Loud (road-kill) skunk

Wow! what a good looking plant. I hope she is stinky. I can’t wait pop a couple of those beans myself.


Hey dudes

Thanks everyone for keeping the thread going and sharing.

With no spring and turning right into summer I’ve had my hands full juggling many balls. Including our quarter acre garden

Spoke to a retired biker yesterday. He started growing in the early 80s on vancouver Island.

Get this. He said his buddy got the skunk weed from a university doing cancer research. This is before chemo and hashplant became commercially available. He has no skin or ego in the game. Said back then the story was believable

He also said chemo and hashplant and rks all looked and grew kinda similar. That the original chemo was almost as pungent just not as skunky.

With hashplant looking almost identical just nothing close to the skunk pungency

Said his cousin has a library of seeds going back to the early 80s and going to ask for some skunk seeds

Will have some pics of my project here in a day or 2



So take it or leave it but it’s not urine they spray or that stinks. It’s a liquid from 2 glands around their anus. so while yes we used urine for concealment in the woods, usually you stick with something like doe urine for deer, fox for predators, etc etc.


All I know is that the skunk spray sold for hunters…. Smell like skunk



Really should get a bottle to experience smell of skunk.


Pulls up chair, pops popcorn.
@medmanbrand really impressive stuff here just stumbled on to the thread an will be following along closely. Was just talking about my first n last experience with true skunk. It’s unmistakable if you’ve had it and if not take a drive down a country road till you find rks


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey brother, stumbled onto this n thought you may find this thread interesting 🥸

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Very cool! Hopefully there’s some straight fire in those old time capsules! Got my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2:


First bud i smoked was hella skunky. I am hoping that Corey Stardawg x( Heimi Cheeba RKS x 89 UK cheese x Skunkbud 18) will be able to give me the lost skunk terps.


I keep an open mind :wink:


The key is to let that bottle oxidize in the heat and open air


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I grew out a few strains looking for roadkill so I grew out sensi seeds maple leaf indica from a pack from 2012 after hearing neville talk about how he found rks in the maple leaf line specially the afgan T pheno he had but I found no roadkill. I f2ed it and ran it agian this time about 100 outdoors and still no roadkill or anything with a skunky smell . I ran sensi seeds skunk#1 from a 2011 pack and it was straight garbage with grass/hay smelling phenos that produced very little thc/crystal’s. I got a freebie from dinafem of critical plus it was skunky but weak smoke and nothing I would call road kill . Ran other strains looking but nothing worthy to mention
for skunky. I’m running a pack of sterling skunk now and a bit into flower and very little odor and no skunk smell more like sweet doritos and pickles unique smells but I doubt it changes into road kill. I grew up on the east coast and I remember getting" skunk bud" and last time I grew it was in 2000 from seeds collected from it and the plant in veg reaked like a skunk and once harvested you couldn’t hide the smell Definitely the road kill everyone speaks of. Also I remember the smoke being ruff where it would bring a tear to your eye or burn your nose super expansive . Definitely a afghani and I havnt seen anything grow like it sense. I use to call it a polyoid because after reading up on it in a book on how to use cochine to create polyoids the leaves of my skunk plant looked like the pictures in that book. Well im still on the search for it. And maybe some of my bag seeds from the 90s will recover it but I’m not about to open them just yet



I always thought it was gmo or polyploidy lol becuase the shit was nuts.

Most of the old guys I talk to say it was a narrow leaf. Was your narrow or broad leaf?


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I’ve found that it’s the combination of the two and it’s in the 5% like a killer haze ps narrow leaf often times is rotten meat foul and revolting while the broad leaf is skunky danky oniony but this is not always so :slight_smile: lol


Used to get these awesome outdoor skunk buds from the Catskill mountains in the 90’s. Big huge airy buds with decent resin. Smelled deeply thick kind of skunk, no seeds. Always was lots around in the fall. It was so unique to anything on the market at the time which was mexican brick or really pricey indoor.


I totaly forgot to mention that the retired biker said the early 80s bc skunk was narrow leaf. But he thought it was a pure afghani.

Lots of nld types in Pakistan and Afghanistan.



The leaves were definitely not sativa and they didn’t have that hybrid look to them I use to describe it also as Afghanica as i heard they were short and sense i already grew indicas ,hybrids and sativas im thinking they were the last one stated at that time i knew of. Dark green long leafs but had wideness to them in a spot very thick stem and they didn’t grow tall maybe 4ft tall max outdoors maybe could of gotten bigger but I wasn’t a pro at that time . If I seen a pic I would recognize it right away . The pic in that book I was referring to is the closest I can find to resemble it and I remember hearing about polyoids at that time so maybe that’s what it was . Definitely an extreme smell compared to anything else on the market witch is weird to me. Like it just vanished . How could something so different just do that :laughing:


Very interesting about your biker friend observation. We surmised the Mazar I sharif in Sam’s skunk 1 had to be NLD. Here’s what @Wuachuma had to say about it