Lophophora's spare bathroom


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I prefer all of my pots the same size for water distribution purposes. Trying to keep up with 1g pots and 3g pots is a pain.


Yoo @CornbreadJunior are you seeing this?! Our baby!! Lol

Norse mythology tells of a legendary Viking Squirrel, capable of sending a message between the Gods! Ratatoskr lives!! :grinning: :crossed_swords:


@Foreigner, I figure 3 gallon plastic will dry at the same rate as a 5 gallon fabric pot. Really though watering frequency is secondary to availability. Either way an up-potting just seemed prudent at this juncture. I concur, watering a 1 gallon would be a pain.

@Oldtimerunderground I love the little cod piece :rofl:


hahahah @Oldtimerunderground , it brings a tear to my eye, they grow up so quick!

@lophophora.ca she looks really healthy, congrats! I can’t wait to see how she turns out for you!


Just tagging in, I like to use my spare tub for clones before going outside. I dig it man :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:


Some people use the method of filling the 3 gal up part way and dump out the plant set on top without disturbing the roots. Than gently back filling to make a tower. This gives you more than 3 gal soil and dosen’t stall the growth.
This would be my call. I am dealing with 1 gal an have to water all the time.

There are photos here someplace.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Hooray, hooray! For those of you just joining the fray, the foray from May is ending today. It’s harvest day, as they say.

Most of you are coming with me- Except for you, you can stay

Does anyone ever stagger their auto harvest? I just may, the bottoms could use another day. What do you say?

Time for the bathroom, anyway. Never mind the bidet.


While I’m asking opinions, how long does everyone leave their training wire attached to their plants?

Never really thought twice about the training wire until I noticed this Lemon Haze is growing with a vigor that she managed supercrop herself against the restraints.

I must be having problems with the lighting ratchets because I swear the light is getting an inch closer to the plants each day.

Never mind the planting job @G-paS, I meant to do a tiered planting arrangement as described but my depth perception was way off. At least the Viking Squirrel doesn’t seem to mind.

Oh by the way, forgive the delay.

I was having problems earlier with USB microscope captures using my phone. Good news is that the microscope is working just fine, it is just the USB port on the phone starting to fail. Now every time the battery percentage drops on my phone I get this feeling as though I’m living on borrowed time. Also the image appears to capture in PNG format… When will these tragedies end?

I usualy capture the microscope shots with a computer using VLC except for this time so don’t give me a hard time or anything.

Can I go now?

Of course! If only I could think of an emoji that rhymes with :pray:


what is this one? any black snow updates?

edit: i just saw your black snow grow show post


Mango Smile x 24 Carat by way of @Oldtimerunderground as bred by… As bred by @Chronickyle. My many thanks :pray:

Man I thought I was on top of this but I guess I need to try harder.

Straight out of the shower:


thanks for the update. i didn’t notice your other post in the black snow grow show thread until i already posted above, so my mistake. the plant is looking nice and fresh.


Love your rhyming update.

:green_heart: :seedling:


lol it’s growth man or were you being facetious :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Very Nice :metal: :metal: :metal:


That’s Bad Ass :metal: :metal: :metal:


This has me compulsively grabbing my crotch like a malfunctioning Michael Jackson animatronic.


BAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! What’s in your wife’s clothes that make the cleaning process work so well? :thinking:

Just work harder! lol

I remove at the time of cropping.


Not every morning that my wife wakes me up, but one look in her eyes and I knew she was pissed. Now there are hundreds of valid reasons to be mad at me, but which one did she choose today?

“Buenos dias mi-”

“What the hell is that smell!?”

Better to play dumb, so I look back and forth quizzically before taking a cursory sniff of my under arm.

“The whole house reeks like weed!”

I smile as I try to think of something clever to say, then it all comes flooding back to me. I left the basement door open last night filling the house with the rich aroma of freshly trimmed reefer.

Ay, mota rica. Mi amor…

The look on her face tells me right away no matter what I come up that she’s not buying.

I think today I will look into a 6" inline fan to pair with the carbon filter going unused in the bathroom. :rofl:

(Sponsors of OG, save my marriage.)


LOL, I told my wife that it was Man Cave Potpourri:kissing_heart:

Yeah, that didn’t fly either… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



My wife loves the smell of rank pot growing. She opens the door to the greenroom and inhales what she calls her “aroma therapy”. lol
Strange woman but she suits me well. lol
Over forty years now. I think she’s gonna keep me. :slight_smile:


LOL, my wife complains when I just break up a bud, or clean my bong, let alone during flower. I had to get a carbon filter to keep the tent from being evicted.