LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

Thanks sir. Wishful thinking I guess. I’m sure someone knows why they change the way they do.
@JoeCrowe do you know why trichomes go through the stages they do? I know you got that big microscope. I’m sure it’s crossed your mind.

@Hoppy is the average time 90 days? Longer maybe? I want to flush her for about 5 days to a week. Trying to figure when that could possibly be.


When they are clear, there is less THCA. When they are cloudy the THCA is at its maximum. As they go amber the THCA oxidizes into CBN.


Thanks @ReikoX. Alot of stuff I was reading was mostly how to produce more trichomes rather then what the individual stages where. I appreciate that.


The thing is, I’m pretty sure trichome density is genetic. Not sure how you could make a plant produce more except by producing additional trichome covered buds. If that’s what they mean, it makes sense. Otherwise I’d call buuullllllllshit!


And oxidizing into CBN will lower the high, the intensity of THC? Thanks.


The effects of CBN are more narcotic. One study found CBN to be more potent than Xanax on a mg to mg comparison. This is why people say more amber in the trichomes means a more couch lock high.


So, it is the kind of high, or effect it provides, and not necessarily whether it is a more or less intense one, would that be it? I heard about the more upper effect produced by THC ones… Thanks,


Day 70!

I took a couple samples. I couldn’t help myself. One was off the seeded branch. Mostly to see if the seeds are any different then the one’s I popped out from the top. The other sample was one of the smaller little branches I had left just for this reason.
The PH went up a tad to 6.3 so I brought her back to a 6.
EC is staying steady at 1.7 which is great!
I removed some leaves that had this going on.

This late in the grow I’m not too concerned. There is some of this going on the seeded branch. Makes me wonder if that branch is done. I would like to salvage the smoke of that branch after I get the seeds. Some one will smoke it.
Boy is she sticky. VERY sticky.


is that some older damage, or did it just happen?


New to me. Lol. It was happening alot to the pollinated branch. I still wanted the smoke from that bud so I took It. The seeds are black so I’m guessing there done. If not Oops. I left the bottom buds with seeds on there just in case. I put a few others I pulled out the other day in paper towel see if they pop.
The damage dose look old tho. They were towards the bottom in the back. Everything is fine I’m sure. I thought it was interesting how it looked mostly. The leaves look like they were dipped.


Bro it was 12 weeks 4 days when I cut her mother and she probably could have baked a few more days. The way she looks @LilJonB I think you’re in for the whole shebang. If you’re seeing color then I’d give her a week to ten days to start whatever process you have for finishing. I flushed two weeks then one week ish, but that’s dirt.


Ya man I’m sorry I’m trying to catch up on your feed here. Ya I picked seeds for a few days so not to loose them then cut the two branches a week or so later. You got me fired up I’m ready to flip mine lololol


Yeah I remembered you mentioning the seeds dropping. That top nug on the pollinated branch was starting to dry up. All the seeds that I popped out of them were dark so I took that nug. I left the rest just in case. They look good to me.
I thought it was about 90 days I wasn’t sure. I want to flush for about 10 days. That’s at least 5 gallons of water going in her. She’s drinking up about a half a gallon a day. But I am sure looking forward to it.

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I wish I could tell you more man, if she had some color it’d be easier. When the last one started getting color in the tric stems it was shy of three weeks till the heads turned. It might be the lighting but there looks to be some light purple on spot of flowers, maybe she’s turning.

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I will get some trichome shots tomorrow. I want to wait to flush until they are good and milky for sure. I feel like they should be within 10 days. We will see. I get yours turn out a little different. I still have the last pack you sent. I will try those for color before I try mine. I feel like mine will have more of the green pheno because of the parents. Regardless of the color I am still happy the way she turned out. Looks like the edges of the leaves started to turn. But that’s about it. :man_shrugging:

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Here are some shots of the trichomes off the seeded bud I took.

This one has a lil purple in it.
They are not as clear any more. I feel like 20 days should be about right.


A smart man once told me that if there is any doubt at all, wait another week!


I feel like I could see some calix swell more. That’s for sure. Sometimes I see a couple but I’m not sure because of some stray pollen. I will definitely be sure before I take her down. I feel like she should have been done last week lol. I’m used to my 60 day strains.
Man I heard talk yesterday of some sativas talking 6 months or something close to that. Man oh man. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.


Here are some close up bud shots. Maybe this helps a little bit @Hoppy. I have still yet to figure out why my pictures get fuzzy outside the center of the photo.


The camera has a pinpoint focus.
Once it locks in on a point, only that particular distance from the camera will be in focus Anything before or beyond will not be in focus.
Some cameras focus clean on the whole picture. I’m not sure how.
Personally I like the effect of the single point focus. It’s artistic.