Loud (road-kill) skunk

The nature farms uncle fester skunk 18 stand right about here


Thanks @Mithridate for digging that up for me. Crazy how something so significant could fall through a crack as such.
Even more impressive is that it is still being Searched for !! And the urge to find and isolate it, grows .
Kudos OG
All of a sudden I don’t like Akita Pups


There’s quite a few threads about it here if you search for ‘master thai’ but I came across this from @50State

I know @Tappy ran quite a few too and may have some more info.


Did you get any of " heime cheebas 1981 RKS" ? @MissinBissin


I don’t believe so.

That part of the History I did Not dig-into. Firstly, because I was in sheer awe when the donor described to me, what I had received… + +

Rest assured @drgreensleeves I’ll be able to make that link right here on OG and answer that for you .


Thanks for that Ammo @HolyAngel.
Convoluted is a great word
Too bad it involves a Skunk that no one can find :skunk: :skunk: :skunk: :skunk:


Well see that’s what I’m trying to tell you! It’s been found :slight_smile: heime cheeba “Jim” found it ! It’s there ,in abundance, see in 10 seeds I had 4 RKS phenos 3 of them was straight RKS all the way through but one of them was a melon skunk at first then as it matured it went to a all skunk with acrid notes :slight_smile: happy hunting


Right in my Face…
Thank You Dr for that
Dm hapnin


I ran a few sk18 last fall. Tiny testers to dust with 81 pollen.

At least the dude is selling skunk as skunk. Not millions of sweet Dutch floral seeds called “skunk” that are nothing but bunk. Not skunk



Damn shame he passed away. His son doesn’t really have any passion for his work.

Also, you’re the first and only person I’ve heard have good luck with his RSK.


Ok folks, so here are my findings about skunk spray smell which Europeans like me don’t have any experience with. I had ordered “Buck Stop Skunk Scent”, a product for camouflaging human smell and attracting animals for hunting. On the backside it says it is made from fresh urine and I believe they mean skunk secret. It’s not really urine, is it?
So to me this stuff smells like rubber/burnt rubber, mixed with old fish, bad breath and a bit of onion or garlic maybe. It’s a very nasty smell when you hold your nose directly on to the bottle. I accidentally touched the opening with my nose tip and wiped it off and didn’t have any crazy smell sensation actually at that moment. Later on yesterday the rubber smell reappeared out of no-where like a phantom when I was walking thru the city and I was wondering where it came from. Every few minutes it was there, then away again. Pretty weird.
Do I like this smell and would I have thought real skunk weed lovers would love such a smell? No! :laughing:
This smell has nothing to to with the skunk weed Europeans are accustomed to from the so-called Dutch gene pool. This here just smells rank. Did I ever encounter weed with such a smell?
Parts of it. The rubber smell is known to me. It’s rare in the modern strains and I think this would be best to find in Afghans. But i can see relationships to the onion and dog shit phenos of Dutch “skunks”. But that rubber component which is for me the dominating one in this skunk scent product was never in a skunk plant from Sensi that i grew.I remember having rubber smell in one of a pack of Chem 91 S1 from CSI Humboldt whose sisters had smells like smelly feet, bad breath and dog shit, which were all discarded. I would tolerate such smells only when the effect of the drug would be extraordinary, and it wasn’t in that case.
So for me it’s now clear that the Dutch skunk weed I know from the 90s on is not the same as the Skunk that Americans were experiencing prior that.
I can imagine that this rubber smell could be pleasant in the right concentration or dilution but for my part I like sweet and pleasant smells and when I search for Skunk I am looking for a floral, herbal, happy beer smell. The typical Heineken bottle opening effect.
Any suggestions for me that have this smell are very welcome and I wish everybody luck in their search for RKS. Needless to say, now that I am educated about this smell I would share a clone of it should it ever come across it by chance.
Thanks for educating me on this matter to everybody here and keep on.


Awesome. Thanks for ordering it. Now share the experience. The taste of true “skunk” weed is actually very nice. To me it has somewhat of a sulphur aftertaste. Carry on.


Totally, my mates will get a whiff next. I will also try to find a room where I can test the longer term room smell. In the fields yesterday it was very windy and I couldn’t examine it fully.


Cool. Tag me with any more comments.


Found this while skimming through the cannabible 2 today :eyes:


A bit fanciful of a description hehe

Trinity is not the one, it’s “skunky”… just not straight skunk.

Dankwolf knows the cut very well and scrapped her during his rks search, along with 200 other cuts lol


Its about an elusive mofo aye Mith.


Yes. What’s frustrating is that while everybody and their mama know skunk, very little is known about it’s preferred grow parameters.

I don’t believe it’s ALL genetics, wish we knew more…

People are finding all kinds of crazy smells (pizza rolls and the like) but skunk is still a mystery.

It’s easier to explain what you find, than to theorize what could be. We just need a specimen :slightly_smiling_face:


At least you have been able to capture the taste and smell, even if far and few between. To enjoy the taste, the smell, the buzz, just one more time. Hard to understand how a strain which was so widespread and so available, just pretty much disappeared. Just dosent make sense to me. Wondering if we can get “skunk” :skunk: pucks made. Gotta give you props for the effort. You Sir…. Are a machine. Much luck in the search Bruh.


Hi all, been on the ol’ skunk hunt myself for years. Never knew it as “roadkill”, we always called it skunk or skunk bud. Closest I have come so far is a line from pip called Gold Coast hashplant. This one particular pheno I have is a dead ringer for skunk spray. Messing with tons of other lines but so far that takes the cake. To me,skunk smells like burnt rubber, garlic or onion mixed with ammonia…that’s how I interpret it. I feel like everyone has their own opinions on what skunk smells like, this makes it very hard ti narrow down a particular plant.