Lophophora's spare bathroom

I like to give Mrs Foreigner tests. I’ll show her plants with minor issues and make her diagnose them. Also male/female identification etc.

She’s gotten quite good at it.


I need to borrow her :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


It’s really quite impressive. Learning through osmosis I guess.

“Lower Yellows means nitrogen”
“Structure suggests male”

She’s probably better than me by now :love_you_gesture:


Mango Smile x 24 Carat

Bowl of dried buds. Final weight is 70 grams, plus the weight of a solo cup I inadvertently left in the bowl while zeroing the scale, plus the cola that I didn’t notice had dropped on the floor until after I took all these pictures…

Let’s just say 3 ounces. Yeah, that works.

Just the top cola.

The rest of the still living plant appears to be developing nicely. Another few days and she will be meeting the scissors.

The staggered harvest “plan” was definitely to my advantage although I’m not sure why I wrote plan in quotes because I totally planned things this way right from the beginning. :wink:

You may notice that I used a combination of bright and dank lighting in these photos to really accentuate the dankness of the subject matter. Not that I’m trying to mislead anyone with photography, just taking some artistic liberties.

Please pardon my brevity as my fingers are still very sticky. If anyone feels cheated please let me know so that I may personally regail you with flowery language and long-winded anecdotes. :pray:


nice man :metal: :metal: :metal:


I love an articulate, long winded person as long as their posting about something interesting. It makes it a fun read.
I have a thesaurus for just such posts. :thinking: lol



I’ve considered staggered but haven’t done it. I guess I thought I would find drying one piece at a time a pain.

There’s only so long I can take over the bathroom without getting “the face.” I’m sure you know what I mean.

Is your thinking to let the lowers ripen up?

Also your final pic there looks great you got the art tuned in.



I’ve done staggered harvest a couple times now, it’s an interesting technique.
Both times my conclusion was I liked the earlier harvest better, but that’s just me.



It feels so nice to be in demand, thank you.

Absolutely. When the top colas were looking just right most of the lowers were still looking fresh and green with plenty of white pistils. Instead of showing pronounced trichromes the leaves were just oily and resinous, like seeing two stages of growth the same time.

I thought it would be a pain to harvest twice but the effort has been minimal really.

I pulled off the big fan leaves by hand and snipped anything smaller with an exposed stem before leaving the colas to dry. Spent ten minutes and cleaned up any stragglers last night which yielded less than a handful of trim and the remaining bits of leaves just crumbled off and fell into the crack around the lid of the washing machine.

The spare bathroom has been going strong over a year now, my sympathies for your bathroom sharing woes. I didn’t end up washing this harvest as I figured a soak and rinse in the kitchen sink followed by a drip-dry would be really pushing my luck. My suspicions were later confirmed by my wife’s reaction to the smell of fresh cut weed. If by “the face” you mean being smothered to death with a pillow in your sleep, I can totally relate.

Fascinating, I wonder if there will be any discernable difference in flavour or effects. Visually the buds are like night and day since last week, I only wish I had taken better photos. Perhaps this is folly, time will tell.

@noknees, lol Mean Girls.

@MoBilly, No thesaurus here, just pure uncut words. I’m not even sure if what I write makes sense or is of sound mind, but nobody has been calling me out on it yet. :rofl:


Lol. I think that’s called a death mask.


I’ve got problems.

Mainly germination problems. Been trying the shotglass germination method. It’s been a week and nothing to show for it.

Not exactly singing praise for the paper towel method either. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.


Huh! Wipe it again!

Maybe the seeds are just toast? Shitty but possible.


I think you’re supposed to stack the paper towels on the seed and lie on top of them, if you can feel it under all those layers it will germinate or something


So this makes lophophora a princess and the beans a pea?

Am I following your logic correctly?


I’ve never had problems with paper towel method. I use R.O water paper towels folded dinner plate Saryan wrap with a 1-inch opening on the end and set it on my router. Boom tails just keep it wet and drain the excess off


Something like that, but I’m no Fableologist. Might need to get an expert in here


Does this make you Ae-sucks? I’m trying to work with you here man :love_you_gesture::joy:


woops wrong fable pic credit to @Gizmo


I’d say that seed is toast. Were you only trying to sprout that single seed?