No idea why they call this one Blackstrap. It must have a subtle molasses flavour.
Yeah. That must be it.
This plant’s budliness was more distributed throughout the structure which would have been an absolute menace to trim if not for the fact that she lost all of her fan leaves leading up to chop time.
Yeah, to think most people make an active effort towards defoliation.
What comes next?
Next I need to clean the tub. Two grows worth of run off and a thick layer of Blackstrap leaves have left my bathtub rather filthy. Wouldn’t hurt to run a sponge through there.
Good plan.
Glad we’re in agreement.
Anyways thank you for the visit. It’s always a pleasure to see you.
It does when you’re playing chess! Statistically, white wins 25% more games, and more like 50% at Grandmaster-level play. Looks like a nice harvest, though.
They don’t look like much but they were the sweetest berries I’ve ever eaten. Only five more months until I can move these plants outside and turn my backyard into a U-pick strawberry patch. The plan is to keep propagating in the meantime.
With the good comes the bad I guess because I’ve been completely overrun by strawberries. Overgrown, if you will.
My resolution for this year was to clean my tub. You can see the dustpan from where this got started but I had to fall back after losing the first expedition team in the process.
Lost a good man on that expedition…
Really? Who?
Ah nuts, he’s back.
Well hopefully I can get back to gardening once somebody cleans the tub.
Thank you for the visit! Hope to see you again soon.
I grew up eating the ‘wild ones’ at the lake when a kid.
I remember the first ‘store bought’ strawberries as being a great disappointment after the first bite…
There were four seeds and yet only two plants in that photo.
Easy there, detective. Good observation though. I gave a couple to my neighbour for his garden. Boy will he be excited when he figures out those weren’t tomatoes.
Why are those plants outdoors in a spare bathroom thread?
Because I like growing more than I dislike outdoors, alright?
The bathroom is full of strawberries, isn’t it?
Not full exactly but yes mostly occupied by strawberries at the moment.
For real though, do you know how hard it is to till up your backyard with just a pitchfork?
I’m maybe 50% of the way there. I’ll definitely be able to get some of the strawberries planted outdoors by this weekend. I plan to till dirt and plant strawberries until my yard is nearly all berries, I don’t care if it takes all summer.
Anyways, it’s been fun. Thank you for visiting me!