Loud (road-kill) skunk

@breadwinner that was me:


What is the most volatile thiol in cannabis?

Or maybe the top five, I don’t know my ass from a hole in the ground, but I wonder if that’s where the sour, skunk, and chem might come from. Or any other truly rank line. The most eye watering type shit

Wake and bake thoughts :relieved:

I feel like I’ve smelled those terps near the Shenandoah but nah, that was probly just a regular polecat lol.

Higher altitude bringing mad uv response driving terp production through the stratosphere?

@dirt_wizard were you the one comparing these volatile compounds “hazing” oxygen out of the area immediately surrounding the drying buds or something? (I’m probably messing that up wordwise)


That was @TomHill


No likely not. Between Bruce Bugbee and a few papers, it seems spectrum and UV have zero to do with terpene/cannabinoid and trichome production. As long as the minimum amount of par/ppfd is supplied, the plant will always produce the same amount of cannabinoids. UV does not seem to make the plant any more potent than without it. I can’t say I’ve seen terpene specific but if the cannabinoids aren’t increasing either… :thinking:





Here’s a real good one! Deep dive PS well it posted funny but the link works it’s a thiol deep dive


The thiol group are sulfer compounds that Can be “stacked” just like how we can “stack” secondary metabolite genes ya know? Like breeding for high THC each generation can accumulate higher and higher quantities of said gene/thiol/oil /terps how ever one might want to say it and don’t go hollering at me about it talk to Cory of sun grown mids at least I think that’s his name :slight_smile: I need weed that improves memory y’all , so if anyone is hording it I will do a seed run ! I need it in my life bad lol PS or was it Trevor? … I don’t know my bad if he reads this lol I meant no harm lol


Sungrownmidz is Trevor Wittke, and there’s probably something about it in here, his GDrive research library he dropped earlier this year, gratuitous linkage:



Dudes, you guys are fucking sick. Thank you.


He has one of the worst reputations of anyone I have heard of. I ended up with a pack and the general consensus was thumbs down on the guy(I have heard some of the seeds are just fine) so I did a halfhearted trade just to be rid of it and the trade somehow turned into drama I didn’t want or need. I think there are lots and lots of superior choices and better values.


To be absolutely clear I have not ran any of copycats stuff myself.

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…and I have seen recently a few breeders latching on to this fact and trying to verse as far back in lineage to the old ghanis…an established breeder I know recently used some fairly dated landrace ghani material and is currently breeding into his lines…and quite notably he reported a bubblegum terp that’s seeming to excite him after many yrs…and its almost popsicle bubblegum its that accrid in terp form…the roadkill terp is definitely out there still…after many yrs I’m convinced it will happen…ppl just have to move away from skunk in title and gene entirely and cross landrace ghani and a variant of a clean chem might be a start…just summising…all your doing with a chem is crossing ghani variants into each other but the terp could appear…and kick like a mule to go with it…its why I stay excited at what I’m currently doing as a test…ghani to agent orange has given me straight Heineken oil rag grease terps which is getting somewhere close to terps I remember…but what a lottery find that would be honestly…I hope this bubblegum terp that’s currently getting a breeder 4 decades in the game silly excited lives up to its history…I really hope so…I like breeders who have vision to make at least some kind of change in the tide…


The last of the Roadkill Kush, she was a treat.


Sweet dude. Thanks for sharing!
How was the nose pungent pheno variation?


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I just hung out with a good friend over the weekend in nanaimo.

3 of his cousins rocked the real road-kill between Kelowna and 100 mile house from 85 to 92

I’m just waiting to get on a conference call with all 3 of them to get an indepth story to trace back to the origins of it in canada

But same story: huge dense neon green colas. Basically 0 larf, super dense donkey dicks

All grown Hydro as she did t like soil



I’ve grown some greenhouse that would rival any indoor Hydro.

Maybe not uv but having a light meter of the charts def does something special :grinning:



A greenhouse light-dep setup should be best of both outdoor and indoor if you do it right. I’d run my hydro in the greenhouse :grin:


The Sun changed from a golden yellow to a almost blinding white. Many will laugh and call me crazy but children used to color the sun yellow in drawings now they don’t draw the Sun at all. Also a secondary object coming in from behind the Sun. Times they are a changin’ and so does the plant. Lucas was showing us something when he depicted 2 Suns in Star Wars. He was showing us the future.


edited…skunk thread…stay on point!!!:eyes::rofl:


Yes it has , it’s a 12000 year cycle, Noah’s flood was the 6000 year half cycle
Maynard from tool said " learn to swim!" PS oh and there are “safe places” that one can get and it’s not for sure going to happen the way they say and I hope you don’t think I’m crazy but I feel you should know that God is going to play a big roll in the events to come and it’s what the devil’s got going on before all that takes place that we got to watch out for! Tyranny oppression and… You know stuff like that :slight_smile: pss sorry it’s way off topic for more info on the subject look into the book of Enoch and the story of the nephilim if you really want to know what’s going on good luck and God speed