Lophophora's Peyote

I don’t think I could ever eat them. I admit it was the plan… I figured by the time they were ready Id be about ready to retire… and I’d spirit walk my way into retirement and a new journey… but they’ve been my friends for a long time now. I don’t want to eat my friends.


thats the case for most people who start growing them! first they want to eat them … but as times goes by. you get a deep relationship with you plants, and dont think about eating them anymore


-Yote kicks you and helps you up…

-Pedro kicks you; kicks you again; kicks you OnE MoRe TiMe; then lets you get up yourself.

(Not knocking Pedro at all; takes WAY more strength to down it than sacrament)

As far as ingesting my personal plants.

Absolutely; it’s rude to refuse a Ceremony or Sweat.


don’t you only eat the buttons that come up and not the whole thing? i’d think that would get around the not eating friends thing which i absolutely agree with. now in a survival situation with the friend already dead, different story.


They’re using your thread @lophophora.ca ! They’re using your thread!


Two can play that game.


PROTIP: those little hairs under the pereskiopsis leaves come off in bundles and embed themselves in your skin. Have fun itching.

Grafting is a must to save variegated seedlings, if you want those exotic pink and orange peyotes which otherwise can’t photosynthesize to save their own lives.


haha im well aware of that that can sucke quite alot :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl:


Wow I had no idea they take that long. I should prolly do some research before committing lol.


no flowers today


Found this link as a just in case for ya.

I traded a rooted Salvia Divinorum cutting for “Squirt” my Lophophora growing with me now for around 24+ years:

It looks rough but it’s seen some shit in it’s life!


damn, dunno whats normal lookin but it looks tall, nice work. thanks for that link too :pray: seems good a time as any to pick up a few and check some boxes on my bucket list. :laughing: :wink:

I’ve heard you can harvest it right so it’ll grow back, have you ever done this or if its even true? I ask because it kinda looks like what I imagine it’d look like after regrowing. bet it’d take forever to regrow but it’d be dope if it could


Lol god I love you guys! I’ve been stuck to YouTube all day watching everything, I mean every single video I could find. Pretty sure you guys started another good/fun plant addiction. Lmfao.


Know what you mean, I’m just gettin my feet wet with Pedro my San Pedro, he grows pretty quick for a cactus.

you probably know more than me already but I think san pedro is a good place to start

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I was just happy to grow weed, now I’m thinking theres alot more medicinal plants I could try. Still wanna try a mushroom run.


I admire what you’re doing. I wanted to try the stuff ever since I read the Carlos Castaneda series.


go for it! its a whole lot of fun, and as long as your clean its not too difficult and pretty cheap to start up. theirs enough people here who’re kind enough to help you get started! OG even has a spore vendor sponsor. more info on this thread

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I’ve had a few convos over there, my brothers into that, so whenever he’s setup I was gonna try and help him.

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“It was hard to get a whole glass down, but it all came back up eventually.” That is what happens to ‘get high guys’ and worse. This is God’s flesh not to be played with.

Figure on waiting about 25 years for it to grow.

I have never seen it stack like in your pictures. Normally grandfather grows his children around him.