Lophophora's spare bathroom

Looking great @lophophora.ca !


Hope all is well in the bathroom bro :grin:

I’m really hoping both, or at least 1, of those Blockhead F5 x Mikado BX are female.


Do you have the shining @Oldtimerunderground ?

I was honestly just in the middle of looking at and cropping photos. Here’s a sneak preview just for you.

Bathroom is fantastic, it’s just the rest of life I struggle with. Wife is knockitg on the door, starting to wonder why I’ve been locked in the en suite for the past two months. I’ve got to think of a lie fast!


No, I hacked your bathroom cam so I could get a sneak peak of the ladies in the shower :smirk: lmaoo. Maybe it’s cause I was smoking a fatty of some Blockhead and the plants were channeling through my high :joy:

I hear you brother. I keep telling the wife not to bug me when I’m in my office, but she won’t listen!

I got you Loph! Tell her not to worry, you’ve had a minor incident, then send her this gif


You two are too funny. Loving that sneak preview.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Those blurry pics brought back memories of trying to watch pron on scrambled channels back in the day.


:thinking: this is us being serious. :joy: just kidding

Me too!!! I have a good feeling :smiley:


Cuz! ok, now how in the hell am I supposed to use the ‘throne’ you so kindly offered me a while back?
lol lovely plants though! :wink: :+1:


Still breathing

When I stepped out of the bathroom door locked behind me. Took a whole week to get back into my garden. Enough about me, let’s have a look at the ladies.

I decided to commit to my vision and mounted the lights right to the ceiling (just don’t tell my wife).

The bathtub is noticably more spacious without those bulky speaker stands out of the way, and this new arrangement offers an extra 70cm of vertical space. I can’t believe I waited until now to hang my light properly…

Okay, well not “properly”. Measure twice, drill thrice.

How about those plants?

Dragon’s Milk x Tangie, Day 57… Wait- holy smokes, really!?

This lazy girl is having trouble holding up her own arms. I noticed in the last few days this plant is starting to smell like weed. It comes as a surprise as up until now the blossoms smelled like orange jello or a creamsicle, but it’s not a bad change.

Blockhead F5 x Mikado BX, Day 19.

Sorry no closeup photos tonight. As you may have guessed from my last post these plants are indeed ladies, and they are growing up fast.

In Memoriam

Peyote Cookies x Shaman, RIP.

This plant was so sticky it makes maple syrup look like water. I actually think this plant singlehandedly rid my garden of fungas gnats. As a result of thoughtless fan placement all of the lower buds caught every single gnat that ventured into the garden.

Upon witnessing such devastation I realized washing the buds was my only path. Turns out it’s really hard to photograph little gnats on buds, but I can assure you there were many.

Despite previously espousing the benefits of a bud wash I still had reservations going forward. I would hate to mess up the harvest after all that we’d been through. Furthermore, what would OTUG think? I can’t let anyone down. A wet-trim and a soaking were not part of the original plan. Fortunately the main cola and upper buds remained largely insect free, so I decided just to wash the lower buds.

Once the flowers hit the water the gnats started coming out of the woodwork, having been previously entombed within the resinous buds. It seemed like the wash just caused more gnats on the buds than before. Even after a second pass there remained a copious amount of insect carcasses, and no amount of water or hydrogen peroxide would change this.

Despite the graphic horror just witnessed, things turned out pretty good. I had really thought I completely boned the drying process as after a couple days in the bathroom with the dehumidifier the buds seemed like they were dried to a crisp, but it turns out everything was alright.

It was a lot of unexpected labour, but on the plus side I saved a lot of money on sticky traps.

What about that other plant? You forgot one

The one in the back left corner? That’s another Peyote Cookies x Shaman, recently retired from her role as a bonsai mother. Here’s hoping she turns out half as good as the last one.

Where are all the clones?

Goodnight everybody, thanks for stopping by! :pray:


Looking good! :+1:


spare bathroom? puts a new meaning to flushing the plants.


Lol, bugs or not, I think you killed it bro. That plant came out magnificent. Some good genetics. I washed a good portion of my outdoor, but gave up near the end, plus I ran outta lemons after going through 3 bags :joy:


All I know is unending heartbreak

Some people call it perpetual harvest. It doesn’t get any easier no matter how you call it.

It looks so empty now in the tub, and it feels that way too.

Just as soon as I was really getting know the Tangie Dragon she had to leave.

I try not to think about the day when the blockhead sisters will too walk out that door…

Speaking of

Blockhead F5 x Mikado BX, Day 24.

Nice healthy looking green colour, nice happy looking plants.

Peyote Cookies x Shaman, Day 24.

Not sure how I got these blue tinted photos considering all these pictures were captured under identical lighting conditions. I thought this plant was rather leggy considering how much I chopped her back in her youth, but I won’t complain. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that she not only has legs, but she knows how to use them.

Will I ever love again?

There must be something out there to fill this void in my heart…



I’ll be watching the black snow hope it’s a girl. Should be some fire in that little one.


No fury like a woman scorned

Wait a minute, those look like seeds! How could this happen?

I guess this is revenge after all those months of being tied down in my basement and having all of her limbs cut off- repeatedly. Never saw issues like this with any of her progeny either, hence why it really does feel like revenge.

I have to wonder what combination of neglect and abuse could have driven her to such extremes… Looks like someone’s getting the hose again.

Sadly the Blockhead F5 x Mikado BX downwind also felt the wrath, although the impact is limited to only a few buds.

I didn’t feel great about it but the rest of the plants got a thorough misting to prevent any errant pollen from mingling with the girls.

I know what you’re thinking right now, that its hard to believe anything like this would occur under my vigilant watch- I felt the felt the same way, too. Just try to remember things could have turned out a lot worse. Afterall, If this is my biggest problem in life I should consider myself most fortunate.


This is one heck of a thread you have going on here! Nice growing, I enjoyed running through. I wish you many more great harvest my friend.!


On the plus side, all the beans should be female…
Late flower rodelization has actually worked in my favor with some CBD a while back.



A few seeds really isn’t a big deal, especially if it’s just your personal stash. Whenever I make seeds on individual branches I always end up with a few unexpected extras. It’s ok.

If it turns out it’s really bad you can just turn the whole damn thing into hash. And then tell people that was your plan all along.

It stings I know but it’s not the end of the world.


Love the optimism. I will definitely keep these for next year’s backyard bonanza. I plan to take two handfuls of seeds and spin around like it’s the sound of music.

Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.

I was mostly offended that she tried to corrupt my beloved Blockhead F5 x Mikado BX (man these are long names to type out, gotta work on that OTUG :rofl:) .

After reading through all the hash making threads here on OG I’m really starting to think I’ve been missing out on a whole other world of weed. My curiosity is piqued, perhaps this is my call to action.


Matters of pressing importance

It turns out pressing some dry sift is as simple as using a jar full of hot water. Not only did I get plenty baked, my grinder is as clean as ever and working as brand new.

Probably would not have thought about doing such a thing until I saw it mentioned in @vernal’s thread, thank you!

As I peruse OG and see fabulous pictures of ten-ton presses and heated plates I realize deep down I can’t yet hang with the big dogs, but every journey has a beginning.

A quick rehash

Blockhead F5 x Mikado BX, Day I don’t even know I’m so demoralized. Every time I look at my gorgeous frosty buds with that unmistakable aroma and see a seed, it’s like a kick to the crotch.

Hey, I bet these buds would be great for an experiment. Seems like the biggest barrier to hash making is equipment that I don’t have. Turns out I know some closet bubble hash connoisseurs with bubble bags.

I know just by looking at them, these plants are going to need a bath come harvest time. Why not make in an ice bath?

sometimes late at night I sit and pick off the gnats with tweezers, but I can’t keep up

Man, I’m bad at this…

Some time ago I popped four black snow beans, all of which germinated. Fast forward two weeks, and one remains.

I try again, dropping four more. Two seeds split and do nothing, one grows a tail nicely, and the other nothing. It was probably my fault. Instead of the soft classical music selection I play to ease germination, I accidentally selected my all Celine Dion and Limp Bizkit playlist. Still not sure why I keep that one around…

So tonight I drop four more. Third times the charm, right?


it might just be the black snow seeds, don’t blame yourself for it. not enough people are growing them yet to be sure.