LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

Just checked my bucket.
The EC is at 1.6. Just as long as it goes down and not up I’m happy.
The PH I would have bet that it would have dropped but no it actually went up to 6.1. I’m going to just keep her there for now and check again before lights out.


I went through and pulled out all the seed out of the Blueberry. These seeds are like balls!

I gave my homeboy all the bud (if you want to call it that) and all the trim from the Blueberry and the Gelato to try his hand at butter making. I hope he has enough. How many grams per stick do you think is enough? He said he saw a recipe for 2 grams per stick. I dont think that’s enough. I said use all of it for a stick. Was like 5 grams of bud I don’t know how much trim. A 8oz Ball jar.


Those are HUGE. I have some blueberry seed in the vault and it is also big, I think it’s the largest I have


Yeah. They are allot bigger then Hopscotch and the Gelato seeds. It must be in the Blueberry genetics.


That what I was thinking. I actually think I read something about it having big seed but that all I can remember…:rofl:


What does EC stand for? What’s acceptable range? I’ve got one of the Blue something meters but I only know how to use the PPM thing.


EC electrical conductivity. As you add ions to the water, the conductivity rises. ppm is a calculated number so it cannot be relied upon. EC is always the same, example EC 2.0 here in canada is the same as EC 2.0 in the UK. I think it’s measured in µS, AKA microsiemens.
Usually people use EC 1.5-2.0

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Well I didn’t know that could be an issue. I wonder if buddles cause static build up obviously water is conductive. I miss the days that growing weed was simple, plant a seed, miracle grow and sun light.


my friend, pure water will not conduct electricity. That’s the concept the EC reading measures, is how far away from being pure water it really is.


Distilled water would be as close as one could get then?


dehumidifier water and distilled water won’t read anything on an EC meter. Except maybe 0 :smiley:


It’s just another scale to reading PPMs.
Hehe I have more trouble with soil believe it or not. If I have issues with my water I can make more :grin:.
Once you get a plant established in that bucket of soil it’s practically a wrap.
It’s all good tho @Hoppy. She’s not dieing. She actually was looking alot better today.


I can see the ease with water, dump and change. That’s why I decided to give it a whirl. If you screw up dirt it’s a week or two till it recovers.

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I had some a minute back. Tried everything to get them to grow. Sometimes it can take weeks or a month even. I sanded them. I use a coffee filter. Natural no bleach. The seeds I have now are fast action. I don’t like it because they are autos. I’m still growing them like regs.

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Seed back years ago to me. Where a lot bigger. They all would grow. You would get some brick with dead seeds.

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I’m sorry @anon62804309 I’m a we bit lost. Are we talking about growing Blueberry. I tried going back to for refrance but no luck for my wee brain.

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3.5g per stick. I make in magic butter machine its 1/2 oz to 4 sticks. Or 1-1/4 oz to full machine 10 sticks. Only thing ive made is crispies and cakes so far. But they come out pretty strong with that ratio. I think as with all extraction potency of starting material plays big part in how efective it is.

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Well my home boy used 6 gms of the Blueberry and 3/4 gms of Gelato / Blueberry trim to make a stick of butter to split. Idk why but he was hinting that he wanted to make brownies but he needed the whole stick. I didn’t mind.

I don’t know if this is what it is supposed to look like. I forgot to give him some coffee filters but he made due with paper towels to strain the butter.

Here’s what he did.
Threw the Bud/Trim into a pot with a stick a half of butter. Let it melt down and simmer for an hour. Then he strained it through a paper towel. Then put it in containers in the fridge. Later to make brownies.
At first he thought it was going to be too strong. I assured him it wasn’t going to be and that the trim made it look like it was allot.
It made 8 brownies he said he ate 2 brownies and got a decent buzz.
Next time he said he’s going to use a recipe where you put the butter and green in a jar in a simmering pot of water.
I will be more comfortable giving him bud next time. This was a little trial run.


Cool thanks @rooted. There is a couple different baked goods I would like to try out. Eventually I would like to try my hand at gummies.

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I make some 80 mg coconut balls that are pretty good if anyone wants my recipe.