LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

Thanks for telling me what it’s called @MoBilly. Make it easier to look up how to change it.
Its the NOTE 20. I would hope for the cost I can can change it.

I reset my camera settings. Just incase I did something and didn’t know it. But no luck. Maybe can stand back a little bit and try to zoom. I think that might be a little annoying. I don’t have very steady hands. I will try tho.


There’s some purple starting deep in the buds bro. The second pic forsure. I think by the time she is ready you’ll see it. The purple in the seeded bud is just starting. Bravo.


Hahaha! Since I don’t smoke every day I don’t trust my judgment on how strong my bud is. So I give my buddy some to try. I took a bud from a small off shoot. He said it was :fire:. So I was thinking he was saying it was just good. So I asked him if it was better then the Gelato that I had just finished. He said a lot better. The Gelato was stronger then then the Runtz bag seed I grew last. Good Job @Hoppy !
I’ve been playing around with my camera a little bit. I think these these are better. Not so blurry around the outsides.

She really drank a lot yesterday. A whole gallon! I tried bumping her up to 1.9 EC. After loosing a gallon it didn’t go up to much but it did go up to 2.1. I will push her as hard as I can for this last couple weeks until I flush.


Awesome pics! Congrats @LilJonB! Way to go!


Thanks @Abbbian! I wish I could upload my 108mp pictures. Those were fantastic. They wouldn’t load tho. Too big.


Looking very nice @LilJonB , how do they smell?


Your going to crush 112 gms, I won’t be shocked of you get 6 ozs. She looks like :fire:. Thanks for the shout out.


Right now she smells like Sweet Tarts. The funny thing is the last plant I ran in hydro smelled the same way. Got me wondering if it’s the General Hydroponics making it do that. Last time I used the Trio this time I’m trying out the Maxi.
She dose smell really good tho.


I do love me some Sweet Tarts. I wonder if the GH is giving them a similar smell?

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Ran general hydro for a few years it does have a distinct smell on finished buds especially if you use the flora line. They offer a pineapple flavored bloom booster which is gross.


That’s good to know. What do you run now?


Using plant prod MJ line salts about a fifth of the cost with better results .
Just running the veg, bloom and finisher but will purchase the boost and cal kick not going to need the spike .


Just looked them up locally, it appears the smallest them come in is 15kg bags, lol. Wow. Is the veg called Grow 12-8-26? I see the bloom, spike and finisher.

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Yeah the GH Maxi is going to last me a lot longer then the Flora trio did. I would only get a grow and a half done before I needed to buy more of the flower nute. I have not used the Maxi Grow yet during veg. I’m curious still to as how well it dose. The only thing I’m noticing that I don’t like is when my water level gets low and I have more nute then my plants needs my EC goes up. With the nutes that’s left over causes the PH drop. Just as long as I don’t over feed I’m good I just calls for a little more attention.


Not sure where you located but @AquaTerra was offering smaller packaging of that line here in Canada . Also I have been able to fine 2 lb containers direct from plant prod at certain retailers now . Yes the grow is 12 8 26.


Thanks bud, I am in Ontario and have been getting stuff from Holland Industries. They are local here. I have noticed a similar smell across strains so have been wondering about an alternative. Much appreciated, I will check it out. Sorry to clutter your thread @LilJonB


That’s funny I have to get my oldest son to give me his opinion because I’m such a light weight in my old age. :smiley:


Yeah I can’t smoke like I used to. That was brick weed I was smoking in high school and God knows what elce they might have sprayed on the plants.
I don’t mind having a low tolerance. It just means I stay in green longer. I just got back into growing because my cousin was trying to grow so I figured what the hell. I really just enjoy growing Cannabis and the plant as a whole. I have a lot of respect for it.

No problem at all @DougDawson. You were still on topic. Sometimes I learn more from other people’s questions then my own. Outside the box type thing :+1:


I smoked like a chimney in the 70s and 80s then I kind of went on and off for a decade or so. Now I have asthma and its not fun to smoke and I tend to just feel anxious when I get high. I like growing it and my kids love smoking. :smiley:


The 2lb containers are hard to get and you have to order 360 at a time for each mix so most suppliers don’t carry much so I just break down down.