Looking for OG's "legends in seed popping" to help with a very valuable seed run, amateurs need not apply......LOL

ohmy, ohmy, the trufflez is so incedibly tempting … a cherry noir-hybrid? = *SANsigh *
i’d love to do that one, but i am just a nobody (and already have 2 things lined up, lol.)


Year I was trying to get that myself but they went pretty fast. But the guy who bred them his name is Dylan. I think they just sold them under their name. Not 100% sure they didn’t take from f3 to f4 I guess it was. But the other guy did most of the work


I had them on my porch over the summer. They went into flower, so I have seeds now from the female. Unfortunately a nl male started opening up around the same time.
I am sure some of the seed is pure f2 and some is a crossed with nl.
I had to reveg to get clones. That’s where I am now


Whats with the dominion seeds in there? He still sells his packs online what are you increasing? Did you ask Duke?

It is just in the picture.
There has been no mention of dominion.

Truffles thus far anyway.

No, we did not, we are not using those seeds.


@shag @Blueridge are either of you interested in the rainbird seeds crossed to either rainbird or nl?


I’m definitely interested buddy I’d love that. :facepunch::facepunch:

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From what I’ve heard Duke already has some gear that’s been stolen or something with headie gardens buying the stolen gear. Not sure who took but headie bought them up or something like that I believe it on his discord.


well. ya’all can keep me posted
right now I am about a week or so away from dropping the pollen for a private 88g13hp seed increase using pollen from a different gene pool/seed lot but still an 88g13hp male.
And about 6 weeks away from flipping the 1000w room with Shiskaberry 3f2 bred by Ustad seeds and released in 2015/16. These were entrusted to me by another OG I don’t even know other than from this site in my relatively brief time here. These will be a seed increase open pollination.
I have the space and plant count to run the project proposed in this thread but time is awasting as they say and though its only January… the clock is ticking for me to be ready for my summer time greenhouse grow.
I’ll say right out in the open, this is not my first rodeo with making private seed increases and my usual demands if we can call it that is 25% of the seed harvest. Which i think is a great deal for the owner of the seeds being used.
ya’all can let me know :wink:


Which area is that? May have something that meet your requirements. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Duke and Leo said in interviews that once you buy they are yours to do whatever you please. I wouldn’t personally do it without asking. But a lot of negativity from some since it was mentioned. Idk why some are nasty with comments. I was trying to share my love but I’m skeptic


I have quite a number of strains/varieties you may wanna take on as projects, 25%, or even 50% is fine with me. Only for increasing “seed slingin’”, NO SALES (for me). When is your “Cut Off Date”? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m in NY myself. I’ve been trying to find stuff that finished mid early September. How are you?


My, man is trying to do us a solid favor here.
He only wants to share the love with the fine folks here at OG.
Let us try and do away with the negative vibes.
Some folks here are giving him second thoughts.
Hard to believe but folks are not coming across as being grateful for what he is doing.

I for one was very happy when he said he was thinking about sharing the love.
I would never be able to buy seeds like these, so this may be a once in a lifetime chance for folks like me.

So if at all possible, let us keep this thread on the positive side as best we can.
My man @Blueridge is only trying to share the love with us, let us act accordingly.


All here in Maine is well, recent Snow Storm considered. I have some strains/varieties from a PNW Collective that finishes Mid September - Early October, bred especially for the Oregon/Washington area, to avoid the Seasonal Rains, said to be Mold-Resistant. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@shag and @Blueridge thank you for the conversation you two are having. I think most of the uproar was over the mistaken perception that a Dominion pack was getting discussed for a co-op.
Aficionado seed packs have a couple things going on 1 expensive 2 limited runs
I don’t believe I have ever seen their packs get restocked after the release.
:crossed_fingers: that this is still moving forward

@misterbee glad things are well for you. I’d love to hear what the pnw collective came up with.


Thank you for the nice comment.
You are a solid gent.

You are a solid dude too.
I see all the wonderful things you do round here.
Thanks for being you.



Later TODAY, I’ll PM you a List and the Comments about each. Some said to be “GREAT MEDICINE”. I’ll certainly keep you posted, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you! I appreciate it.


@Blueridge offered up a $500 pack of limited edition Aficionado seeds. For a seed increase, for our community. As 95% of us here on OG would never get to grow a $500 pack, like ever… That is amazing. His ONLY stipulation was that we help find him a great grower with experience. Shaggy was kind enough to start this thread & move things forward.

Blueridge deserves a pat on the back & a round of applause from everyone being so charitable.

This is OG & he is being OG AF!