Looking for OG's "legends in seed popping" to help with a very valuable seed run, amateurs need not apply......LOL

He was the only one who was interested correct

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I sometimes jump into attack mode if I see someone get taken advantage of or bullied. I shouldnā€™t though, you almost never know the full story. Everyoneā€™s battling their own demons. I TRY to remember to air on the side of understanding & keep my mouth shut. Judge not lest ye be judged.


I guess it is really situational.
Lemme tell ya a lilā€™ story here.

I live in Detroit.
I was a union carpenter working on some condos downtown.
I promise to make this quickā€¦LOL

My partner is this big gorilla, works part time as a bouncerā€¦
We see this black woman getting beaten with what looks like a rock by a black man.
So I point it out to my boy Big Jim.
He looks at me and says lets go.
Both me and jim are white, not that it matters, but sometimes it does in certain neighborhoods.
As you saidā€¦

So anyway
We run over there and he jumps this 8 foot fence, while I am cussing the guy.
Jim takes the rock out of his hand and tells him to get to steppinā€™.
Dunno what it was about, she ran off and we went back to work.
My point is we easily coulda got shot over shit like that.
In the end, I feel we did the right thing.

I always wonder what was gonna happen if we just stood and watched.
Admittedly, if I werenā€™t with big Jim, I probably wasnā€™t running over there myself, so there is that to consider.

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Yea, good to meet you. @Jetdro
You have my respect, I love folks who speak there mind in a polite manner.
I have looked at some of your posts, I remember that name.
I will check you out some more when I get time.
Hope to see you round the place.
Freedom of speech is not as free as it once was.
Keep speaking your mind.


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I think often that seeds made outdoors have harder shells and then some strains also are known to have hard shells. This is why I made a seed scuffer so I can scarify the seeds before germination. Iā€™m by no means a real follower of aficionado or thier work but i received a bunch of F2ā€™s of aficionado gear back during the old seedbay auctions and was impressed enough to seek out what I could afford, Most of what I have was traded for and the black lime f1 vial was an unexpected gift from a grower I helped out a few years ago.

Iā€™m sure a grower will be found for these seeds, just be patient but more importantlyā€¦ engage and be clear in what your expectations and plans are. If nothing has happened and itā€™s approaching next november when I set my plan for winterā€™s growingā€¦ message me.


Thank you for your insight @SHSC-1
I give a thorough scuffing to see if it helps


They have sour jelly up on their website for 180$ all of his stuff has went down it looks like @shag @Gonzo @Emeraldgreen


ok then ā€¦ if really no one else raises their hand ā€¦ i do !!

i have reproduced stuff before, like 2004 LUI, 2006 lemon larry,
1987 m39, 2006 reeferman gwidow, lots of eskoā€™s lines, choco-
late thai (via woodhorse), maphialā€™s original chocolate diesel and
a lot more.


iā€™d love to run the trufflez, but am also open for anything else.
IF you have me, then iā€™d feel truly honored (!) to do this ā€¦

i could start some in june and share out the repro in fall :wink:


I was hoping that you would chime back inā€¦:sunglasses:


Hey bud sorry I didnā€™t see your message if you would send me a pm please. Thanks :pray:


I can vouch for @santero , while we donā€™t do a lot of personal chatting, I have seen him around for quite some time.
He and I are a member of the same private invite site, he is pretty well know there too.
A very giving person, always kind.
Maybe he has even given out as many seeds as all of OG put togetherā€¦LOL
The last one was quite a stretch, but this dude is always giving away seeds.
So yea, @Blueridge I guess he has my vote. :rofl:


I think most people WOULD PAY Santero to run their shit ! Elite top tier in my book


Sanā€™ is a ā€˜pro breederā€™ , so if anyone can run these and do them well - itā€™s @santero ā€¦:+1:.

Good luck with whoever you choose - are you guys proposing this to be a co-op seed run or what .?

Happy growing peeps ā€¦


That was the original plan, but things may change as this project progresses.


Hey everyone!
So I got a bit busy, had to help my brother out and had a giveaway snafuā€¦LOL
I have not been updating this thread like I should have.

Do we have any more candidates for this project?
I know @Blueridge said he was very busy himself.
Last I heard @santero was hoping to hear back from @Blueridge.
Is anyone else interested in doing this seed run?


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Iā€™ve been really sick bud I havenā€™t even looked on here. I hope to be back to it in a few days I had a rough one. Wouldnā€™t wish it on anyone . Iā€™ll definitely be in contact this week. Hope everything is good with everyone :v:


Aw feel better @blueridge sorry about your ailment.



Get well soon buddy, all is good here, just get your ass back to good health.


I hope all is well with ya @Blueridge get well soon!

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