LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

Just trying to help Brother. If you can bring it in at night and keep the roots warm you can give it just a little light for a few extra hours it would keep it from going into flower. It doesn’t need a lot of light, just enough it recognizes it. Revedging is a bitch, takes forever and some plants never recover to normal. Outdoor light is different. Most strains will start flowering in the fall with 15 hours of what we consider daylight. If that wasn’t the case it would need to get dark at 5pm September 1st to trigger flower and have plants finish by November. Good luck Brother


they’re planted bro. You should stop by and check out the freakshow. I’ve got a few seeds for ya.


I’ve been pretty much a homebody. I will get by. But Dude the soil is still cold. Like in the low 50°s. Most farmers are just starting to plant corn, soil is way to cold for beans. Good luck with those bud, really I wish you the best. Have you checked them since the snow and 29° temps?


No I haven’t, I prepared the spots a few days early. Something dug holes in them, then I planted them. Went back after the rain, two on the ends were dug up so I replanted them. Two days later it snowed. I’m gonna go out this afternoon and see. Well just got out of woods, the two that dug up aren’t going to make it. Too much stress with the cold, other three are kicking.


Ahhhhhh. I don’t know why video function shoots like this but I thought it was cool.

But looks like I should dial the nutes. I think.

Or just to be safe another change out to make sure everything is in check.
I am liking the frost!

I would like to think it’s the HM Bud Candy doing its thing. Thanks @Chronickyle!


Well I was testing my water and my PH took a dive. Went from 5.7 to a 4.1. So I did a change out. I know when your PH crashes it’s not a good sign. :unamused:
EC is at 1.7
PH is at 5.7 we will see where it’s at tomorrow.

Oh yeah. Maxi Bloom 3 tbl spoons. And 15 ml of Bud Candy for 4 gallons.


Idk but maybe half a tablespoon of extra feed? I just changed out my water on my first experiment got my PPM down to 510 from 940. That’s an acceptable range ya? She looks great @LilJonB. My girl stopped growing on top at that point and started swelling, the tops had a few spurts of new growth but nothing as in height just girth. :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch: Your leaves look identical to moms leaves, except she was yellowing from nitrogen deficiency.


Looks like we still got a lil bit to go. No surprise.

I popped open seeded Calyx on the pollinated branch. There good and dark.


Black as coal! Nice beanage!


She’s really leaving to much in the bucket. I wondering if that’s the cause of my PH crashing.
She stopped getting taller a lil bit ago. She’s really Packing on the weight. I’m just trying to get her to the finish line. Hope the PH thing doesn’t get to to serious.
Oh yeah 510 sounds good. When she doubles in size you should be safe to crank her up a lil bit.

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Killer looking beans!

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Thank you Thank you!

What’s your best yield in that bucket @LilJonB ?

Those will pop. Betcha! Na, I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you.

3 oz. 30 days veg. 60 days flower.

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You want some seeds @MoBilly? You can have some when I’m done if you want em

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Thanks LilJonB!
I’m setting pretty right now but I appreciate that.
In fact I have some gifted from a friend on here.
This community is legitimately working together to promote the common goal. I stand in amazment at the generosity I’ve seen.
I’m not used to seeing much of that (sincere generosity) in this world anymore.


The fertilizer you are using is probably highly acidic.


Agreed. This community is not only gracious but has crossed some damn good strains…


You know now that you mention it, when I was mixing up my nutes my was lower then it should have been. This is the first time I seen it do it that much tho. Thanks @JoeCrowe. I’m definitely keeping an eye on it.