Lophophora's spare bathroom

Looks fire brother. :sunglasses: :metal:


Wasap dudes?

Oh not much, just about to start having fun in here.

Oh really? Dibs!

Yeah, check it out:

The FAM is looking quite budly despite the malnourished looking leaves. Not the largest buds but all very dense, and plenty of them.

Do you think she has another four weeks left in her?

Not really.

Nonsense. Sheā€™ll make it to the finish line no problem, even if sheā€™s dropped all her biggest fan leaves. The way I see it Iā€™m just defoliating Qtip style.

Not even close.

Itā€™s hard to capture the rich colour pallette in photograph but this is pretty close:

The smell is fantastic though, like a citrus lemon lime. Very fresh and zesty.

I feel like I bit off more than I can chew with the FAM, sheā€™s growing faster than the worms and I can handle. I think the next things going into this pot will be compost and a crop of clover.

Interesting strategy.

One day Iā€™ll be cool enough to test my soil, but things have been working well enough to date that Iā€™ll continue to wing it.

Whatā€™s in the other pots?

What other pots? Oh, right! I donā€™t even remember when I transplanted my seedlings into their new homes.

Itā€™s only been a few days since we last spokeā€¦

Right. Wellā€¦ letā€™s have a look, shall we?

Hereā€™s the Fog Dog already showing some pistils:

And hereā€™s the Blackstrap looking hearty:

Off to a good start.

Thank you! Letā€™s hope they grow to be mighty plants.

How was the last harvest?

No idea, itā€™s just been sitting in a jar. Itā€™s only been a few days, remember?

Oh right.

Jokeā€™s on me. I accidentally knocked the thermohygrometer while moving the jar and it reset to Fahrenheit.

I have no idea what 68.5Ā°F means. One of lifeā€™s great mysteries.

Itā€™s approximate twent-

One of lifeā€™s great mysteries.

Anyways, I should go make some breakfast now.

When are we having fun in here?

Thanks for stopping by!


I figure itā€™s free fertilizer.

Also I donā€™t think itā€™s fair that you get so many harvests in a row and Iā€™m going to write a strongly worded letter about it. I just havenā€™t decided to who yet.


Hey, where have you been?

What do you mean, Iā€™ve been at home. Well, except for a quick road trip but otherwise at home.

You werenā€™t in my house while I was gone, were you?

Not as far as you know.

Well thatā€™s reassuring, no need to inquire further.

Say, letā€™s change the subject! Check out my garden:

Hereā€™s a closer look at the FAM. These buds are nice and dense, and have a fruity/lemon-limey sweet sort of smell. Only two weeks left for the FAM as arbitrarily decided by my calendar. When that time comes Iā€™ll probably hum and haw about chop time for another week.

Now for the Fog Dog. Seems like this one has been flowering since week two, showing pistils really early on. I had to bend her down as she grew three inches past the light seemingly overnight. Overall the plant is looking healthy and hearty except for the leaf discoloration affecting only the branch I bent over.

Check out this bushy Blackstrap S1. This plant is so bushy and green the photography canā€™t do it justice. This one was being pretty modest until I bent over the Fog Dog, then she started to flourish.


Not literally, I meant exhibit prolific growth. Sheā€™s not even showing any pistils yet. Must be a late bloomer. Definitely an interesting contrast to the Fog Dog.

All that praise and only one photo?

Itā€™s a bush, what sort of photographic detail do you expect!?

Anyways, thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got- as far as you know. Letā€™s just say thatā€™s all youā€™re getting.

Itā€™s been a pleasure, thanks for visiting!


Looks like a plant party going on in there. :sunglasses: :metal:


Lookinā€™ good there. nice to come home to.


Errr errrr uhlghhh !!
The bathrooms occupied and I gotta shhh.urley gotta say I love the smell thatā€™s coming from it :sweat_smile:
Nice work


You can hold it for 4 more weeks!


You again!?

Yeah, I live here. Whatā€™s your excuse?


Iā€™m just kidding, itā€™s a pleasure having you here.

Can you believe itā€™s been a whole week already? Either way, you wonā€™t believe how much my garden has grown.

Check it out:

Pretty wild how the Fog Dog and Blackstrap have overtaken the FAM. The FAM is no slouch either, which really showcases their accomplishment.

I mean it when I say the FAM is no slouch:

These colas are bigger than my-

Nah, donā€™t say it.

Hand? Twice as hard, too.

Oh, come on.

On to the Blackstrap. Iā€™ve had to raise the light twice in the last week, which is notable as Iā€™m rather adverse to effort.

Have you considered training?

I tried that, but the branches are so stiff-

Enough with the jokes already.

In seriousness, I could bend over the main cola but when I attempted to bend over a secondary branch last night it snapped like a chopstick. Theyā€™re like solid wood.

Not much to be said for bud development yet. Just looks like little black clovers but the leaves and bud regions are getting more and more dark.

Still only one photo?

Yeah, yeahā€¦

For contrast check out the Fog Dog:

Wow, so fluffy looking.

Yeah pretty neat, eh?

Finally check out my strawberry garden:

Where are all the strawberries?

I havenā€™t figured that part out yet. Iā€™m not sure if strawberries will really flower and fruit in a dank basement bathroom but weā€™ll find out, wonā€™t we?

I think the real goal with this is to root as many of the runners as I can over the winter and try to transplant them to my yard come spring.

Of course while looking up the correct term for ā€œrunnerā€ I just discovered there are June-bearing, ever bearing, and day neutral cultivars. I can assure you I have no idea what sort of strawberry cultivars these might be. Going forward I might try to plant some specific cultivars instead of growing a garden based on happy accidents.

Incredible. Are we done here?

Of course, Iā€™ll let you go about your day.

Thanks for stopping my!


Everything is looking really nice.

Iā€™m just a squatter. Both in your home and in the bathroom.


When I clicked on pic for a closer view of the FAM, this involuntary utterance: ā€œgood god man!ā€
Yo, thatā€™s some plant! Nice!


FUCK YEAH @lophophora.ca !


Stopping your what, exactly?

Stopping my typographical errors. Thanks for pointing that out, now I look like an idiot.

You donā€™t need me for that.

Thanks, fam. Speaking of FAMā€¦

Whereā€™s the FAM!?

Now that you mention it, it does seem a bit emptier in here. Thatā€™s odd.

Oh right! I remember now, as though it were only a few minutes agoā€¦

Yes, itā€™s all coming back to me. I chopped her this morning, and what a beast she was. Over 1.5 lbs on the old fish scale. Iā€™m excited to see how well she dries out.

I canā€™t wait to spend a few minutes plucking and trimming leaves. I might also separate and hang some branches on their own for better airflow.

Still feels a bit empty in here. What should I do?

Much better.

Had to raise the light a little to accommodate the Blackstrap which has decided it does not want to be trained. Hopefully this is as high as she gets.

So whatā€™s next?

My next goal is to figure out how Iā€™m going to set up my strawberry farm. Looks like there is no shortage of runners to root. It would also be nice to relocate the strawberries to smaller individual pots. Hopefully this can be done without upsetting the worms or the strawberries.

Besides the strawberries, the Fog Dog and Blackstrap wonā€™t finish until the end of October.

See you in six weeks!

Youā€™ll be backā€¦

And I always appreciate your visits.


That FAM is a fatties! Hope itā€™s as tasty as it looks. :yum:


Looks good. A little airflow is probably a good idea.

Getting prepared for strawberry prohibition?


Everything is looking great. Props. :sunglasses: :metal:


Cut them runners off on the Strawberries they should flower quicker for yah !


Whatā€™s with the silly grin?

Oh, nothing. Itā€™s been an exciting week is all.

@ReikoX should be the first to know, the FAM managed to set a new personal record from a single plant at 208 grams.

Itā€™s not quite the half-pound I had hoped for but this beats the pants off of my previous record of 118 grams from a single Fog Dog.

I initially measured 230 grams when the buds were getting crispy on the outside but a quick jar test measured the buds at 70%RH at that point. It took another two days and twenty two grams of evaporation before the buds were dry enough for jarring.

Which brings us to the most exciting part- well, not really the most exciting. In fact itā€™s about as much fun as watching paint dry. The curing process!



To change things up a bit Iā€™m trying out a free sample grove bag, as seen on the left. Iā€™m not sure how the cure will compare to just a regular jar cure but we shall see if thereā€™s any discernable difference in smell in a couple weeks.

How ever will you pass the time?

Iā€™ll have to fall back on the usual hobbies, like garden photography.

Looking kind of yellow.

Yes, Iā€™m convinced that Iā€™m doomed to limp over the finish line with every grow. Check out this pile of leaves:

At this rate Iā€™m losing fans faster than the WNBA.


Despite the fan situation these girls have some real talent and beauty, and I have the utmost confidence they will pull through to the end.

No basketball joke?

Too easy. Hereā€™s the Fog Dog looking fluffy as can be:

Where the Blackstrap lacks the same photogenic pizazz she makes up for it in passing and technical skills.

I knew you had another basketball jokeā€¦

Wasnā€™t as good as the first one. Have a look:

The buds are much smaller and more plentiful on the Blackstrap and still relatively under developed compared to the Fog Dog, but they look cool like black clovers.

Wait, is that why you were smiling this whole time?


The basketball joke?

Well, maybe. Yeah.


You and I both know that youā€™re not here to pick up on my growing expertise.

Anyways, Iā€™ve got to get going.

Thanks for the visit!


Perhaps your content isnā€™t saucy enough? Maybe not trying to cross enough international borders with CBD?

Thatā€™s a hell of a yield. Iā€™ve found it helpful to buy humidity sensors for the jars so I can see humidity at a glance.

And the flip top jars are the right move.

Your plant is bigger than my plant. I got 134 grams and I even trimmed it poorly


Looks great in here, took a while to get through but alas Iā€™m here. Finally (now if I just had more likes )