LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

Sure @ShiskaberrySavior. Feel free to post it here if you would like. I’m sure allot of folks besides myself would be interested. Thanks ShiskaberrySavior!


Same here on the gummy’s. I do oatmeal cookies the most. I was talking about how bigger seed where when I was a kid. I was talking about how I have tried to get old seeds up. Some really talk a long time. The older ones do to me anyway.

@LilJonB true it’s a long page. Good work.a lot of good reading

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I have a great way of making butter. I use water. I also bake my weed at 220 in the over to release the oil‘s. Then in a crockpot low with water. the ink is good. I would never hurt anyone here. I do it in the oven. The is important to have :100: dry smoke. Any moisture will hurt the amount of oils it will receive. Like cooking with spices. You don’t want to burn or get to hot.


Cool. Thanks @anon62804309. I’ve heard of people cooking the bud before adding it in the butter. Going to have to check it out.


Yeah you have to decarb it. Otherwise the thca does not become psycoactive. Thca is d9 thc when you smoke because the flame. But in an edible you have to convert the thca to a useful form or the effects will be slim to none. Decarb usually in oven under 250 degrees for about half hour. Im not trying to push the magic butter machine. I too was skeptical but the thing makes it all real easy. Then it brews your butter at exactly 160 degrees for 2 hrs. Comes with an oven safe silicone decarbing box with thermometer and alarms to tell you when 30 mins up. Also has alarm if oven goes over temp. Overall i think it was worth the money. Yeah you can stove top it but temp control is key. Those nuwave pans you can set temp on. Thats what i melt my butter and marshmallow in. The machine comes with silicone butter stick molds too so pour liquid in mold let stiffen in fridge and you can keep the butter in sticks til ready to use. Wrap em in parchment in fridge. I just scoop and run it all while its still hot though.


Edibles don’t work on me (genetic) but I’m interested in that machine because my wife will be medicating as well and she hates the process of smoking. The Airizer vape is OK but edibles are the bomb for her.
What brand of butter machine do you use and how proud of them are they? Price


Since we are talking edibles, anyone have a good gummie recipe?


There’s a great one in reikox edible thread. Right near the end. I will link it when I smoke my next joint.



That’s what I followed for gummies, works great, tastes good and they don’t go bad for a long time it seems.


I always thought they couldn’t work for me either. But when I started using a ticture it did work, I have heard some people need lecithin for it to work mixed in. Sunflower lecithin is suggested as soy lecithin isn’t good for you.


Thanks @Chronickyle
We will definitely look into that.


Best advice I can give is just to follow the instructions provided in this thread.

@ReikoX provides a simply cheap way to get the job done and many great recipes, there is even a link to a book he put together of the instructions and recipes some where. Lots of great instructions.

Good luck :slight_smile:


I have some soaking in everclear right now. Definitely working on building knowledge in this area.
Sorry if I took the thread off subject.


Well the sweet spot is EC of 1.6/PPM of 1160⁷⁰⁰.
Seem like she is responding better to PH of 6.0.
She’s not leaving anything in the bucket when the water level drops and when it dose the PH is staying the same.:+1:
Unless things change this is where she will stay.

Now she can focus on doing what she dose. Growing Big Buds.


Looking fantastic man!

I usually hover around 5.9 ph when I was in the hempies. They didn’t like less then 5.7 in my experience


Thank you @Chronickyle. I’m happy she’s happy. I’m pretty confident I got it figured out. Or make sense of it. @JoeCrowe made sense of it. All the stuff left behind in the bucket was causing the PH to drop. As long as she takes what I give her the PH should stay stable. :crossed_fingers::grin:


She seems to be really focused bro. :volcano:


@LilJonB those last pics are beautiful. Hope you’re not to disappointed in the long flower. You have crushed it bro :+1::+1::+1::+1:.


Na I’m not disappointed. Just a impatient Cannabis grower. Ha! I just can’t wait to see how she turns out. Like a kid before Christmas. I don’t get that feeling much these days. So it’s a good thing.