LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

You know those outside are going to start to flower then have to reverse. I never put out until may 15th. Every time I’ve put out earlier it triggered flowering.


That is something I will put back in the top drawer of my internal memory.

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I won’t go out until mothers day. Easy to remember.

You know I’m going to bite… lol.
What’s this buffering system @JoeCrowe ?

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oh it’s nothing special the nutrient I use is formulated to buffer at 6.0, so it starts out there and just slowly drifts up to 6.5 then I add more and it goes back down to 6.0. Not like some kind of magic wand or something I sell to people lol. On the side of the bottle it says “works best ph 5.5-6.5” then I have this piece of paper from the manufacturer that tells you how much to add of the nutrient and what ph to expect. I rarely ever check the ph because I know what it should be, unless there is a problem, then I’ll check.


Sounds better then the Maxi Grow that’s for sure.


in the modern age they made a simple calculator on their web page you enter the type of system you are running and the size, it tells you the dose and ph what EC it’ll be. Is that my final secret?? :wink:
They don’t sponsor me and I have nothing to do with them but it’s made in Canada check out the calculator it makes things so simple I am the laziest human alive lol growing weed.
I am sure other nutrient formulas do that. Just don’t ask me which ones. I Think advanced nutrient does something like that too with the ph buffers.

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Thank you sir. :blush: this link is getting saved for sure. I had no idea. I don’t know about you being the laziest. You have a good deal of ambition. It takes a wise man to be successful and lazy.
It’s a shame I just got the Maxi. I feel like the plants need a little some extra.
Sometime I have to curb my expectations of plants sometimes. There not always going to do what you want. But when they do, Boy It’s a good feeling.

Thanks again @JoeCrowe. Just saved it to my home screen.


Love it! Like what!? :sunglasses: :crazy_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :upside_down_face: … waiting… and learning! Like hitting it by chance or dropping the pot!? Woman! Man! these ladies are sensitive!!! Major bud! Congrats!

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Thanks @Abbbian. I have to wait 7 hours to give you a like. Lol. All out. I have to give @Hoppy some credit. He made her. Romulan x Sour Diesel x GG4 x GD Purple. It’s a plant I want to baby but I try not to. Lol.


Holy s…!

Wow! What a mix! Some real :fire: :fire: psyched to hear about its development! Congrats!


I’m always here. Most of the time lol…

Well the the gal looks good today. I’m wondering if my mood has anything to do with how I see my plants. Because today she looks fine. I did just top her off yesterday tho.


I’m trying hard not to post photos every day. But the itch is bad. Lol. I wish I had more to post.

Hey @Hoppy, has anyone other then you and I grown the Hopscotch out. I think you mentioned someone else a homeboy maybe? I forget.

Hey @JoeCrowe what’s the highest you pushed your EC? 2.6 is high right? On the calculator do you use the recommended amounts per gal?


@LilJonB if you’re adding nutes that have a little bit of nitrogen they’re fine. I dont see a deficiency in them. You’re doing fine. In dirt I feed heavier every time that late, you won’t hurt her. Nitrogen is a risk of burn. I can’t really help with hydro, I used a synthesized pure phosphorus in addition to normal nutes. I dont want to give you bad advice right now, if its growing it’s fine.


Ya I got a buddy just cut one! Its fire, not a morning smoke definitely eveningResized_output_image1616959055140|666x500

he says he flipped them after three weeks of veg. Seems a bit early for dirt but idk


Sweet. I understand you don’t wanna give bad advice. :+1: I just wanted to see if she looks OK to you. I feel like I can’t go higher. I can adjust the ratio of what I put in the bucket. If I go higher then 1.9 when the level drops the EC goes up.
Maybe someone can tell me if this actually means I shouldn’t add more.
If my PH is stable and my EC rises when my level drops dose that mean I should back off the nutes a bit? I really should know this stuff.

Other then trying to best myself (which can end up
disastrous) everything is going great @Hoppy. How long was that plant in flower? I think I got 3 weeks left. It seems like she wants to take FOREVER. Lol. I’m really not rushing her. In the back of my mind I got the JOTI gear and @BigMike55 's Blue Cookies screaming at me to grow them. :yum:
I got the Gelato smoke so I’m good in that department.


I didn’t give that guy the seeds a friend did I asked but he didn’t know nor have I heard. He brought me a bud yesterday and it’s pretty impressive if it dis only veg three weeks. Not a big yield I guess. I always over do the phos and potassium supplements late flower in dirt. I can’t feed all strains the same, I always lock out something else when I do, Snow cap last time and Devils Anus the last time, never Hopscotch.


He didn’t do a bad job on her. I would have liked to see it with l the leaves.
What do you use to supplement potassium?
I have to do more homework on lockout. It’s been explained to me. But it’s just not sticking.

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I’m gonna check on them today, guess if they stunt I’ll know, they were getting to big I running out of room. Wish I had your set up.

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I found a powder on Amazon I’ll have to look at it when I get home, its 100% one or the other. Yeah me too, he only sent me the flower pic. The one plant looks like snowballs on it. Its straight potassium chloride

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