Lophophora's spare bathroom

:laughing: :rofl: :laughing:

:green_heart: :seedling:


It’s the 26th week of the year, and the 26th day of the month. Could this be a simple coincidence?

Did you know…

Even a stopped clock is right twice, or sometimes sixteen times a day?

Mango Smile x 24 Carat - Day 55ish…

or something like that. Started on May 3rd at any rate. Now look at her!

Looks a little singed in the close-up shot, probably for the same reason that I’ve needed to raise the light daily for the last three weeks.

Here are some comparison photos from May 10th, you can see the little seedling to the left of the base of the celery.

I considered bending over that main cola but every time I’ve rolled the thought around I hear this voice in my head saying “hey, don’t mess with it…”.

The celery was pretty tasty, too. I think I neglected to post a proper smoke report, but it was flavour country. The stalks were not as developed as supermarket celery likely owing to the fact that I have no idea for how long celery typically grows. The stalks that escaped my insatiable hunger were chopped up and tossed in the freezer for when I get around to making some soup broth.

The bathroom, get to the bathroom!

Right, let’s have a gander.

Today marks the 10 week anniversary of the Skynet. The lady on the left is falling over from her own weight, although as a gentleman I wouldn’t mention this to her openly. Instead I held my tongue and tied up the bending branches.

It’s great to see these girls putting on the (hopefully) pounds, but also a glaring reminder that I need to adopt a training regimen to better handle these problems. For lefty I figure today is the day but the girl on the the right I will let run a bit longer. There is no great logic behind this decision, it just spreads the effort and time required over a few days. No need to put all the eggs in one basket.

Can’t forget these microscope shots. (Grid view only works with my phone pictures, not the ones on my PC)



What’s next?

I’m sure I have a couple photos around here near the six week mark (I think…) that I’ve been meaning to move into the bathroom and under 12/12 for a few days. Though my past efforts at this method of sexual identification have yielded poor results, I’m confident I will find the right plant that will show me what it’s made of long before I put it into flower.

Maybe I should just top the plants and throw the cuttings under 12/12 instead?

Alright on further reflection I have no idea what is next but I’ll let you know.


I love the approach to your posts, certainly got my brain moving this morning with the intro.

Your ability to grab my attention is unmatched.

I did, and she is a beauty!

Exactly what goes through my head when I see a new post in your spare bathroom.

Great shots with the scope :ok_hand:

I can’t begin to explain how happy I am to have found a new place to move next month. The best part, it has 2 bathrooms! Lol


It’s a girl!

It may be a bit early to celebrate but once again it seems in the process of dragging my feet my problems have started to sort themselves out.

Even more advantageously it would appear this C99 is a girl! Thank you @Floyd :pray:

There are clearer pictures of bigfoot

It may be hard to discern from such high quality photography but this plant started growing some whispy pistils overnight. It’s a lot more apparent in person.

Tonight is the night I will get her repotted into either a 3 gallon pot or a 5 gallon bag. I have to wonder which option would offer more root growth as plastic pots tend to become rootbound so rapidly and fabric bags never seem to grow in more than two thirds.

Nice Pot

Why thank you. It came with the strawberries now planted in the yard. I haven’t yet had the chance to try a homegrown strawberry but I have been assured they are the best in the world.

Wait, did you mean the plant pot or the pot pot?


I mean, uhh- If I topped this plant, would that technically make her a topless girl?


you mean when you take her top off, right? she gangly


I would top right above what looks like the 5th node there and make a nice fat clone with it (or toss it in a smoothie :laughing:) then do some tucking of the fans and training of the branches with the other half of her.

I try not to veg too long after transplanting in 3 gal pots. 5 gal bag and a few weeks veg (with training) after it recovers from the transplant = a bush, lol.

Or you could just do that :joy:


C99. No topping, no training


@Floyd !? :anguished: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
“don’t know how!”
:deciduous_tree: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Now we’re speaking my language! :laughing: Those are some beautiful plants.

Now I’m just conflicted.

When I get thinking about topless girls I realize I really would love a pair… of plants I mean.

You know, I’m just going to have to sleep on this one.


Best two out of three?

You may have noticed that I decided to top and train the C99. I was really on the fence about interfering with the natural process but I figure if the top half sets root I will grow it out feral and free- just pure unfettered, untamed chronic. Would make for a good side by side comparison at any rate.

New to the bathroom is a Lemon Haze to the left of the C99. This girl was kind enough to show me some pistils so she has advanced to the next stage of life- swaying topless in the shower.

Yeah I have a third pot, what about it?

Are you alright?

Sorry, I guess I’m just a little edgy. It’s just that I was really expecting to have three ladies by now. This time around I felt like I really had a plan, a schedule, and some structure.

Out of nine seeds I have two confirmed females and a fleeting hope of discovering a third. I won’t have time to pop more seeds and stay on schedule.

What are you going to do?

After the tears? I plan to hold out a few more days for any signs of pistils.

It actually occurred to me this morning that I had a backup plan all along, Black Snow.

I figure with a bit of pruning, some bending, and a couple weeks in a larger pot, this scrappy little cutting could be a serious contender.

Feeling better?

Yeah, a little. Thanks for stopping by!


I hope that 3rd one (whatever strain it may be :smirk:) turns out to be a lady for you :crossed_fingers:


Third time is the charm

The time for wishful thinking is over, now is the time for action!

By that I mean I added Black Snow to the spare bathroom, tied down all the plants, and now I’m going to leave them for a week or two.

I wish I’d had the great idea to use safety pins for training wire a couple years ago…

I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.

Every time I smoke this Skynet I start to wonder

“Am I unusually baked? Not baked in an unusual fashion but baked more than the usual amount… Am I?”

Actually it’s not even just when smoked. I also made some tasty cookies that got me stoned sideways, as is expected, but unusually stoned.

Thank you @NugLifeFarms420 !

So how was the harvest?

There won’t be any high quality metrics on this one. I got an ounce of nice buds from each plant, and another ounce of loose lower buds from the plants combined.

It’s tragic in a way that these plants had so much potential that I failed to harness but on the upside it’s great bud!

The dried buds have been in a jar for over a week now at 18°C/60% RH. Some hits of this stuff make me feel like I motor boated a spice rack, pungent to the point of making my eyes water and my nose stuffy. Super smooth smoke though like a cool drink from a frigid fjord. Maybe one plant was spicier than the other but seeing as all the buds were dumped into the same jar this will remain a mystery.

About that motorcycle…

Uhh, I’ll be back.


So what’s up?

Absolutely nothing. I’m presently sitting on my hands while things vegetate and blossom.

Don’t go empty handed, check out this Mango Smile x 24 Carat at 10 weeks since sprout.

Oh man I can’t wait to wait another month and a half until I can try some of these buds.

And the bathroom?

It’s about the same as before except the plants are just a little bit bigger.

Thank you for asking :pray:


Where’s John Connor :sweat_smile:


It’s still a news to me LoL…
What a great idea that I’ll be using from now on…
Thanks for sharing brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


No nonsense, straight to the bathroom.

It’s just down the stairs. First door. You can’t miss it.

Alright, just kidding. Check it out!

Today marks the first (or maybe second) day of 12/12. I had reset my timers on the 19th and when I woke up on the 20th the lights were still on. Turns out I had needed to hit the “PROG” button once more to finalize the new off time. Anyways let’s just say I reset the timers on the 20th and that today is day one, spare me the embarrassment.

Seen that before…

Like I said, about the same as before only a little bigger. Don’t fret though, the show is just starting.

Do you like the somewhat uniform canopy? I actually put in a little effort this time and even did my best to strip any lower nodes to promote budliness. Honestly I really wanted to prune more aggressively having been inspired by Qtip’s continuous cannabis corner but I lacked the fortitude to finish the job.

There’s always next time

Funny you should mention that.

Never took any pictures of the explosive root growth that occurred between the first and second images.

Didn’t you make some seeds recently?

If you’re referring to the Black Snow x Alien OG seeds, yes. Thank you for following along.

I even germinated some, too.

I’m tempted to throw them in the shower and run them 12/12 for rapid results but I have a tendency to get carried away. I don’t know yet.

Depending on how they turn out maybe you’d want to run them too.

Wow. Anything else?

Just this.

Hey, what was in that other picture?

Oops. Uhh, have a good night!


it’s cool to see people run your genetics, but to breed with them is just awesome. i can’t wait to see the results.

edit: i’ve probably said this before, lol.


Your journal is fun to read. I like how you just go for it! I notice you use both cloth and plastic planters. Which do you prefer? I like the cloth pots, but I noticed that I get salt build up on the sides of them when I grow in soil. How do you keep that from happening?


Thank you :pray:

Both I guess. Easy to start in plastic pots, and more easy to bottom water.

The fabric pots are just the biggest I have and are uniform in size so when lined up they make a nice picture.

I’m actually just borrowing all of these nice brown fabric pots from someone who expressed that they have zero continued interest in gardening (thanks amigo!).

Next time I might just plant directly in the tote I used to mix up all of the soil, cut out the middleman and hassle of repotting.

Is that what this is?

I always just figured it was filth.

I wouldn’t know a thing about prevention. Easiest solution is to toss them in the washer with my wife’s clothes.

As for my no-till experimental pot, I am just going to keep shoving plants in there until they refuse to grow. Once my goal has been achieved I will empty out the pot and see how it cleans up in the wash.


What was that!?

Just my spare bathroom. You see, I converted the shower into a-

Oh, the one galllon pot? Right. I’ve taken to calling that one wishful thinking. Funny story about that one, it’s a Squirrel Tail #1 x Viking IBL. Rumour has it that this is a collaborative work between @Oldtimerunderground and @CornbreadJunior.

I may have been keeping this little plant in secret, deep down wishing it was a female. Seems like this plant just doesn’t want to show me it’s stuff. I put it under 12/12 for a few days, I took a cutting and kept it under 12/12, nada. Why do all of these techniques work so well for others?

Anyways I think it might be time to put this poor plant out of it’s misery. I’ve got a show to run here and I’m already behind schedule. It might seem a little silly but the only thing keeping this plant alive was whisper of a prophecy which went a little something like this:

Not much to it but I thought that- Hey, what’s that?

Whats what?

Are those pistils!?

I’ve been staring at this thing for months, battling poor eyesight, wishful thinking, and optimistic hallucinations but now I can see! It’s a miracle!

What will I do now? She is now six days into flower, will she take kindly to a quick up-potting? I only have a plastic 3 gallon pot available at this point but I figure three gallons is better than one.

If anybody has super helpful advice please speak now, lest I should torture this plant and post about it on the internet for the next three months.


Hell yeah, indeed! Wow am I ever excited.

On a parting note for those interested, @Oldtimerunderground will be provding winning lottery numbers by DM. It has been foretold.