she crushes easily and droops but doesn’t split or hinge loosely, and the plant recovers with a knuckle very fast. Definitely some good “repairing from a brutal storm genes” in here along with resistance:


Yay!! Some buds! I was worried for you for a minute. Happy to see flowers @Dirt_Wizard


@Upstate Me too man! The frost range 10%-90% for the area, according to the local agricultural extension, is Sept 10-Oct 10, I don’t think we’re getting the early frosts this year because it’s currently in the mid to high 60s at night. I think flowering initiated a week or two ago, so that gives me at least 6-8 weeks, and I expect a high level of cold resistance from these girls, so we will be taking them right on into the hard frosts or first snows! I will probably construct a little greenhouse bit over them off the porch with a few poles towards the end of September, in hopes that the house foundation helps keep it a little bit warmer, and to help out with the heavy fall dew (this morning was absolutely drenched and it’s probably going to stay that way IME). Will also probably start doing some PureCrop1 sprays to fight off any mold/fungus that wants to creep in, but so far so good there without any IPM this year other than the companion plants already in the yard like marigolds, basil, etc. I figure them to finish mid-late October around 10+ weeks, we’ll see if we get buds or just hash this year! Most of this is going to my lady’s father, who will not be mad at all if it ends up as sieved hashish instead of ganja. The plan is to dry the whole plant in the basement for a month or so, harvest the good buds for curing, and then let the rest desiccate in the winter dryness and then screen the kif in time to press some hash pucks for Christmas gifts. She’s heavy into bartering, already raises quails for eggs and grows shiitake logs everywhere on the property as food/trade and I have convinced her to add cannabis to that now that it’s legal here to homegrow. Everyone likes weird landrace weed, right?