Loud (road-kill) skunk

Yeah that or fkn Gelato, everything is sweet candy now, I hate it lol, give me earth and funk any day :slight_smile:

Growing well before you could shave lol, props, I thought I started young at 15!

That could well be, I’ve not heard that story but it’s as feasible as any other. WW kinda reminds me a little of herijuana, maybe not quite as toxic but stupidly dense bud from a super short squat plant. I never picked up any skunk smells from it though, as I said more fruity/citrus.


Cool story

The dude that sent me the ww seeds said that he got them from “billy” aka William in Oregon. The original breeder



I just ordered Buck Stop - Skunk Scent. This was the only one of that kind that I was able to order from here. I hope this is the real thing which will answer my questions.


One of the parents of Lowryder.

I was wondering. Make sure to spread the smell throughout the land.


I’m getting some ideas where to apply some, lol…


Most of these are concentrates of some sort. I’m thinking to get a true sense of the scents maybe spread some some where or have someone else is even better so you don’t contaminate your nose… and work your way up to it. Looking forward to the report! This is gonna be great!


Lol! Now you too can enjoy the stinky fun we’ve all come to know and hate!


Thanks for the advice. I will try to be very careful and sparing. And report back what I think when it’s here.


Arghandab Black


Those are beautiful man. Have you grown them before?

If yes. What the smell report? If no what’s the stem rub stench?

Thanks for sharing



Skunks have scent glands located on either side of the anus, which produce an oily secretion containing sulfur compounds called thiols. Sulfur smells like rotten eggs, and thiols specifically are organic compounds also found in garlic and onions. It’s no surprise then that concentrated skunk odor can make your eyes water. The compounds are also volatile, meaning they disperse through the air and are picked up by the human nose with ease.

The backup ingredients in skunk spray are called thioacetates. At first, these compounds aren’t very smelly, but when they come in contact with water, their configuration rearranges and they become more potent. That’s why someone sprayed by a skunk often smells worse after bathing.



There’s a couple potential candidates that will be most likely graduating close to the rks potentials.

One is my original rock-star kush x the 81 skunk

The other is a Birken “pink” skunk plant x Peruvian gold

Stem rub is total skunk, dash of fuel and more burnt rubber on the rsk as what is signature is.

I have a feeling the 81 will def add size to the smaller denser rsk

Top 3 pics are rsk x 81
Bottom 3 pics are Peruvian pink



I just popped three RKS fem from Kropduster. They all came up and look good. Used 100% worm casting method to pop them that I’d seen here that I wanted to try. I can take some photos and post them here as they progress if this is the right place? If not sorry to bug you guys, thanks for the great thread.


Anytime I see beans marketed as RKS I pass. In the 30 years I’ve smoked I never came across something called RKS until the last few years of breeders claiming to bring it back. I smoked some stink out your house bud in the late 90’s, early 2000s type weed but it was definitely not called road kill skunk. It was actually called green spirit and smelled up a whole house with a tiny bud just like a dead skunk. I think RKS is a generic term that covers a range of plants from all sorts of nostalgic memories from peoples first experiences with really stinky old school skunky weed. I’ve been chasing the smell of that green spirit ever since I used to get it all the time in late 90’s and nothing ever comes close. Green spirit was a big bud and skunk 1 cross and was the loudest strain I’ve ever come across. At least that’s what the grower was calling it. Another thing with the Old days, people just through names on shit so good luck. I also remember smoking oasis which is a NL2 phenotype that stunk like dead skunk and spray.


Back in the before times, I would get stuff from my person and they would always say stuff like this is that OG, This is that cookies etc. It was just whatever was popular at the time. Everything was basically the same so it didn’t matter too much. Get it from Larry or Joey and it’d be that same shit they all got from that one person who brought it into town. Seems like that’s what will happen again but this time it’ll be Amazon or Walmart selling to Joey and Larry.

The first stuff I ever smoked was a hella skunky indica.


half the problem is that weed smells and tastes skunky when you’re a newbie with no tolerance. I’ve gotten that “old school” (for me) taste just by taking a t break.


Please share your road-kill data mine and pictures.

People need to know if it’s skunk or bunk!



So the Skunk scent came today, earlier than expected. I will take it out in the fields to make a test and let you all know how my central European nose reacts to it.


Morning @medmanbrand, I’m thrilled to be growing an Uncle Fester Skunk #18 and I have word its and the rest of the seeds, are from the 80’s…

Where does UFS #18, fit into the RKS picture? If at all.

Best Wishes on your hunt, I’m just working my way through your thread.

I want you to succeed Bro !