Let's talk about High

I agree and I would add also that moment of the day, quantity, mood/environment, tolerance, cure, time of storing, etc etc etc can all affect the perception…the high

I.e. Someone no smoking a lot will get high as sleepery, lot of chemical hungry, red eyed, and couch down with a super sativa, while someone used to smoke will get energised, clean eyes and operational with reduced appetite.


All the same big family


I disagree with both statements and honestly, OP, I think you do, too. NOT all buzzes are the same, and NOT all weeds are the same. . .

. . .but those things are personal, subjective things that cannot be regularly achieved through growing practices that one follows, that leads to the same outcome over and over.

Is that a more accurate reflection of what you’re trying to say? It seems like it. I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, I’m trying to better understand what you’re saying, man.

A buzz is definitely not like another buzz. . .to me.


I think so! Who else would be in that family? Thank you, Rhiz. :slight_smile:

Also remember reading that intoxicatipn is different for everybody since three things influence it …

  1. BMI (body mass index)
  2. Dosage
  3. Psychological profile.

Hi there, I was half way with a nice answer to you and I don´t think you are trying to understand or simplify.

“Weed is weed”, this is math, the first value is the second if the words are the same. If you think weed is not weed, then I think you don´t need to understand my point of view.

If you are confused and whiling to engage on a debate by simply disagree, Weed is weed, weed strains aren´t all the same. (Because the second part is unrelated with what I wrote)

Again: “a buzz is a buzz” not equal to “all buzzes are the same” in fact where did you got those ideas from one small sentence?

My friend, weed is weed and despite the strain, they all share their little character, sometimes they want something you don´t know what is, some times a phenotype will surprise you, you can advise someone to try strain A and he get a pheno completly different and scratch that strain just because he didn´t tried it as long as it should.

Just like a buzz is a buzz and that is when you smoke and feel the effects, tha is a buzz. Now knowing how differnt a strain can get, so the effects from your buzzes, I like to use a early croped bud during day to be more active and a later bud by the end of the day to drop down and relax, very different buzzes from the same plant.

Knowing this make you realize that strain exchange and smoke exchange can point you in the direction you seek faster than try and fail, but when you try, you stick to it, you will experience individual phenos, the main strain and early and mature crop, only then you will know if that strain A is what you want.

My point of view is that you can´t give someone the perfect grow formula that works for everybody, as you can´t choose a strain for others, you can Overgrow meaning growing plants as you grow as grower and human. and by improving yourselft you will notice that weed is weed, all strains share their buds, their stresses, their irregularities and singularities each seed carry on their dna, sometimes slightly different, othes very different.

When you realize this you will try the next phase, find the right plant, make it a mother and stretch that plant phenotype as long as you like or can.

Now don´t disagree over what I didn´t wrote, you usually disagree of the words placed, if you want details just ask and I will explain.

Have a nice one!

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The way I look at it is that while weed is weed and the buzz is the buzz on a general level, there are different timbres.

It’s like hitting middle C on a guitar, or a piano, or a trombone etc. Same note, but each conveys a different feeling to the listener.


Nevil talking about mullumbimby madness


I’ve started to assume that a lot of people don’t realize you can’t just buy haze beans, grow a couple, and then decide thats what haze is like in general.

Guys like Tom hill say you gotta hunt for that 1 in 20 pheno to find the right effects. Presumably you’d need to grow the plants well enough also.

So a lot of people or growers never tried real haze


Tom hill also, from what i recall, said he’s been trying to work haze and outcross it and keep those particular effects for decades, or over a decade

It’s very hard, and he’s what i would consider a “professional” at that level

Not sure if he’s still on here @TomHill


He or someone needs to refine that ratio down if it exists in there.

He said himself he’s preserved the line as he got it for the last 30+ years. Not worked it to produce a specific pheno or effect.

Someone should do that.

For sure most haven’t had real haze. This narcotic relaxing piff stuff isn’t it.


I thought he was doing both

I could be wrong. I just remember some shit he said on nobody’s nursery when he posted some frosty monkey haze pics


@nobodysnursery im putting out the haze batsignal, give us your thoughts


he very well may be working the line now. I haven’t been up to his recent whereabouts. I just know that’s what he said when he released the 100 beans for $200 deal in the haze thread awhile back.

I think this convo happened before that

But what i meant is, maybe he has side work that’s been more refined, or was trying to? I dunno. I just remember him saying it was difficult

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But I also thought he was dead before i met him, which he quickly refuted :slight_smile:

Me: “@ tomhill? I thought you were dead”
Tom Hill: “nope”


I agree on this.
Although when you have very pure sativas that could flower for 20-22 weeks or more…there not sure how many can they the drop down of such strains…
I like to think cannabis more as wine:)


Rhizome, we could debate forever and by the time one of us catch the other thought the other might evolved from the previous point making it wrong.
But I disagree on thinking about cannabis as wine,
1-because those are different words, don´t match. :rofl:
2- Wine can kill you, cananabis can´t.
3- Wine make me piss. Cannabis make me drink! :rofl:
4- Wine is an allucinogen, Cannabis isn´t(ask half married guys wy :rofl:)
5- I can get tyred of wine, cannabis is the opposite.

Just joking and having a nice time here.
Hope you have the same there!


Ha I got a good laugh… :grin::joy:

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What about vape high Vs combustion high?