Looking for OG's "legends in seed popping" to help with a very valuable seed run, amateurs need not apply......LOL

Sorry bout the silence.
I think he may be going with a previously known friend this round.
I don’t want to say the name as of yet, I am not sure it is final.
@SHSC-1@Blueridge did not say you were out.
And there may be other rounds going in the future if the first one works out.

That is about all the info I have for now, I will do my best to update when things become final or change.

Thank you all for your patience.


no worries here at all @shag , as you know, I’m not chompin at the bit for these seeds.
I didn’t ask to be part of this, I was contacted about it and put it out there that I have the garden space… others can speak to my “growing skills” and ethics.

Based on the owner of these seeds being silent I think I will just bow out of this project altogether. No hard feelings here.
positive vibes all around and good luck with them seeds.


Certainly cool to see some seeds being made here that a lot of other OG heads probably couldn’t afford to see for themselves. Bravo @Blueridge for opening up your vault like that :heart::v:t2:


Ok, brother I understand.
I was thinkin’ there would have been a flood of applicants with these beans going up for reproduction.
That has not been the case.
I felt you were a good choice. :star_struck:

When I saw them I started chompin’ too…LOL
Maybe you and I will still be able to get some of the re-pro seeds in the future.


Yea, what he said…LOL


Dude I honestly bet a lot of folks are intimidated. I certainly was when I read the first post, those are all very expensive very rare packs and fucking them up would make me feel like committing seppuku over here


I think many that do seed runs already have something going on. That’s likely the biggest hurtle. Also agree with @LegsMahoney that some may feel intimidated but hey, they are just seeds. No matter how high a price tag was put on them they are no different then any other seeds. Expensive seeds don’t know they are expensive seeds and act like any other seed. Just cross ones fingers and hope they germinate, lol.


I am with you, my thoughts were the same.
That is why I felt @SHSC-1 was a very good candidate.
If they were mine I would trust him over myself.


yes it will be nice to see these seeds grown out and increased for the community.
Someone tag me when these seeds get growing as I would like a seat on the couch for those grows.

I have a pretty good collection myself
Black Lime Reserve (originals), In the Pines (originals), Long Valley Royal #7 (mandelbrot) , Long Valley Royal F9 and F11, then there are the F2’s of all of the above from a few different sources and crosses like choclate trip f3 x black lime, lucky charms x black lime, Black Lime open (dawn patrol) , In the pines x apollo 13… Useful’s Black lime special reserve F5…
Then I have several selections from Mandelbrot/Ras Truth 's brother and Emerald Mountain seeds via a mutual friend.
Lots of beans to go thru… and so little time LOL


Have you run any of the royal in the past? I’m very intrigued by how “bulletproof” I’ve heard it is outdoor


Yes, the Long Valley Royal has been in many of my grows over the past few years. I have run into some stress induced nanner issues but have also done clean runs with the same plant and no nanners. They can require a skilled hand to really make them express to thier potential.
I will be getting back into the long valley and black lime … they will be part of my annual 4/20 seed pop


Please tag me for the show @SHSC-1


Did I make a promise to send them to you? I do get high and forget. And I’m sorry I held you up

But I thought you said you had a extra room and could hook up anytime but maybe I’m mistaken. I wish you would have pmed me instead of doing this. And shaggy said he was watching the thread because of the drama before


my friend there is no drama.
It doesn’t matter to me if i am chosen to run these seeds.
I also posted clearly that I had space but the beans would need to be in my hands to sprout in the first week-ish of february. That is a week-ish away by my count.
I had hoped that you would have messaged me, they are your valuable seeds afterall and on you to reach out to potential growers who post in the thread not the other way around.

Many would jump at the chance to run these seeds and perhaps I am not the guy as I am not affected by how valuable they are and as @DougDawson put it… the seeds dont know the vial they came in cost 300 to 700 dollars :wink:

I leave this project with nothing but positivity and I hope you find the grower that can do this for you. In the end I am a grower with some rigid time lines for my own pheno hunting and breeding and I think the beans would have needed to already be enroute for them to fit into my rotation without adding “pressure” to the grow.
My apologies if my withdrawal is seen as anything else but that.
cheers!!! :smiley:


Seems I may have dropped the ball here.
I don’t think I had a full grasp on the situation.
I may have caused some confusion for everyone and made this situation worse than it needed to be.
My hope is to get things straightened out, I will update when I am able to.


Go 49ers…LOL


Dude ran a charity selling 100k’s worth of seeds that was brots strain. All this money was suppose to go to mandelbrot’s son that had health issues after brot passed away. But the family never saw any of the money.


That is sh!t. I didn’t know that. I don’t like the limited release high price tag for everything he offers. Some breeders I just will not support.
It’s sad how often this happens. Apparently all of goat and monkeys packs disappeared after he died recently.
What I find saddest is these are close people. Not some random person off the street

I do have to say I want to f2 everything I can of his now


No hard feelings here sorry about everything. Take care :v:


Seems like a bummer coming on :disappointed:

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