Looking for OG's "legends in seed popping" to help with a very valuable seed run, amateurs need not apply......LOL

I am all in…Thanks @Blueridge for being OG AF!
We appreciate your efforts, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: down with the haters. :angry:



Sorry for not commenting earlier, I have been following this…. Some REAL OG stuff going on here…. “Onward through the fog” , good work gentleman! :+1:


Through the fog?? I simply asked if he was doing a increase of Duke’s strain. You all decided to project some sort of negativity to my question. Is someones feelings hurt here? Do we need a safe space to use coloring books? Enough with the slag get back to you’re thread.

Woah calm down dude, I didn’t sense that much hostility with their replies.


That is an just an expression, keep going is all it means.
I would guess that was not directed at you, just a general term.

To be clear here, it was a bit more than that.
Need I quote you for clarification?

This statement is not correct, I could quote the negative parts if needed.

Well, some of us don’t care much for the negative vibes.
So there is that…

This is some of the negative vibe type of talk I was referencing.
I feel this statement is a negative one and is simply not needed.
To be clear here, it would seem the only purpose you have for coming into this thread is to stir the pot.
We are asking kindly for folks to take the negativity somewhere else, please.

Thanks, we will, if you could, please do your best to keep the negative vibes out of this thread.
If you want to stop back in with some positive vibes to share with us, we would all love to hear them. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you


I am always open to offering up garden space for these kinds of projects. I would have to share an interest in the genetics being presented of course… but so much has been lost because of the unwillingness of growers to make seed let alone make seed in a community environment.
OG affords us the venue to make these kinds of preservations possible and I am happy to see so many people doing seed increases of truly worthy genetics.

And so is why I am here in this thread as something very worthy could be happening here though I have heard no word as of yet on the plan of action.
Usually I make my seed in the summer months, having used the winter months to refine my selections. It is very difficult for me to dedicate any garden space to any plants other than my own selections from my own breeding plans. So in short, I can’t make space availlable from June to the middle of November each year. This leaves Nov 15 to June 10 as my indoor growing time and my plant count for indoor is 100+ , affording me some room to do projects and collaborations.
So if we wind the clock back say 10 weeks from June 10, that would be the final flowering flip day for any projects indoors. Then wind back 6 to 8 weeks before that and we would have the last possible seed popping date for a project such as this one presented here… so that works out to a deadline between the 1st and 2nd week of February to have seeds in hand and germinating.


In case anyone is wondering who made me the thread police

This thread has become a bit negative, and there are thoughts of not moving forward due to this.

I said I would step up and rid the thread of negativity.
I really would like to see this project take off, for my own personal gain as well as other reasons.

Maybe one of the stipulations going forward should be to leave a positive comment if you hope to get free seeds.
But to me that is like paying for sex.
My point is you don’t get honest feelings this way.
I feel the fine folks of OG are better than that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Together we can do this…


That would be disappointing. Hopefully everything keeps going forward and some Aficionado gets f2 for everyone :drooling_face:


Never try to police negativity, just combat it with positive waves.


outta likes
You make a very good point and I agree 100%.
The word Cop just strikes a bad cord, this I know.
But maybe the Cops are going about it all wrong.
Anyway, I have no intentions of being a Cop. :nauseated_face:

From the definition of police:
responsible for the prevention and detection of negativity and the maintenance of this thread’s public order

I hope I was positive in my response to the negative comments, I tried, as you know it is a fine line to walk. :slightly_smiling_face:
I did finish on a positive note.


THANKS for the courteous/prompt response, Let me know what particular strains/varieties, or types you’re interested in. If I have 'em, I’ll volunteer them for your professional growing. I’ve got over 1,500K Photo/Regular Strains/Varieties on hand, 75-100 P/Fem, and 75-10 Auto/Reg & Fem…“Ole Stash Bag” increasing daily, no end in sight!! You let me know, I’ll put together a List for ya. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


In a world…


“Onward through the fog”


“Onward Through the Fog”…
This is a Heime Cheeba reference no?


A beloved OGer @oleskool830 RIP used the phrase.

Bless up


ahhhh yes that was it. I was reading through some threads last week on some of those we have lost. Thanks for the correction :wink:


This preservation run is a great idea, I hope it comes to pass, it would be a shame to let a few ruin it for everyone imho. Thanks to the OG’s for trying to cobble this together for the community! :pray: @Blueridge @shag @SHSC-1


well… the silence is deafening LOL
I will leave my offer to give garden space to these seeds till this friday afternoon
So far it seems like this is a big waste of time (no offense @shag , I know you are trying to do a solid here)
Reality is I have my own personal collection of work by Mandelbrot/Ras Truth as well as work by his brother via Emerald Mountain and also several selections from Aficionado as well. Most of which is in the freezer for long term storage.
I am also eager to dip into the Black Lime Reserve F1 and the Black Lime Special Reserve F5 from Useful…

So many beans, so little time… and it’s a wasting :wink:


:crossed_fingers: this still comes together

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I apologize for NOT getting this info to ya, as promised. The following are from a Collective, Strains/Varieties bred ESPECIALLY for the PNW, to finish in Mid/Late Sep, thus avoiding the Seasonal Rains: Tree of Life (Trainwreck x Purps) x Goat Supreme, Goat Yogi (Purple Goat x Second Sight), Second Sight (Tree of Life x Third Eye), Third Eye (Headband x Jack The Ripper), Purple Goat Trainwreck x (Blueberry Skunk1), Tree of Life x Goat Yogi, '78 Llamas x Goat Yogi, and Pineapple Chakra x Pineapple Chakra.

Once again, apologies for being late of the info, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you buddy. No worries on the time you are busy also. I’ll check them out