Let's talk about High

i get no vaping high. i get high when smoking. not much of a comparison for me at least.


I find there to be a difference for sure


I grow out many different strains, and varieties. I usually shoot for cheaper offerings, as a few times I paid up for I thought would provide much better high, either longer lasting, or a deep thought provoking buzz for us, did NOT pan out.
Some strains are bottle rockets, puff puff, as fast you zoom upward, the decent is just as fast.
We prefer a blend of mind benders with and some day time quality smoke that has excellent taste, with a decent buzz, so I can function doing daily chores…with a smile!
I’ve grown knock out buds, and many I shared with sampled them once.
I’d use a bit of KO buds, with some lesser quality, and blended my roll, and all was great in the universe.
We also, never find bad weed, we different levels of intoxication, but edibiles, turns those frowns upside down and we sleep far better with it than without it.
Also encapsulating decarb’d weed in 00 size caps has been helping many of our older friends, find great sleep and decreasing out night time ailments.
You just need to find more uses for the whole spectrum of cannabis, IMHO.
EDIT: I forgot this, I started keeping red wrigglers, to make my own EWC, now if I see a hermed plant I smile, as more free EWC coming after I feed the leaves to worms, and feed the stalks into my branch grinder and use the canna stalk grindings as worm bedding.
The high is a fine characteristic , but whole plant use, is nirvana, to this wee home grower. Enjoy the high, but Waste NOTHING!!


Such a coincident to read your message and realised I have just ordered a 0 capsule machine:)
Will start trying with the vape residual and add to the capsule for night sleep:)

Btw I can’t still find ideas/recipe for editable to use during the day…with a sativa high…any advise on it?


Do you smoke joint, spliff or blunt?
I have exactly your same idea…exactly…but it’s wrong…for both combustion and tobacco if you are adding it.
The vape high is much clear and bright…and also tasty.
But the spliff with baccy are…absolutely what get me high…but that’s because chemical sheet inside tobacco and combustion.

I growing out a slew hazes, or haze variants, and along with things that catch my eye.
But the hazes are where I’m going to focus on, as far capsules go.

I made a concoction, (many years ago now) with a portion of pharma grade Poly Glycol, a portion of Vegetable Glycerin (sugar alcohol) from the health food store, along with about 15 grams of whatever cannabis I had at the time. I also added about a tablespoon of Sun Flower Lecithin.
Weed was decarb’d first, then I broke up the buds, not to a fine powder, but chunky like.
I then filled pint size mason jars, 3/4 full with the mixture, placed the seal in place, then the ring, but do not tighten it crazy like.
I then set up my crock pot. First place a trivet in the bottom of the crock.
I marked my dial, but find (on your dial) where the water will heat up, 125F to 145 F ish.
I then plug into a timer, set it for 4 hours on, then 4 hours off.
Put the jars in and on the trivet.
Fill crock with water, to about 3/4 of the way up the jar sides.
After each heating cycle, I would shake them as violently as I could for a minute.
Place them back in, refill water as needed…come back after the next heating cycle ends, repeat.
For 4 times a day, for 7 days do this.
Now, we found taste OK. Not bad, not good, but ok.
Folks we gave this out to, were folks asking for a day time use, not to get high so much, but to enhance their sense of well being.
Some folks hated the taste, and gave it the finger.
Some folks bitched as it did not get them high. Well I told you that up front!
Some folks found it so profound, ( 4 people in that family wanted to try it) they talked the 93 year old mother, into trying some.
A few drops in her morning tea, and in a few days, it got her outside and gardening again!!
For a year, the old lady loved it, then someone (family member) made her realize this had cannabis in it, and she gave it up. In two to three months, no more gardening, back to sitting looking out the window. One family member found it give them the best nights sleep ever!!
I gave a few tablespoons of it to a friends wife as she was loosing her cancer battle, an enormous amount.
later on, well after she left us, I asked him if it did any good for her.
It would give her a hour or 2, where she could talk, smile, and he said, she found acceptance of her reality, and he told me, That shit is a miracle for me., as I got to see her smile, over the raw fear that cancer delivers to us.
It’s not a cure, it’s not a good high, but it seems to us offer a sense of well being to us.
Sorry for all the blahblahblah, but it can help some folks.

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I used to smoke blunts but now I don’t have access to them in my new location, so I smoke joints now. Add alittle tobacco (they call it grubba out here) every now and then, just until my grows is finished. Most of the local weed isn’t properly grown, so not that potent.


Same in my country…farmers hide and grow in sugarcane fields and the weed can never finish properly because farmers get paranoid when the weed strarts smelling and chop early :slightly_smiling_face::v:

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Yep. 99.87% about the high for me.

Or as I like to say “I’m trying to get high, not have an aromatherapy session.”

If a report covers other elements first (e.g., terps, flavor, aroma), or to a greater degree than the high, or worse, omits details on the high entirely… I nod politely and move along. Nothing wrong with folks finding and focusing on what they enjoy in the wide range of effects the plant offers, but for me, the character, nuances, directionality and potency of the high are the primary medicinal drivers and thus the primary attraction.

A great high with no flavor? Fabulous, sign me up.

A great high with meh flavor. Okey dokey, I’m down.

A great high with highly offputting flavor, alright, now we’re at the same level as terp weed = skip.

A great high with great flavor? Kool, but so many selections for “a total package” are willing to sacrifice some degree of the former to elevate the latter, and that’s a slope towards nopesville in my search.

Even BITD, sour tried to compete with haze with that “loudness” and I wasn’t falling for it then, either.

Glad to see this topic! :green_heart:


mostly a bong, but a bowl and/or joints sometimes. it’s not an idea, it’s non-existent as a buzz. nothing but a small head change. most edibles are that way as well - at least all of the gummies and most of the other crap from the dispensaries. there was a brand called full melt in co when they first legalized that got me high but they had to stop making that because it was strong. homemade edibles work and rso oil but that’s it.

i don’t even get high using a vape on weed. a friend gave us a nice one that she didn’t use any more and it did nothing for me. weird chemistry or the results of nerve agent or some shit i got into in the desert or somewhere i guess.

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This is pure concentrate oil correct?

Do you take it like this? S couple of drops?

Can you believe me I never smoke a blunt in my life :slight_smile:) and still i dint catch whats the “paper” (cigaro,tobacco,?) is it better than a spliff?

I have the feeling that the same strain even smoked and in different way can produce different high.

Blunts just burn longer and you can put more weed in them. Other than that there’s no real difference…

I’ll be totally honest. I don’t agree or disagree because I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, probably reflecting my inexperience with growing. Also, I am not even sure if you’re making fun of me or laughing with me, either. :slight_smile: So listen, I won’t pester you – we can agree to disagree. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Sorry I couldn’t get it.

Blunts traditionally used a tobacco leaf as the wrapper. You split a cigar or cigarillo down the middle on one side, dump out all the tobacco, replace it with weed, and roll it back up. These days tho you can buy blunt wraps that are mostly made from hemp or paper.


I used to do that with Bidi’s …so I guess I can call it a Bidi blunt :slightly_smiling_face:


I am sorry you can’t get it yet, but you will. I wasn’t making fun of you, but trying to be funny.
Idk what you mean by inexperience, I am on my 3th year growing in a row and I am no expert, I guess there is so much more to learn and I also feel a noob.
I guess in this field most things are subjective, that’s all I have been saying.
And so we should discuss and debate topics in a healthy way with one base point: we may disagree on several points but there is one that gathered us and that similar point is cannabis.
I have been here and I love OG, here you can make friends, exchange knowledge and being helped. At first I tought OG would be like a poisoned place with dealers driving home growers down so they could place their product on the streets, but after reading some posts and start interacting with OGs you realize this is a rule model for our planet, we all push the others to evolve and this is amazing.
Soon you will get what I have been saying but the best example is how shooters overthink on best pellet for their airgun: this is a usual question- I have rifle A, what’s the best pellet? And the thing is you need to try it tourselft, the same model of gun will behave diffrent because the barrel is the part that chooses the best pellet and so it is a question that lead no where, people will tell you to try it yourselft.


Hey Rhizome, I would not call it a concentrate, it is not like a QWISO process, IMHO.
PG will remove some of goodies out of the plants matter, as will VG, since it is a sugar alcohol, but neither of them are very good strippers of those goodies, and that is why we shake them like mad, to help that process.
You could QWISO your plant matter, then add that concentrate to some PG/VG, with out all the shaking, and maybe reduce the time aspect as well. That is me guessing as I did not do that.
All the best Rhizome!!


This I get. :slight_smile: Thank you, my friend. I’m genuinely interested in your view. Thanks to sticking around to explain it, ok? Take care, man.

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Let’s say I have a sativa and a indica. The first speed me up and the second put me a sleep.
If I smoke spliff…the above is correct.
If I smoke joint…so so
If I vape…almost the same type of high? ( I am starting now with it again, but never understood it)
If I eat it…sativa or indica the effect is couch down.