LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

Thanks @Chronickyle ! These will be popped soon. Gotta get some stuff for the outside.

Is this your hand writing?


The messy ass writing in the packs was me as I was in a hurry lol. The writing on the outside is my fiance. She writes the outside so the postman can actually read it lol.


Iā€™m always curious. Making sure it wasnā€™t opened by someone else. One day I will be able to grow in peace. I might run one inside when Iā€™m done with the Hopscotch. I have to start figuring some things out. Which is your favorite if you had to pick? You didnā€™t grow all of these over on your thread, did you?
Thanks again. I really appreciate it. :pray: I will keep tabs on them of corse.

Back to burning up my likes. Gotta wait 7 hours to get moreā€¦ I can sleep for 7 hours. I really need a job. Smh.


So I havenā€™t been keeping up on the progress of legalization in Maryland. Did a little checking around and it doesnā€™t look to bad. From my understanding 2/3 of MD is for it. As well as 50% of the Republican party if for it. That I was actually pretty surprised. The goal was for it to happen this year. Due to Covid it didnā€™t happen.
There are a couple models from other states they are looking at. A popular one dose involve cultivation of 6 plants. Which is good. I like the modle your state has @BigMike55. 6 veg 6 flower. That I can work with. If it dose not involve growing Iā€™m not very interested. It would be nice if there wasnā€™t a limit but I will take anything I can get. I might be able to be some kind of care giver. God knows I give more away then I smoke. So that was a little uplifting news. Letā€™s just hope they donā€™t mess this up.

What got me thinking about legalization? When I went to check the mail last night I had thought my carbon filter went bad. I wouldnā€™t be surprised itā€™s on its 4th grow. So thatā€™s 4 months of use. I got a big wiff of that sweet sweetness. You guys know what Iā€™m talking about. I started walking tho where my exhaust leaves the house and saw my neighbors where having a party. They must of had some of that good stuff because it smelled like plant. Not smoke. I did do a sigh of relief.

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If I was growing for bud. The auto extreme X Think Different trumps the rest itā€™s a super auto, About 11 weeks from seed. Iā€™ve rarely got less than a qp. Usually around 5-6 zips.

Purple kush is the prettiest but doesnā€™t yeild the best

Auto Maria 2 is more sativa and gets your head going so Iā€™m wondering if it may not be your best choice knowing what kind of high you like, aside from that. My best pull from it was around 2.5 - 3 oz at 8-9 weeks. That was realy dialed in though.

Iā€™ve grown a couple in my thread. But didnā€™t keep the best notes and didnt do themuch justice. Rhey were always off to the side and just got whatever in ferts.


gotta watch them xanax i call them mind erasers

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Missouri, as you probably know, is six veg, flower & clones.
This is plenty for my needs. More will be nice after my wife gets her permit
but this is great.


Oh wow. The PK is Purple Kush? Say no more. I donā€™t really care about yield. This run will be a good one, with some outdoors. So yield wonā€™t be a concern. Supplies are the concern. My ex employer screwed me with the appeal for unemployment. I was spending money like I would still be getting it like I was supposed to. So Iā€™m waiting to see how my appeal goes. Need some soil for my outdoor. Worse comes to worse I will turn up a little soil in my yard enough to get good roots and add GH nutes when needed.
I got the 4x4 but I donā€™t think I can do 4 plants under the lights I got. Might be able to get my hands on a couple florescent shop lights. Just trying to take it how it comes.
Iā€™m still waiting for my fed tax return and 3rd stimulus. Smh

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Lol. It wasnā€™t funny at the time. I still like em. After I came home I wasnā€™t able to get a proper prescription. To the streets I went.

Well Iā€™m off to do some fishing. Iā€™ll let yall know if I catch anything good.


careful, the report is benzos will make you lose touch with reality.

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Just caught a few White Perch apiece. Nothing great. Just happy to get out of the house for a little bit.


Where you fish at? your in same area as me. Theres lot of ponds full of bass n some have snakeheads out here. You ever google map fishing spots to find puddles in the woods with fish? I found one where the bass and snakeheads battle it out. Theres no other fish to be caught theyre all food. Just bass n snakeheads. Right off rt 40.

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Ha! Yeah there are some places on 40 all the way up to Harford. Only fished a couple tho. I havenā€™t done to much fishing around here tho since I moved back.
Today we went over to Gunpowder state park. Is Gunpowder Falls state park one and the same or are they separate?
Using Google map is smart. Iā€™ve thought about using it to scout grow sites but not fishing. You got any secret spots you wanna come off of? Lol. My brother he is the real fisherman. He needed to find something to fill his time since he stopped drinking.


No. Not the same. Gunpowder falls is off 40 gunpowder st park is at the end of ebeneezer past eastern ave. Its dundee creek at the st park. I think the water might connect though. And heads up dont try setting a grow off 40 near midway towards harford . Thats where the snakehead pond is. I litterally found a southern facing slope deep in the bush. Put a few nice sized plants there. Took couple days setting the area worked my ass off. Somehow they got found and then the mfs cut trails like every 30 ft straight through looking for more. It was dnr police st police and all had like 15 trucks 4 wheelers n all. They took a whole squad of people back and combed it all. That was this past year so ill bet theyll be watching this year. Dont want you to get caught going in there with plants.


I didnā€™t think it was. But I have been surprised by less. Thanks for the heads up not to grow off 40. I watched a documentary of these guys in England that was there thing. Off the side of highways. They would use Google maps to find a spot. Then after they set up they would send a drone up to scout the area to make sure no one was waiting for them when they exited. Pretty slick. To be honest thatā€™s really hot. There are a ton of spot off the highway. Iā€™ve dreamed about doing it. Your right. It is a lot of work for one person. The pay off is great tho. If your successful. Iā€™ll stick to my back roads.


Hey @rooted you been working on anything?

My hypothesis is correct! Not that its a good thing. But at least I know whatā€™s going on. Iā€™m sure your wondering what the hell Iā€™m talking about. What am I talking about? Iā€™ll tell you.
Since the GH Maxi is acidic. If I give my plants more then they will eat my PH drops when the water level drops. I know I mentioned this before but now I know it to be 100% factual.
I had set her EC to 1.8 instead of 1.6/1.7 and set the PH to 6.0. Her level dropped roughly a gallon. The EC is now 2.2 PH dropped to 5.5.
Thanks to @JoeCrowe I really figured this out a lot sooner then then I would have other wise.
Now the question is do I just top off with water? I can do this and not have to touch any nutes or PH up/down. Itā€™s not wise. Doing that lead to the yellowing I had going on a couple of weeks ago.

It might be a little difficult to see. The right side of the plant is lighter then the rest. It was really noticeable in person.
Iā€™m the type of person that like to know why things do what they do instead of just being happy it does what it dose. If that makes any sense. So I have a question. Just topping off with just water and not refreshing the nutes would that lead to lock out. Or just a nutrient deficiency. In my head I see the plant is taking nutrient and leaving it. If the plant is taking more of one and leaving another over time this will lead to lock out eventually correct?


Iā€™m leaning towards deficiency. Usually nutrient lock happens at higher levels, but I donā€™t have much experience with it.


Thanks. I hope I donā€™t ever have experience with it as well. Lol.

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