Loud (road-kill) skunk

Thanks for sharing.

His son is also quoted saying it’s a kerela x indica as the Ohio rks.

Which to me sounds like seeds bought from nevils seed bank. Not sure how much kerela came to the u.s. in the 70s

On another note. Had a chat with a good friend of mine who now is technically a senior.

He says he first saw real skunk weed in bc in 1975. I his opinion it was a hybrid of 2 or 3 kinds and he also thinks bc made it from all the plethora of strains coming into the Vancouver port from all over the world



For your reference.

I’ve seen this repeated on a few forums.

Imported weed was mostly equatorial sativas until the soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Then Pakistan and afghanis started to flood the global market



Sorry to keep quoting you. But the plot thickens!

Apparently Hayes is where Sam got the name “haze” from.

The closest thing I’ve heard to any sort of truth from Sam sleezy



Nice nice, I found this too if you haven’t seen it yet:




Pretty sure I’ve seen this one too. But thanks for sharing for everyone else.

I do beleive there could be some truth to south India kerela as well. The widow and crosses I’ve seen over the years have that rks in them. Just not full on.

I do wonder though if shanti used nevils kerela x unknown indica becuase as far as I know the seed bank catalog in the 80s was th only legitimate source outside of flying to India


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Darn, thanks for all that info @Dirt_Wizard. It’s nice to have a better understanding on what may have transpired in those parts at the time.

First off, that’s a funny contradiction to say that a poorly grown example DOESN’T look like ASS. And second, I think I had her dialed in. Like, literally every dial was in the right spot. I was tweaking dials pretty much non-stop until harvest. Regardless, whatever cut I was given from CloneySoprano labeled as ASS, still does not have any skunk spray terps now cured several weeks. Definitely funky, bit of citrus, leather, and menthol, but no skunk spray.

My skunkiest strain is definitely Mendo Breath. Everyone thinks it smells like skunk when I bust it out. Sometimes I even agree with that, but like @HolyAngel said, I think I’m just smell-blind from being around weed terps for so long. Probably lots of my stuff is inherently “skunky”.


No I don’t have pictures but I had the cut when Bodhi first let it out. Cannavore knows. He’s the one who passed it out to us. It looked really similar to Hippy slayer and I do have a really old picture of that


I wasn’t trying to be rude, I didn’t even realize that was your picture. But it’s not a contradiction and no need to be defensive. That pictures doesn’t look like ASS. My point was If that is ASS… it would have to had been so poorly grown it looks like a different plant or maybe it even has Hop Latent because it should have way more trichs


I was just yanking your chain. I really could care less about it. She definitely was frosty, sticky, and stinky, just no skunk spray terps anywhere to be found. I assume I don’t have a legit cut of it. But after reading lots of reviews of the legit cut, it doesn’t really sound like anything worth hunting for.

Here’s Cloney growing it, the guy I got it from. Everybody loves to use the flash!


I fully 100% agree with you. Ive been saying the exact same thing and people just brush it off. I know we are right tho.


as a part of my loud skunk project…here is an unexpected nose burner:
(old northern lights x old bc skunk) x 81 road-kill ghani

you never know till it’s properly cured. but this plant is a keeper none the less



I’ve got 2 females from the OG RKS seeds.
They seem to be stable enough. Not seeing any balls as yet but also not much smell. I’ve no idea what week into flower they are but the trichomes are only just starting to show so in the next couple of weeks hopefully they will produce more and the smell will increase

I don’t think I’ve got the RKS but I’ll see the grow through to the end.


Thanks for sharing

Smell in veg and stem rub are key indicators of harvest time.

They look great but if have no smell I wish you the best but doubt you will get what you want. I could be wrong



They just smell green like all my other plants. Trichomes have only just started to show so I think I’m about week 3 of flower. If I notice any strong smells ill 100% report back to this thread. Hey if anything I’ll get some old school skunk weed to smoke. :+1:

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if those are week 3 id like to know what your feeding them lol. mine are 19ish days and dont even have buds yet

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I’m likely wrong about the dates :rofl:
I started them about 4 or 5 weeks after I started my runtz. I really need to buy a calendar.
Being fed megacrop 1 part nutrient.

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Holy shit. This is so fucking cool. Dude …not trying to be weird but you’re a legend in my eyes. This is fucking awesome…I wonder how an RKS nug would smell dried vs cured

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Well. In canada. The clones reeked like the dried bud if you had a room of em

Nevil always said real skunk weed he grew started off more perfumey and turn sour later

There was alot of skunky plants in the 80s and 90s. Like I mean road-kill skunky

I’m fixing on remaking the baseball bat cola one. Or at least the big chunk one



Stop it…my nipz….

Lol…that’s really interesting and I’m definitely saving that in my thought box for later use. I’ve never ever ever smelled something like that. In your wise opinion where can I get something like actual “road kill skunk “ skunk ?

How close can I get in the normal people stores ?

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I got some RKS beans from Kropduster seeds. I popped three of them about three months ago (15 seeds in a 10 seed pack, very nice). Each of the seeds came up in a day or two. The plants were all slow, small and squat. They stretched to only double the size during flower. All three had distinct coloring all female. The buds are extremely resinous, firm and very very sticky. The terps are sweet skunky, fruity skunky up front with a very dirty gym sock deep in the background of the scent. None are the straight skunk I remember from the 90’s. It is surely in there, the skunk, you can smell it but it seems to somehow be holding hands with the more fruity terps like they are fast friends. All three of these plants were beautiful, healthy and had great symmetry. I will run them for clones to see if it changes anything. Sometimes the clones can be a little different, you never know. I’ll keep popping the pack and maybe I’ll get lucky? We will find it!
I’m fresh freezing the buds and sugar leaves for hash. Can’t wait to try it. woot.