Lophophora's spare bathroom

You expect me to keep track of all my wheelings and dealings? Oh wait-

Oh that… After the first expedition failed to return I had to cut away some foliage to send in the rescue team. They should be back any day now, thoughts and prayers. :crossed_fingers::pray:


No Boys Allowed

I knew there was a 50/50 chance it would all come down to a coin toss and I wouldn’t be able to beat the odds any further.

I am not disappointed. Black Snow was the most fun I have ever had growing reefer. What an emotional roller coaster watching this little bean burst forth into the world and so rapidly grow into a green monstrosity. This was the biggest, healthiest plant ever to grow in my garden.

I did of course mean to take cuttings and flower those cuttings to spare myself this very situation, but the overwhelming growth of the Black Snow demanded direct and immediate action.

Unfortunately my spare bathroom shower is for ladies only so it is here that we will part ways with our vigorous friend.

Not to worry though, the Black Snow is moving to another garden upstate where he will have more room to run around.

For all you know… :wink:


Awwww man, I was really hoping that one would turn out female :sob: looks like it’s time to pop more seeds, :thinking: unless you have another surprise waiting for us from the veg area??


Myself as well. I heard the smoke is top notch, but that’s just an old legend.

After the Black Snow nothing will ever be the same, my garden looks as though it’s growing in slow motion.

Plenty more surprises, but hopefully no more surprises.


Hopefully no more males pop up for you, if they do, this is what it will look like

Lol, I’m high :crazy_face:


Damb I gotta get to running a few of those by the sounds of things!


Yes, you do!

I only hope I can run a dozen more. Something about that name “Black Snow”- it fills me with intrigue.


Haven’t looked at mine I’m thinking I’ve got 5 possible stars to be found maybe I’ll luck out and have 10 in the package .


Ask and ye shall receive

Time for shameless self promotion

What’s going on in the garden today?

Peyote Cookies x Shaman, Day 52.

It’s been such a pleasant ride I can hardly believe it’s almost over. The aroma from this girl has been ever changing and complex. It started out with a pine scent, which gradually transformed into the smell of trying to clean a puddle of spilled 7-up using only turpentine and pinesol- just as sticky, too!

Each of these buds is about as dense as lead, or about as soft as a hardball. Every one plenty frosty as well. Some amber trichromes are beginning to appear.

If this plant continues to give me such an easy time it should be ready to harvest soon, each bud will weigh an ounce, and it will cure all the ailments I never even knew I had.

Dragon Milk x Tangie, Day 34.

Oh Nelly, is this girl looking fine. This plant doesn’t even smell like weed, it smells like an orange creamsicle, or more specifically like orange jello. I once had an orange jello pie, the pinnacle of lazy baking- anyways the pie was amazing and the smell identical.

It doesn’t appear the 3 gallon fabric pot has cost me anything in terms of yield. I’m certain the limiting factor in all of my gardening is simply me, bless these plants for repeatedly illustrating this point.

As I look at this plant and the flowering date I hastily scrawled on the back of the plant marker, I’m glad we still have another month together yet.

I almost forgot

It’s not every day I have $25, and believe me I no longer do.

Time to step into the fast lane- no more “water only” gardening.

Strap yourselves in and brace for the G-forces :sunglasses:


WOW! :star_struck: :drooling_face: :heart_eyes: this is a magnificent update @lophophora.ca!! Top notch descriptions and photos :clap:


The secret ingredient is earwig shit.


I hope it works better than all the sweet nothings I softly whisper into the bathtub every night :crossed_fingers:


Well, I am fashionably late but I’ll stick around if there’s room.


lol cuz, please let us know if that whispering thing works! I’d give it a try before using the Slick1’s method of yelling at em lol


Let’s get to know each other

There’s more to me than just gardening. Based on the history of photographs in my phone it seems I also enjoy baking and making oils with which to annoint myself.

There isn’t much more than that though… Alright your turn.

Chicken or the egg?

Let’s try making water soluble calcium! I toasted a few weeks worth of eggshells in the oven at 200°F for 40 minutes or maybe an hour, then tossed them in the blender. I was concerned baking eggshells would smell wretched, but to my amazement had no odour at all.

The eggshell dust once settled was added to some apple cider vinegar at a 1:5 eggshells to vinegar ratio, which bubbled like crazy for a week.

When I pH tested the solution the strip matched the 7.0 colour sample. Of course I was too slow in fetching my camera so I only caught a picture of the dried test paper.

My next question is what to do with this stuff. Did I really have a calcium deficiency, or just an abundance of eggshells and free time? What do you do with your water soluble calcium and powdered egg shells? Asking for a friend.

You said something about gardening?

Right then, let’s get down to the brass tacks.

Dragon Milk x Tangie, Day thirty-something, or maybe day 41.

What I really need to do is take a good long look at the back of the plant stake upon which I wrote the date that flowering was initiated. Either way I’m only off by a week.

Kind of sobering to think we have only two or three weeks left together… Fortunately this girl looks like the perfect remedy for sobering. She’s really starting to stack up too.

To chop or not to chop?

Peyote Cookies x Shaman, Day 59.

Alas, poor Yorick. Mark thee, Horatio, she’s close- Very close if not already done. I would wager that we are closer now than ever before. Every day I stare at this plant and think “It’s time…”, but the voice of pragmatism bellows deep from within “Just give it one more day”.

I discovered that I have no need for yellow sticky traps. As it turns out a small fan pointed at the plant has effectively filtered out all of the flying insects from the bathroom as they pass through the fan and become permanently bonded to the lower buds. Where I was previously on the fence about washing my indoor harvest, the thick growing buildup of bug carcasses has fortified my decision to give these buds a rinse.

Just two plants?

Alright, you got me. No promises on any of the following, but I’m trying to sex-up these lovely ladies as we speak. Hopefully I have better luck with these girls than any actual women in my life, but I’ll let you know how it goes in the morning.


Looks good! Let me know how those eggshells work out.


I’m just going off of the following resources, both of which suggest foliar application.

Going forward I would like to try an A/B test with two similar plants but I’m not sure at what stage one would start or stop spraying their plants. This is a future goal, not a today goal. Plenty of reading to do, and I’m completely open to suggestion in the meantime.

I also only whipped up 30mL of the solution for a test application as the 2/3 of a jarful seemed like a bit much for my simple needs, especially at a 1:1000 dilution. With what feels like two kilograms worth of powdered eggshell, and more future eggshell powder waiting in the refridgerator, I am not at risk of running out any time soon.

For now though, let’s just say I don’t have the minerals to spray this foul-smelling concoction all over my nice buds.


is it the outdoor Shaman(DutchPassion) mixed in this Cross?
looks great!!


Yes, the very same! Thank you.

That’s all I know about the cross. For any more detail we would have to press @Oldtimerunderground who most graciously bestowed the beans upon me.


My internal circulation fan accounts for at least half of the fungus gnat deaths in my tent.
(they can run but they can’t hide, sooner or later ol’ chopper takes them for a ‘ride’) :laughing:

Your PC x S looks so good! …one more day?.. :smile:
