Let’s talk terps

I 100% experience the same thing when I apply essential oils to my body after a good smoke sesh. Depending on the oil the effects can be more uplift, more sedation, more mental stimulation, or more psychedelic.


Natural is classic. What other descriptors would you use when you think natural? I tend to think earthy, piney, danky, skunky, green planty, more traditional smelling cannabis. Classic smells for sure. Love me some nature.

Fire :fire:

Thanks for the nod towards the sour diesel thread. How does AJ’s Sour D compare to the original? Lookin like headies :drooling_face:


Yes you would be correct! Thank you for pointing me in this direction. :pray:


Hell yeah a wall of text !!! ofc i appreciate !

A mix of grapefruit and pineapple. Not so sugared, but very intense in fruit department.
On the end i was fighting against a “bubblegum” drift not planned, the price to brute force the terps rate on this one.

Click on my avatar, you have a bunch of wall of text to sip (the MTD). It look dense but i take all shortcuts i can to treat the subjects, to give an overview to digg. Just trying to emulate potentials this way.

I’m not pessimist either, i think it’s just matter of education and rational drives.

Oh no, not longer enough young for this kind of hash lol Really just the aromas to get in weed.

None. I think I’ve an intolerance for this kind of combo, it really provoke nausea at the first toke.

There is a bunch actually, i don’t know where to begin lol The problem is that singularity was quite crushed by a streamlined demand, putting pressure on cultivars not hyped.

Agent Orange and the less hybridized stuff of Trichome Jungle is something i can vouch for the “orange”, knowing very well the IBL used as spice.

On citrus i don’t know if it still around but the Lemon G have really won my heart on this spectrum. But it’s also quite frequent on JH hybrids (breeded this way), Lemon Skunk being maybe the most practical to source today i think.

Grapefruit is a less frequent occurence yes. The pineapple express (over the name) can work if you like weed very sugared.

Yes sorry, the Sweet Pink Grapefruit. It’s one of these cuts that never die. The name don’t speak for itself for this one, the aromas you get change all the time while smoking. Chemotype react strongly to temps, you can even have fancy session with an accurate vaporizer : Dialing the temp to change the weed lol

It’s the mess, and actually the “skittlez” marketed of one of its hybrids was quite close to what i can compare. Just not sugared and not acidistic, to take the treat in reference. The cut is (very) hard to dial, not something you find in the streets generally.

By lack of any alternative. It’s not difficult to pass the taste to progeny, but very difficult to stabilize it in its initial intensity.

I try to organize a contest on OG for this one ^^ Cross the fingers for me.

I don’t follow much this label, but it look like a smart outcross at first glance. To feed your palate with a fruity smoke that is not boring, that’s spot on i think. Never tempted the cross of the twos, take care the Papaya is quite herm initially. I don’t think in F1 you will get a shit show but better to keep an eye. Mid flo generally with papaya.

Totally crazy if you want my opinion. I mean, the SD is an US legacy. Seeing so much dutch hybrids circulating instead is quite disturbing. Now maybe i give it too much weight for what locals really care of, the weed being maybe more a symbol from outside.

I wasn’t aware of this, thanks for the Californian slice. The SD being very much an indoor beast, i’m not surprised. Never tested outdoor, she stink too much it will be a suicide here.

I’m more from the Rez era, a bit earlier. Before i saw the storm on ICM i wasn’t knowing this weed at all. I tried the IBL and wasn’t specially impressed. Then years later i had the opportunity to work with a few differenbt cuts, and holly shit my perspective changed radically to almost a fanboy state lol

It’s an opportunity to remember that the seed line still available, for those wanting a 100% G13HP. Maybe not with the “88” tag but that can be improved pure.

Pain in the ass to source in reg, cuts aren’t hard to find here at least. But it’s a fragile cross (hard to maintain), better to count on both options. Not much success in EU at its time, it complicate the task.

My favorite G13 Haze was the soma one, but i’m unable to say it’s bettter than the nice version. I just like it more raw to inbred it. Now i will not return to it, i’m more on the NL5H galaxy by personal taste.

But …

if you tried to describe a virtual weed that you will consider as “maximum funkiest” (lol), how you will imagine it ?


Me, I dunno. I think they surely affect flavor, no doubt. But the euphoric effect is mainly what I’m lookin’ for. BUT, and this’s a big but, i want smooth taste, with very minimal if non-existant harshness in my smoke. I have not found either in about 150 varieties of dispo cannbis i’ve tried in the past 7 years. Not one time. If I did, i’d know what it was, and i’d be lookin’ for more of it. :sigh: :slightly_frowning_face:


Right on @slain , I can confirm this through my experiences. Some males bring up the terps in a cross, just like some males bring up the THC, without adding too much. Example: I kept a lemon Slush male for a couple yrs because it’s sister was the most flavorful “candy” weed I have tried. I put that male on about a dozen different things and found that though it didn’t pass on a lemon smell, it cranked the existing terps of the receiving females up to 11 in the progeny constantly. Wish I still had that one, but that’s why I like to hold males while I test out progeny.
And @Terp, nice first topic and welcome to the forum. Be careful selecting for strong terps only as this can lead you away from potency, if you’re not careful . I’ve been down that road. Happy hunting!!


Yeah common feedback I get is you won’t know what you get until you grow the progeny out.

Cool! Definitely worthwhile imo. I think when you get a really loud lavender I can see that it might not be for everyone lol. I was pretty stoked to find that it often seems to bring some of those more subtle sativa/heirloom smells out instead of just drowning them as I thought it might.
I found it easy to reverse too, so there is always that route if you want to make some fems with your chosen fems?

Well I guess these things are subjective, but I find it foul haha. I am not into some of the more chemical or rubber smells, or the plastic dumpsters fire smell, or the crushed ants smell that some of the chem plants can have. What a wierd plant huh? lol.

I’m liking 3rd coasts Cherry Festival and pure Michigan atm. Both of them have ended up with some really terpy plants, but more spicy earthy sour and still no cherry dammit lol.

Awesome man, always good to hear that I’m not alone in
an observation :joy:. Do you also often find that the overall structure of the plant leans towards the female side? As if there is some maternal effect happening?


I know some people say the mom is more dominant in a cross. Never found out to what degree yet.


It varied from pairing to pairing but I’d say yes, the general structure of the progeny often took after the female when using that particular LS male. Here’s a link to a little info and pics of some of its progeny. It’s a bit long winded and pertains to another project.



Dominance just depends on the parents. Generally speaking, a more inbred parent will usually be more dominant than a less inbred parent but definitely won’t know for sure until you make the cross and grow out the progeny. It’s the General Combining Ability of the parents that make the difference. Sometimes two ugly people make a beautiful kid and the same thing can happen here. Sometimes picking the best plants of the pack isnt’ the best way to breed :man_shrugging:

Most of the males I’ve used have affected the plant and flower structure of the majority of the progeny. Most of them tend to look like the father or his side of the line. Plants looking just like the mom have been harder to come by for me, but I have had the high’s from the mom pass pretty consistently. I’ve found at least one plant in every pack I’ve popped that I made that heavily reminded me exactly of the mom used to make it.


Is it the general combining ability or the specialized combining ability? I’m never sure, maybe some of each? So if the gca is the mean expression of traits between genotypes and sca is the expression of traits that deviate outside the mean?

Really interesting, thanks man. I’ve just made a bunch of reciprocal crosses of 50:50 hybrids so I can grow them side by side and see what I find; I definitely have some plants that seem to be more dominant in a cross when they are the females, but then you get something like sour bubble where with anything in either direction it just seems to become sour bubble with a different shape lol. But man of all the things, breeding for particular smells/tastes is the thing I find most unpredictable.



NL5H F1 males. Looping on my comment in your log, you know which.
Choose the NL5 pheno at this stage, and the haze will be crushed slowly but strongly.
Choose the hazey/JH styled pheno … and you can work decades.


Sometimes also, dominances have sturdy patterns that can bite your nuts on the late ^^


I feel you bro haha shts really tasty

ahh my bad, I realized I worded badly. I meant to find like strong “blueberry” flavor in blueberry strain. Like blueberry strain will be most of the time fresh blueberry terp which is not really a blueberry. ← anyway this was what I meant haha

wouu yes, can be subjective what is redbull terp, but that redbull terp is mad to me. However, often when people refer to redbull (on modern hybrids) to me, it was like a liquorice/berry kinda terp and mainly liquorice dominance.

This sounds real tasty thing tho!


That line is such an interesting one!
I was super curious Gf x BB or sweet tooth line shows a lot of auto-flowering (cuz SPG does that, I heard). Can I ask you if you see auto-flowering often on the line?


Sweet memories ^^ Bud of the initial BX3 for the tribute.

I heard this too, well I’ve an old shitty growlog here that clearly show it’s not the case at all with the #3 ^^ It was a F5+ in bonus. Now it’s totally possible that with a specific pressure you can obtain this, but against an hard work and during years. On “my” #3 it was mainly potency/terp maintenance. It was a sturdy BX3 initially, quite rockstable/dried and without much room to operate segregations ^^

I “owned” the SPG 15 years ago and make various fems with it in bonus, i never saw such a trait. Now i don’t use weird photoperiods also, it’s to take in count maybe : 18/6 (rarely) - 24/0 - 12/12 only since ages.

I guess that with variables cycles like i saw sometimes or periods inspired from the TC (often these last 2 years), reveg is popular too … well, when you play with fire sometimes it’s burning ^^


lol, man don’t let the haze thread hear you say that, there will be pitchforks and flaming torches!

I really liked BBK, not all of them popped with that syrupy blackberry profile, but man the ones that did were intense I have 9lb hammer x BBK going atm that nice and terpy,
but is so branchy it is choking itself, like full muppet plant, and this is after a week of stretch!. Needs more auxins lol.

Nice, some of the blockhead pheno’s can look a bit like that.


I’ll post in this afficionados thread my dutch spades flowered, no one will remember as usual but i promised ^^

I loved the initial 9lb Hammer (sub version?). Oh wait, let me show you a 2007 P1 (male) of mine (UCOB#1).

I’ve a particular love for this shape. Impressive diag buddy, but with auxins (even in just skunkizing it) the flowers ain’t worth shit. But do guaranteed miracles with any good NL. It’s because it’s initially a triploid locked this way, no room ^^

True, with much less auxins (SPG stretch like shit) . Let me catch an old shot :

If ever you make puppies (sub’s one, not j1nx)… i’ll be glad to care some. Sub smoking bowls with his favorite bands now, i can finally grow his stuff.


arent the pot too small for such a huge lady?

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